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    • 1、,高考写作24个话题科技发展 【话题词汇】 1environment n 环境 2construction n. 建筑 3condition n. 情况,状态;条件 4quality n. 质量 5communication n. 通讯;交流 6convenient adj. 方便的,7comfortable adj. 舒适的 8automatic adj. 自动的 9harmonious adj. 和谐的 10predict v. 预测 11realize v. 实现,意识到 12live a/an.life 过的生活 13living standard 生活水平 14be satisfied/content with 对感到满意,【美文佳作】 (2017南阳期中质量评估)假定你是李华,对中国传统医药很感兴趣。你获悉中国药学家屠呦呦因发现了青蒿素被授予2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。请给你的美国朋友David发一封邮件分享此消息。信件须包括以下内容: 心情:骄傲和激动。 评价:她找到了治疗疟疾的方法,数千万人从中受益。 志向:立志考入屠呦呦的母校北大,造福人民。 注意:1.词数100

      2、左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已为你写好。,参考词汇: 1药学家:pharmacologist 2青蒿素:artemisinin 32015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖:The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 4疟疾:malaria,Dear David, _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, Li Hua,One possible version: Dear_David, I would like to share a piece of exciting news with you. Tu Youyou,a great pharmacologist of my country,was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery of artemisinin.Hearing_the_news,I_felt_proud_as_well_as_excited.She pioneered a new approach

      3、to malaria treatment.Her discovery has benefited hundreds of millions of people and promises to benefit many more.,I have been interested in Chinese traditional medicine.I_will_work_hard_to_be_admitted_to_Beijing_University,from_which_Tu_Youyou_graduated.I will follow her example,devoted to benefiting as many people as possible. Yours, Li_Hua,【佳句仿写】 1他仔细读书时,发现了一些从前不知道的东西。 _,he found something he had not known before. 2艾瑞克接受一年电脑培训后,在一家大公司找到了工作。 Eric received training in computer for one year,_. 【

      4、答案】 1.Reading carefully 2after which he found a job in a big company,词汇突破 1patient adj.有耐心的;能容忍的n.病人 Shes very patient with young children. 她对幼儿特别有耐心。 She sat patiently waiting for her turn. 她耐心地坐着等候轮到自己。 Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest. 萨拉对他们那种缺乏兴趣的做法越来越不能容忍了。 He worked hard with patience. 他耐心地努力工作。,【归纳拓展】,用patient的适当形式填空 She was usually _ with her students and never made them disappointed. Hes a good teacher,but he doesnt have much _ with the slower pupils.

      5、Id been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting _. 【答案】 patient patience impatient,高考链接 (2016新课标卷,D) Evaluate its harm to_(patient) 【答案】 patients,2appreciate vt.感激;欣赏;赏识 I would appreciate your sharing your umbrella with me. I would appreciate it if you share your umbrella with me. 你能让我与你一起用你的伞的话,我将十分感激。 Young children often appreciate modern pictures better than adults. 小孩对现代画比成年人更有鉴赏力。 Her talent for music was not appreciated. 她的音乐才能无人赏识。,【归纳拓展】 appreciation n欣赏;赏识;感激 appreciate sth.欣赏,感激

      6、某事 appreciate sb.重视某人 I would appreciate it if.如果的话我将十分感激,多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 I dont appreciate _(treat) like a secondclass citizen. He expressed his _(appreciate) for what she had done. Id appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. He is given a rise in appreciation _ his excellent work.,(2)同义句改写 I would be grateful to you for turning off the lights.(用appreciate改写) _ 【答案】 (1)being treated appreciation it of (2)Id appreciate it if you would turn off the lights.,3ad

      7、mit vt.& vi.承认;容许 He admitted having done wrong.他承认做了错事。 He admitted to stealing.他承认偷过东西。 He was admitted as a member of the Communist Youth League. 他入团了。 This ticket admits two people to the football match. 这张票可供两人入场看足球赛。 【归纳拓展】 admit(doing) sth.承认(做过)某事 admit that.承认 admit sb.to be承认某人是 admit.to/into.接纳;许可进入 admit of有可能;容许有的余地 be admitted to/into被接受入学、入院等,多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 Joe is proud and stubborn,never _(admit) he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame. He admitted _(cheat) in th

      8、e exam. We all admit him _(be) foolish. Do they charge for _(admit)?,(2)单句改错 He admitted us to enter the building._ He was admitted a member of the club._ 【答案】 (1)admitting cheating/having cheated to be admission (2)去掉enter admitted后加as,4respect vt.& n尊敬;尊重 They treated me with respect.他们对我很敬重。 They have a great respect for his ability. 他们十分尊重他的才能。 Give my respects to your parents.代我向你的父母问候。,【归纳拓展】 (1)respect sb./sth for sth. 因某事尊敬或敬重某人/某物 respect oneself 自尊;自重 (2)show/have respect for 对表示尊重,尊敬 out of ones respect 出于对的尊敬 (3)give/send ones respects to 代某人向问候 in respect of 关于,就而言 (4) with respect to 关于一事;就事而言 (5)in all respectsin every respect 在各方面,完成句子 All of us respect Premier Wen _ his loyalty and diligence though he has retired backstage. 尽管温总理已退居幕后,我们大家都因他的忠诚和勤奋而尊敬他。 If we want to win friends, if we want to _, we have to win medals. 如果我们想赢得朋友,如果我们想赢得尊重,我们必


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