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    • 1、 谋学网【奥鹏】天津大学2019年秋季考试大学英语(专)在线考核试题试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,If he _such a good chance, he would have planned to learn more.A、was givingB、had givenC、had been givenD、was to give正确答案:C第2题,The students were a little bored _ the lesson today.A、atB、forC、with正确答案:C第3题,Can I borrow a book from the library? - ( )A、Yes, you can.B、No, you can not.C、How long will you lend it?D、You may?正确答案:A第4题,He has spent five years _ the novel.A、at writingB、to writingC、in writingD、write正确答案:C第5题,All the members of his family ca

      2、me home _ Christmas.A、forB、fromC、in正确答案:A第6题,If youre going to come, please let me know _.A、beforeB、in aheadC、in advance正确答案:C第7题,Its cold in here. Do you mind if I close the door? _.A、With pleasureB、Yes, pleaseC、Of course notD、Thank you正确答案:C第8题,Mr Manning _ in Paris today and tomorrow.A、workB、workingC、is working正确答案:C第9题,I was busy with my paper when I heard someone_in the room above.A、moving onB、moving offC、moving upD、moving about正确答案:D第10题,-How was the journey to London? -_.A、It went very we

      3、llB、It was a nine-hour plane journeyC、I flew thereD、I was very well正确答案:A第11题,He couldnt _ the trip because he had no money.A、makeB、takeC、goD、get正确答案:A第12题,It is a bad habit to ( ) others.A、make a fun ofB、make fun toC、make up forD、make fun of正确答案:D第13题,Boggis little secret was that she wanted to see herself the_girl.A、twelve years oldB、twelve year oldC、twelve-year-oldD、twelve-years-old正确答案:C第14题,He _ out with his friends last weekend.A、goB、wentC、was going正确答案:B第15题,I prefer the TV_the radio.A、to

      4、B、onC、atD、with正确答案:A第16题,We _ a chess competition tonight.A、have hadB、haveC、are having正确答案:C第17题,A lecture hall is_where students attend lectures.A、thereB、whichC、oneD、that正确答案:C第18题,London is _ capital of Britain, and it is _ great city, too.A、a, theB、the, /C、the, a正确答案:C第19题,Each student will be provided _ a computer.A、withB、forC、at正确答案:A第20题,I know this is the secret between you and me, and I promise never to_it to anyone else.A、mentionB、talkC、speechD、announce正确答案:A第21题,_ stole his camera whil

      5、e he is lying on the beach.A、AnyoneB、SomeoneC、Everyone正确答案:B第22题,You can see McDonalds almost _ in the world.A、somewhereB、nowhereC、everywhere正确答案:C第23题,_these children know the answer.A、MostB、SomeC、Most ofD、Few正确答案:C第24题,Ann is studying_at university.A、politicB、politicsC、politicianD、political正确答案:B第25题,Before she began to study at Beijing University, she_in a factory for five years.A、had workedB、workedC、has workedD、would work正确答案:A第26题,I go swimming on _ Thursdays for two hours.A、/B、aC、an正确答案:A第

      6、27题,_you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.A、NotB、AfterC、TillD、Until正确答案:D第28题,Please give me a hand to print out the report, wont you? - ( )A、Of course I will.B、Youre welcome.C、You are so kinsimpleChoice identifier=3/E.Dont mention it.正确答案:A第29题,He works in the same company _ I do.A、whichB、thatC、asD、like正确答案:C第30题,She paid the builder _ the gate.A、to repairB、repairC、repairingD、repaired正确答案:A第31题,This radio is _ than that one.A、more expensiveB、very expensiveC、as expensive正确答案:A第32题,I

      7、f the man _ succeed, he must work as hard as he can.A、hasB、is toC、is going toD、should正确答案:B第33题,He is looking forward_his thesis.A、to writeB、to writingC、in writingD、on writing正确答案:B第34题,What would you like, tea or coffee? - _.A、Yes, I wouldB、Coffee, pleaseC、Yes, pleaseD、Its very nice正确答案:B第35题,He was_about his new job.A、over the moonB、on the moonC、off the moonD、above the moon正确答案:A第36题,Cities attract people because of the _ for labour in the manufacturing and service industries.A、requirementB、callC、interestD、demand正确答案:D第37题,Money isnt _.A、anythingB、somethingC、everything正确答案:C第38题,Because of the illness, she _ in bed for a few months.A、was keepingB、keptC、was kept正确答案:C第39题,If I dont have to work late on Friday, I might _ dancing with friends.A、playB、getC、go正确答案:C第40题,I prefer classic music_pop music.A、thanB、onC、withD、to正确答案:D第41题,He asked me where _ from.A、did I cameB、I cameC、do I comeD、I come正确答案:B第42题,After they finished _ foot


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