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    • 1、19秋福师大学英语(1)在线作业一-0002-参考资料请仔细阅读下面说明再下载:预览的题目和您自己的试题必须完全相同再下载金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题(单选题)Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means_trouble.A、makingB、to makeC、to have madeD、having made参考答案:B第2题(单选题)People appreciate_ with him because he has a good sense of humor.A、to workB、to have workedC、workingD、have working参考答案:C第3题(单选题)It is _ that I am looking for.A、himselfB、heC、himD、he himself参考答案:C第4题(单选题)How are you feeling? Much better. _.A、Thank

      2、s for coming to see me.B、You look great.C、You are so tired.D、Dont mention it.参考答案:A第5题(单选题)The colour _ from yellow through green to black.A、consistsB、constitutesC、composesD、ranges参考答案:D第6题(单选题)That factory _ nearly 50 years ago.A、has been builtB、had builtC、was builtD、has built参考答案:C第7题(单选题)When you read a book in a hurry, you can _ some less important details.A、leaveB、skidC、skipD、skin参考答案:C第8题(单选题)The iron,_, breathes air as we doA、as it wasB、as it wereC、as it isD、as it will参考答案:B第9题(单选题)Since

      3、the cinema was _ , I had to go home to watch TV.A、packedB、crowdedC、filled withD、full of参考答案:B第10题(单选题)It was _fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children.A、such greatB、so greatC、such a greatD、so great a参考答案:A第11题(单选题)Will you lend him a magazine _?A、to be readB、for readingC、to readD、he read参考答案:C第12题(单选题)This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. _.A、You may ask for help.B、Let me give you a hand.C、Please do me a favor.D、Id come to help.参考答案:B第13题(单选题)He was _ the Nobel pri

      4、ze for his new discovery.A、offeredB、informedC、rewardedD、awarded参考答案:D第14题(单选题)Silver is_the best conductor.A、evenB、moreC、veryD、by far参考答案:D第15题(单选题)I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life_so excited.A、did I feelB、I feltC、I had feltD、had I felt参考答案:D第16题(单选题)Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.A、having been finedB、to have been finedC、to be finedD、being fined参考答案:D第17题(单选题)Did you enjoy last nights concert?Yes. Though the last piece_rather poorly.

      5、 A、was playedB、playedC、was playingD、playing参考答案:A第18题(单选题)He said that he _to the United States.A、had never beenB、had never goneC、was neverD、has never been参考答案:A第19题(单选题)A party is the_ activity I want to take part in.A、justB、goodC、mostD、very参考答案:D第20题(单选题)Todays weather isnt as cold as it was yesterday,_ ?A、was itB、wasnt itC、is itD、isnt it参考答案:C第21题(单选题)He thought that _.A、the effort doing the job was not worthB、the effort was not worth in doing the jobC、it was not worth the effort doing the jo

      6、bD、it was not worth the effort by doing the job参考答案:C第22题(单选题)_ in simple English, the book is easy to understand.A、WritingB、WrittenC、To writeD、Being written参考答案:B第23题(单选题)Unlike most Europeans, many Americans _ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.A、used to eatingB、are used to eatingC、are used to eatD、used to eat参考答案:B第24题(单选题)Dont worry. Everything will_in time.A、be finishedB、finishC、finishedD、be finishing参考答案:A第25题(单选题)After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided

      7、 to_.A、withdrawB、resignC、retireD、retreat参考答案:B第26题(单选题)The rising _ of living is as hard on country families as on city families.A、priceB、spendC、expenseD、amount参考答案:C第27题(单选题)It was to save the child_he got drowned.A、thatB、whenC、butD、while参考答案:A第28题(单选题)It is a problem that doesnt need_right now.A、to solveB、solvingC、being solvedD、to be solving参考答案:B第29题(单选题)Please dont _ Bobby when he _ you.A、turn down, turns toB、turn away from, turns intoC、turn off, turns upD、turn out, turns over参考答案:A第30题(单选题)

      8、The class _ over, we had a _discussion.A、been . heatB、being . heatedC、is . heatingD、be . heated参考答案:B第31题(单选题)Silk _ by Chinese for thousands of years now.A、has usedB、has been usedC、was usedD、is used参考答案:B第32题(单选题)The teacher asked us _ so much noise.A、dont makeB、not makeC、not makingD、not to make参考答案:D第33题(单选题)If you_quiet, Ill tell you what happened.A、beB、are to beC、areD、will be参考答案:C第34题(单选题)It was the officer _ informed the village of the danger.A、whichB、thatC、whatD、whether参考答案:B第35题(单选题)It _ whether he will go on with his study at the university.A、hasnt been decidedB、isnt decidedC、hasnt decidedD、doesnt decide参考答案:A第36题(单选题)This test _ a number of multiple -choice questions.A、composed ofB、composes inC、consi


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