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    • 1、陕西省榆林二中2018-2019学年高一英语上学期月考试题(无答案) 时间:120分钟 满分:150 分第二部分 阅读理解(共2节,满分40分)第1节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIf you want to become a fluent English speaker you should take some advice: There are four skills in learning English. They are reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The most important thing you must remember is that if you want to improve your speaking and writing skills you should first master the skills of reading and listening.Read as much as you can. But yo

      2、ur reading must be active. It means that you must think about the meaning of the sentence, the meaning of the unfamiliar words, etc. There is no need for you to pay much attention to grammars or try to understand all the unfamiliar words you come across, but the fact that you see them for the first time and recognize them whenever you see them, for example in other passages or books, is enough. It would be better to prepare yourself a notebook so you can write down the important words or sentenc

      3、es in it.As for listening, there are two choices: besides reading, you can listen every day for about 30 minutes. You can only pay attention to your reading and become skillful at your reading, then you can catch up on your listening. Since you have lots of inputs in your mind, you can easily guess what the speaker is going to say. This never means that you should not practice listening.For listening you can listen to cartoons or some movies that are specially made for children. Their languages

      4、are easy. Or if you are good at listening you can listen to VOA or BBC programs every day. Again the thing to remember is being active in listening and preferably taking some notes.If you follow these pieces of advice, your speaking and writing will improve automatically(自动地), and you can be sure that with a little effort they will become perfect.21According to the author, which should you improve first among the four skills?( )AReading and listening. BReading and writing.CWriting and speaking.

      5、DSpeaking and listening.22The underlined phrase “come across” in the second paragraph can probably be replaced by “_”Adislike B. meet Chear Dlook for23To improve your reading, when you read you should _.Alook up all the new words in the dictionary Bthink about what you are reading actively Cspend more time studying grammars Dcopy as many words and sentences as possible .24The passage is mainly about how to_Achoose suitable listening materialsBdeal with new words in readingCimprove your English a

      6、s quickly as possibleDbecome fluent in speaking and writing English BItll soon be the birthday of one of my closest friends, Susie. I still cannot decide what to give her. Shes a rare friend because she has been there for me all the time whenever I need a friend to talk to. I can always depend on her to be the first to arrive to give me advice when I have problems. I guess I am so lucky to have her as a friend.Its more than seven years since I first met Susie in our school. I joined the theater

      7、group and she was a director then. At first I thought she was intimidating(吓人的) but in the end I realized that she needed to keep a strict image(形象) in order for her actors and actresses to take her seriously. And then during practice I got a chance to know her better. In fact, she was a friendly and warm-hearted person. Soon we become good friends.I dont know exactly what to give my friend on her birthday as I believe she has everything. So its really hard to buy her a gift she will like. This

      8、year I want something different and special but I dont know what to give. One day I searched the Internet without any purpose and to my surprise there is a really lovely site where you can buy all kinds of gifts.I scanned some of their items and I found cool and exciting gifts. I chose a special personalized bracelet(手镯). Im sure that this will look perfect on her. I put our names as part of the design of the bracelet so that itll remind us that well forever be friends. I cant wait to give her m

      9、y gift but I wont tell her yet. I dont want to destroy the surprise.25. Why does the author consider Susie as a rare friend?A. Susie is good at solving problems. B. She and the author have lots of things to talk about.C. Susie is a friendly and warm-hearted person. D. She can always offer help when the author is in need.26. Finally the author found a nice gift for her friend_A. with the help of somebody else B. while going onlineC. while doing shopping in a store D. without difficulty27. The author wanted to put her and her friends names in the bracelet in order to _.A. give her friend a big surprise B. make the present more specialC. remind her friend of their difference between them. D. make her friend remember their friendsh


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