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    • 1、carried out practice line pioneer standard, and post spurs members concentrated service months, activities, education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity, based job post, active play role. To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation, target the problems to, based on the work done. Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations, grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education,

      2、making education more ground, full of vitality, good effect. Finally, highlight the normal long-term. To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education, with long flowing, continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the partys ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization. With the party branch as the base unit. Play the role of party branches should be, is the key to educational success. Each branch must take strict e

      3、ducation and management responsibility of party members, education based on learning to make specific arrangements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensure the Organization in place, measures in place, put in place. To the party organization as the basic form. In the standardized development of learning, make learning more effective efforts, and will adhere to the good party group, organized party, party members and the General Assembly, tell a good party

      4、 lectures, can drive a good topic about, prevent showy without substance, Sham mules. To implement the education management system for basic support. Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations, the real performance criteria and order established, sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members, to further improve the dredge export team, pure self cleaning mechanism. Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system, t

      5、o which branch of learning exchanges, participation in a dual organization with comrades. Focus on recurrent education, you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations. Now, the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax, first Secretary of the village, but conversion requires a process. Recently, the citys party organization focused investigation, check out a total of lost members 4,507, Pocket members 1037, find there are 640 lost part

      6、y members are not contacted 148 Pocket party members and implementation of organizational relationships. Educational management of party members into the Organization, there is a lot of work to do. Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task, finish perfect organization, with a good team, Good system. Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations, to be dealt with first in place, further education, reorganization, transformation and educational interaction. In short,

      7、 through solid and effective work initiatives全国2009年1月高等教育自学考试国际贸易理论与实务试题课程代码:00149一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是最符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.在国际分工的萌芽阶段,国际分工主要出现在( )A.工业国与工业国之间B.发达国家与发展中国家之间C.宗主国和殖民地之间D.发展中国家和发展中国家之间2.世界贸易组织的贸易政策评审机构是( )A.部长会议B.总理事会C.分理事会D.秘书处3.国际锡协定的经济条款采用的规定方法是( )A.缓冲存货B.出口限额C.多边合同D.出口限额和缓冲存货相结合4.在规模经济条件下,以高于边际成本的价格出口商品的商品倾销方式为( )A.暂时倾销B.偶然性倾销C.掠夺性倾销D.长期性倾销5.进口商品加工后大多在区内使用,只有少数用于再出口的经济特区是( )A.自由边境区B.出口加工区C.保税区D.过境区6.比较成本理论的提出者是( )A.马歇尔B.俄林C.亚当斯密D.大卫李嘉图

      8、7.二战以后,国际分工格局中居于主导地位的是( )A.发展中国家和发展中国家之间的分工B.发达国家与发展中国家之间的分工C.宗主国和殖民地之间的分工D.工业国与工业国之间的分工8.根据要素禀赋说,一国应该生产和出口( )A.丰裕要素密集型产品B.稀缺要素密集型产品C.生产成本低的产品D.绝对成本低的产品9.世界贸易组织建立于( )A.1948年B.1956年C.1982年D.1995年10.在用专断的海关估价来限制商品进口的国家中,最为突出的是( )A.英国B.美国C.德国D.日本11.下列关税中属于滑动关税的是( )A.特惠税B.最惠国税C.差价税D.普惠税12.剔除了价格变动的影响,单纯反映对外贸易数量规模的指标是( )A.对外贸易额B.对外贸易量C.贸易差额D.对外贸易依存度13.某出口商以电报形式向进口商发盘,但在发盘到达进口商之前又以传真告知进口商此发盘无效,此行为属于( )A.发盘的撤回B.发盘的修改C.有效接受D.发盘的撤销14.制定国际贸易术语解释通则的国际组织是( )A.国际法协会B.世界银行C.国际商会D.联合国贸易署15.根据2000年通则的解释,采用CPT术语时

      9、,买卖双方风险划分的界限是( )A.装运港船舷B.货交承运人C.目的地D.目的港船上16.上海出口摩托车一批,水运至新加坡,中方办理出关手续,外方办理进关手续,价中不含运保费,按以上交易条件,适用的贸易术语是( )A.FOB上海B.CIF新加坡C.CFR上海D.FCA新加坡17.我方欲进口一套机电设备,一般应选用的品质表示方式是( )A.凭样品买卖 B.凭等级买卖C.凭规格买卖 D.凭说明书买卖18.跟单信用证统一惯例对于“约量”的解释为变动幅度不超过( )A.3B.5C.10D.1519.国际贸易中,仅次于海洋运输的主要运输方式是( )A.航空运输B.邮包运输C.铁路运输D.管道运输20.在国际贸易中不能流通转让的提单是( )A.清洁提单B.记名提单C.不记名提单D.指示提单21.某提单的收货人栏填写“凭指定(To order)”字样,此提单是( )A.记名提单B.不记名提单C.指示提单D.舱面提单22.根据我国海运货物保险条款规定,承保范围最小的基本险是( )A.平安险B.水渍险C.一切险D.罢工险23.船舶在海运途中着火,船长下令往船舱内灌水灭火,导致舱内部分货物被水浸湿报废,此项损失属于( )A.实际全损B.推定全损C.单独海损D.共同海损24.以付款时间不同为分类标准,如某公司签发了一张汇票,上面注明“At 90 days af


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