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    • 1、密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20090072 经济学硕士学位论文 区域经济发展中主次城市群模式的研究 学 位 申 请 人:张帆 指 导 教 师:程长羽 教授 学 位 类 别:经济学硕士 学 科 专 业:国民经济学 授 予 单 位:河北大学 答 辩 日 期:二零一二年五月二十日 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C: NO: 20090072 A Dissertation for the Degree of M.Economics The Development Model of Primary and Sub- urban agglomeration in Regional Economic Development Candidate: Zhang Fan Supervisor: Prof. ChengChangyu Academic Degree Applied for: Master of economics Specialty: National Economics University: Hebei University

      2、Date of Oral Examination: May, 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 主次城市群是城市化发展到一定阶段的产物,是协调区域经济的重要模式之一。对 世界城市化发展进程的分析表明,构建区域性城市群已经成为世界经济发展的趋势。我 国“十二五”规划对区域经济一体化和乡镇经济发展,都做出了明确的指示。主次中心 城市的发展在打破行政壁垒、合理配置资源、优化产业结构方面有着不容忽视的作用。 我国经济发展的主要模式依旧是卫星城模式, 但对长三角和珠三角城市群的分析可以看 出,发展次中心城市已成为趋势。河北省保定市于 2008 年制定的“一主三次”战略, 正是响应了“十二五”号召,以市区为依托,构建定州、涿州和白沟温泉城三个次中心 城市。本文正是以此为背景,对主次城市群模式进行系统全面的分析,明确其对区域经 济发展的影响。 本文以城市发展理论和区域经济理论为基础,对主次城市群形成机制进行分析,在 论证了保定市发展主次城市群的必要性和可行性的基础上, 分析出城市群构建过程中可 能遇到的问题并制定出促进区域经济发展的对策建议。 论文首先分析了区域城市发展的 相关理论和概念,为文章构建了理

      3、论框架。其次对国内外城市群的发展模式进行剖析, 通过纽约、东京和巴黎这三大世界性城市群和我国长三角、珠三角城市群的发展变化分 析,引出城市群从城市化发展初期到最终形态的几种模式,并重点探讨了卫星城和多中 心模式的区别与联系。然后从区域发展的必然性、主次城市群的作用和特点等方面分析 了主次城市群的形成机制,并以保定市为例,利用集中度和首位度理论,并通过引力模 型和断裂点模型对次中心进行关联度和可行性分析,明确保定“一主三次”战略的正确 性。最后,通过实证分析过程,找出发展主次城市群面临的问题,并对此提出了可行性 建议:对区域进行有限扩展,并充分利用比较优势,自主创新,提高城市内在质量,完 善城市承载功能,实现区域经济可持续发展。 关键词 城市化 城市群 次中心城市 “一主三次”战略 区域经济发展 Abstract II Abstract Primary and sub-urban agglomeration is a product of urban development to a certain stage. It is one of the important models for

      4、 the coordination of the regional economy. Building a regional urban agglomeration has become the trend of world economic development according World Urbanization analysis for the development process. In the “12th Five-Year Plan“ of China made clear instructions on the regional economic integration and township economic development. The development of primary and secondary central cities in breaking down the administrative barriers, the rational allocation of resources, and optimization of indus

      5、trial structure can not be ignored. The main mode of Chinas economic development is still the satellite city mode, but the analysis of the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration can be seen, the development of the central city has become a trend. Baoding, Hebei Province made the “one main and three strategic“ developments in 2008 to develop the response to the “12th Five-Year Plan“ called, in the urban area as the basis, three times the central city building Dingzhou, Zhuo

      6、zhou and Baigou Hot Springs. This article is against this background, systematic and comprehensive analysis of primary and secondary urban agglomeration model, a clear impact on regional economic development. Urban development theory and regional economic theory to analyze the formation mechanism of primary and secondary urban agglomerations, in Baoding necessity and feasibility of the development of primary and secondary urban agglomeration on the basis of analysis of the build process of urban

      7、 agglomerations may problems encountered and to develop countermeasures and suggestions for promoting regional economic development. The paper first analyzes the regional urban development theories and concepts to build a theoretical framework for the article. Secondly, to analyze the mode of development of the domestic and international cities base through the development and changes of these three cosmopolitan city of New York, Tokyo and Paris group and Chinas Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River

      8、city group, leads to the city group from the early stages of Abstract III development of urbanization to The final form of several models, and focus on the satellite towns and the multi-center mode. Analyzes the formation mechanism of the group of primary and secondary cities from the inevitability of regional development, the roles and characteristics of the primary and secondary urban agglomerations, and Baoding, for example, the use of concentration and first-degree theory, and by the gravity

      9、 model and exercise points model for sub-centers associated degree and feasibility analysis, correctness clear Baoding three strategies. Finally, through empirical analysis process to identify the problems faced by the development of primary and secondary urban agglomerations, and put forward feasible suggestions: limited expansion of the region, and take advantage of comparative advantage, innovation, improve the intrinsic quality of the city, improve the city carrying functions to achieve sustainable regional economic development. Key words: urbanization, urban agglomeration, sub-regional center, “one main and three strategic” regional economic development. 目 录 4 目 录 第 1 章 绪论1 1.1 研究背景与意义


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