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高中英语 Unit 11 Themedia-Communication Workshop Culture Cornerand Bulletin Board自我小测 北师大版必修4

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  • 上传时间:2019-11-12
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    • 1、Unit 11 Themedia-Communication Workshop Culture Cornerand Bulletin Board.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子1He may not like my visit,but I shall go and see him a_.2Joan ran a_ to take photos for us as we crossed the bridge.3Please decide whether the following statements are true or f_.4In total,45 percent of adults in Britain are exposed to t_ smoke at home.5Im sorry to i_ your meeting,but may I speak with you for a moment?.用所给词的适当形式填空1Our review of this weeks papers is presented by an _(edit)from China Daily.2He g

      2、ave up smoking and drinking,because he had realized that smoking and drinking is _(harm)to health.3Our house is smaller than _(you)but I think the garden is bigger.4The old nurse has served the family _(faith)for thirty years.5There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthened(加强) _(environment)protection.6Where the rate of _(employ)and crime is high,it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.7I refuse _(spend)the next three days fighting with you.用正确的介词或副词填空1Our pla

      3、n _ a football match was thwarted by the heavy rain.2Mark felt very comfortable in his new job,right _ the beginning.3Too much sugar can be harmful _ childrens teeth.4The advertising campaign didnt have much effect _ sales.5We need positive and negative feedback _ our products from customers.6Now that you are a senior high student,you should learn to be independent _ your parents help.7They went ahead _ the plan to build a dam on the small river.8I feel I would fit in well as part of the club,an

      4、d look _ to joining you.请将下列七个句子按照正确的顺序组成一篇完整的短文(提示:利用连接词前后的语义关系)1Thus drivers will be encouraged to park where there is room,and go downtown by bus.2Besides this,parking has become more difficult and the streets are blocked by parked cars.3Nowadays people prefer to use private cars to go downtown because it is more convenient.4First of all,public transports should be improved and made cheaper.5However,there are solutions to these problems,which would improve the quality of life in our cities.6I

      5、n addition,free parking lots should be built outside the city.7As a result,there are traffic jams which block the streets and cause problems for both drivers and pedestrians.The right order:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ .书面表达请根据下列提示,给China Daily的编辑写一封信,介绍保护珍稀动物的意义和必要性,并呼吁采取有效措施保护它们。1指出动物与人类的关系,珍稀动物存在的意义;2指出人类对待动物的不友好态度,并分析产生这种态度的原因;3希望唤起人们对动物的关爱和保护。要求:1内容按照所给提示适当发挥;2词数120左右,开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。Dear Editor,_Best wishes,Yours faithfully,Li Hua参考答案.1答案:anyhow 2答案:ahead3答案:false 4答案:tobacco5答案:interrupt .1答案:editor2答案:

      6、harmful 3答案:yours4答案:faithfully 5答案:environmental 6答案:unemployment 7答案:to spend .1答案:for2答案:from3答案:to 4答案:on 5答案:on6答案:of 7答案:with 8答案:forward.答案:3725461.【写作指导】本文要求写一封书信,信的开头、结尾、落款均已给出,因此无需考虑格式的问题。主要的工作是把信的正文部分写好。根据题目要求,我们可以参照下面的层次构建正文的框架。1以提问的方式开头,引起读者的注意;2阐述动物和人类的关系,表明人和动物可以相互依存,和平共处;3描述现实生活中人们对待动物的不良行为并分析原因;4呼吁大家爱护动物。参考范文:Dear Editor,What will life be like without animals?Animals are close friends of human beings.Their existence,especially the existence of rare animals makes the whole world

      7、lively and colourful.Unfortunately,we have heard so much news recently that rare animals,even those kept in the zoo,couldnt escape being hurt,even killed,at which we can feel nothing but shocked.The reason why it happened is that some people lack understanding about these animals and dont care for them.Therefore,we should study and publicize the information about rare animals,and keep it in mind that protecting animals is the duty of everyone.At the same time,we should take active and effective measures to protect them.After all,protecting animals is protecting ourselves.Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Hua任务型阅读在江苏高考英语试题中占有较大比重,考题形式以表格形和树状形为主,文章体裁以议论文、说明文为主,文章篇幅往往较长,阅读量大,但结构清晰。该题型综合性很强,思维含量较高,答案既要忠实于原文,又要不局限于原文,原词填空题和词性、词形变换题在逐渐减少,通过归纳总结得出答案的题逐渐增多,另外还有推断作者意图和态度的考题,这必将增加该题型的难度,所以得分一直偏低5

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