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    • 1、2019/11/13,1,高三英语专题复习,书 面 表 达,2019/11/13,2,英语基本句型-1 主系表句型,2019/11/13,3,一、系动词的分类: 常见的系动词大致可分为三类: 第一类:表示状态或特征的,有be, seem, appear, smell, taste, sound, look, feel, turn out,prove等。,2019/11/13,4,第二类:表示从一种状态到另一种状态的变化,有become, get, grow, turn, fall, go,come, 等。,2019/11/13,5,第三类:表示保持状态的,有keep,remain, stay等。,2019/11/13,6,系动词后的表语可以是名词、形容词、副词、数词、代词、介词短语、分词、动名词、 不定式、从句。,2019/11/13,7,1.Our school changed more and more beautiful .,正: Our school is becoming more and more beautiful .,巩固练习,True or False:,2019/1

      2、1/13,8,2.If you can come ,we will very happy.,/,be,2019/11/13,9,3.Some people against the rule.,/,are,2019/11/13,10,英语基本句型-2主谓结构 如:The sun rises. Tom has already left.,2019/11/13,11,如: 1. The red sun rises in the east. 2. So they had to travel by air or boat. 3.We got up early so as to catch the first bus. 5. He came back when we were eating.,2019/11/13,12,巩固练习:,1.他急急忙忙地去学校了 2狄更斯死于1870年。(Dickens) 3.我们骑自行车去那里。,He went to school in a hurry.,Dickens died in 1870.,We went there by bike .,2019/11/13,

      3、13,英语基本句型-3 主谓宾结构,2019/11/13,14,如:1. Tom made a hole in the wall. 2. I dont know if he can come tomorrow. 3. She stopped teaching English two years ago. 4. It took them ten years to build the dam. 5. Mother promises to give me a present.,2019/11/13,15,巩固练习:,1.We must be protect wild animals.,True or False:,2019/11/13,16,2他想知道鸟为什么不高兴。,He wondered why the bird was unhappy.,2019/11/13,17,英语基本句型4 双宾语结构,He brings me cookies every day.,2019/11/13,18,但若要先说出直接宾语(事物),后说间接宾语(人),则要借助于介词to或for。如: He brings

      4、cookies to me every day. She made a beautiful dress for me.,2019/11/13,19,1.Johnson 先生去年教我们德语。,巩固练习:,Johnson taught us German last year.,2019/11/13,20,2我想告诉你们一个好消息。,I want to tell you a good news.,/,I want to tell you a piece of good news.,2019/11/13,21,3.宠物能给老年人带来快乐。,Pets can bring happiness to old people.,2019/11/13,22,可以用做宾补的有: 名词,形容词,副词,介词短语,动词不定式,分词等。如:,英语基本句型5 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补,2019/11/13,23,如: The sun keeps us warm. I heard him singing. You must get your hair cut. They made Tom monitor.,2019/11

      5、/13,24,用 it 做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放到宾语补足语的后面,以使句子结构平衡,是英语常用的句型结构方式。即:主语+谓语+it+宾补+真正宾语。如: I found it very pleasant to be with your family.,2019/11/13,25,1当我遇到困难时,你鼓励我不要放弃。,When I was in trouble ,you encouraged me dont give up.,not to,2019/11/13,26,2.越来越多的国际合作使我们必须学好英语。,More and more international cooperations make us must learn English well.,2019/11/13,27,More and more international cooperations make it necessary for us to learn English well.,2019/11/13,28,3.我们把每天早晨5点钟起床作为一种规定。,We make it a rule to get up

      6、 at 5 in the morning.,2019/11/13,29,英语基本句型6 There be 句型 “there+ be+主语+状语”, there 仅为引导词,并无实际语意。,2019/11/13,30,此句型有时不用be动词,而用 live, stand, lie, come, go, exist等。如: There stands a hill in the middle of the park. Once upon a time there lived an old king in the town.,2019/11/13,31,be 与其后的主语在人称和数量上一致,有 时态和情态变化。如: 现在有 过去有 将来有,there is/are ,there was/were,there will be;there is /are going to be.,2019/11/13,32,现在已经有 可能有. 肯定有,there has/have been,there may/might be,there must be /there must have been.,2019

      7、/11/13,33,过去曾经有 似乎有 碰巧有,there used to be ,there seems/seemed to be ,there happens/happened to be,2019/11/13,34,1香港有238个岛。 There have 238 islands in HongKong.,are,True or False,2019/11/13,35,2_(有许多有利条件)about monthly elections of class leaders。,There are many advantages,2019/11/13,36,3._(应该有一个限制)to the time children spend watching TV.,There should be a limit,2019/11/13,37,4.In our school_ 有三座教学楼.,there stand three teaching buildings.,2019/11/13,38,Homework: 写作训练: 报纸上有人想寻找一位网友,你有意, 给她写一封信,告诉她,你的情况

      8、, 你的家庭 ,学校生活.,2019/11/13,39,Dear friend , I cant wait to write to you. Having known that you are looking for a pen-friend, I am very eager to be friends with you. I just graduated from a middle school. I am 18 years old. There are four people in my family. My mother is a worker. My father is a doctor. My sister is a student. My school is beautiful. I also want to look for a pen-friend. I am interested in stamp -collecting. I am waiting for your answer . Best wishes ! Yours truly, Li Hua,2019/11/13,40,Thank you!,


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