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    • 1、 期中复习默写讲义一(Module 3 Unit 1) Name _一、单词 1、_观察,注意到,观察到2、_空无一人的,荒芜人烟的 3、_坚定地,牢牢地4、_很少地,罕有地5、_结冰, (使)僵住,呆住6、_自信的/自信地7、_亲自,当面8、_(n)志愿,志愿者(v)志愿做9、_另人不愉快的10、_总体的,全面的二、单词拼写1 She g_ at her watch and left in a hurry. 2 Chuck survived the cash and landed on a d_ island. 3 She spoke quietly for f_ of waking the baby up. 4 When electricity was cut off, all the people in the elevator p_. 5 He put forward two suggestions. The l_ sounds much better.6 She leaned over and _(低声说)something in his ear.7 Many people

      2、are against the idea of_(实验)on animals.8 All letters that he has received will be answered _(亲自).9 A team of 200 _(自愿者)arrived in the disaster-stricken area. 10 The number of the students in the area has been_(减少).三、完成句子:1. You must _ _ _ the traffic here. (注意)2.A_ _ _ _ (突然) the lights went out.3.On the way to the station, he _ _(匆匆看) watch.4.C_ _ (与相比) our small flat, Bills house seemed like a palace.5.在老师的帮助下,他的英语取得了很大的进步。_ _ _ of the teacher, he _ _ _ _ _ his English.6. 吃饭的时候,听些宜人的音乐,而不要看电视。

      3、While _ dinner,_ to some enjoyable music_ _ watching TV.7. 我感到如此疲劳,不禁怀疑自己能否到达目的地。I felt _ tired _ I _ _ _ _ or not I could get to my destination. 8. 不要害怕鲨鱼,因为人类被闪电击中的机率比被鲨鱼攻击的可能性要大30 倍。Dont be _ by sharks as there is 30 times _ _ of being hit by lightning _ _ _ by a shark .9. Polly 发现自己正抬头盯着一个人看,那人站着,将手放在她胳臂上。Polly found herself _ _ _a man standing_ _ _ _ on her arm .5. 像我这样的盲人没有帮助是无法过街的,除非是在像这样的大雾里。A blind man _me cant_ _the road without help, _ _ a fog like this .订正栏:期中复习默写讲义二(Module 3 Unit 1)

      4、Name _一、单词1、观察v._2、空无一人的n._3、流血v. _4、自信的adj. _5、试验n. _6、志愿者n. _7、数据n._8、紧张的adj. _9、总体的adj._10、忽视v. _11、目的地n._12、出汗v. _13、临时地adv. _14、凶猛的adj. _15、珠宝n._16、致命的adj._17、避开v. _18、溺死的adj. _19、结冰v. _20、距离n. _二、单词拼写1 This work costs us nothing, its all done by v .2 He m his knife by lifting food with it, leaving his fork aside.3 The headmaster is t busy; he will be able to see you in a minute.4The bear, when cornered, is one of the f of all animals.5 The children p when they realized that they were lost.

      5、6 People can keep in t with each other well through internet.7 A straight line is the shortest d between town points.8 In the fierce fighting, the brave w would not come back from the front.9 They arrived late because their bus got s in the mud on the way here.10 The murdered man had many d enemies.三、完成句子:1.Students achievements _ _ _ _ (与密切相关) how hard they work.2.She f_(呆住) at the sight of the snake.3.When he came to, he _ _ _ _ (发现自己在医院)。4.He turned _ _ _.(气得脸都红了)5.The latter two types of att

      6、ack _ _ _ _ for human.(更可能致命)订正栏:默写材料二答案1.are closely linked to 2.froze 3. found himself in hospital4.red with anger 5. are more likely to be deadly1 volunteers 2 misused 3 temporarily 4 fiercest 5 panicked 6 touch 7 distance 8 wounded 9 stuck 10 deadly期中复习默写讲义三(Module 3 Unit 1)Name _一、短语过关1. _看的到,在视力范围之内 2. _ 盼望,企盼3. _ (手)伸出;伸出(手) 4. _ 抬头凝视5. _留意,留心,密切注意 6. _ 报答;偿还(借款)7. _ 由于而呆住 8. _ 和相关,和有联系9. _ 和有联系的,和有关联的 10. _有意义;有道理,讲得通11. _充分利用 12. _ 忍不住(做某事)13. _ (使)暖和起来; (使)热身 14. _ 突然,猛地15. _ (铃声枪声等)突然响起 16. _ 取得进步17. _ (不小心)撞着某物 18. _ 以为食,吃19. _ 调小;调低;拒绝 20. _讲实话二、单词拼写1 Although she has been a nurse for months, she faints at the s


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