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    • 1、八年级下学期英语培优班资料Unit 1-5班别_ 姓名_一.选择填空( )1. There _ an English party here tomorrow.A. was B. is going to beC. was going to be D. has( )2. Will there be more trees? _.A. Yes, there are B. No, there isntC. Yes, there will D. No, there arent( )3. Im sure there will be _ cars in ten years because more people can afford them.A. fewer B. littleC. more D. less( )4. What should you do when your parents argue _each other?A. for B. atC. toD. with( )5. He found _ very difficult to learn math _.A. that; good B.

      2、 it; goodC. that; well D. it; well( )6. Wheres Jack? We are all here _ him.A. except B. besidesC. about D. with( )7. Do you know where our plane will _?A. go on B. go offC. take off D. take on( )8. When my uncle came to my home, my family _ dinner.A. will have B. were havingC. is having D. are having( )9. You can find _ island. An old man lives _ on it. A. an alone; alone B. a lonely; lonelyC. an alone; lonely D. a lonely; alone( )10. We are supposed _ the lost child at once.A. find B. to find C

      3、. found D. finding( )11. Your father got mad _ you after he saw your poor report card.A. in B. for C. on D. at( )12. He said he was _, but nobody would forgive him.A. crazyB. angryC. sorryD. happy( )13. We _ ourselves if we have the party tomorrow.A. enjoy B. were enjoyingC. will enjoyD. enjoyed( )14. Jim was late this morning. He _.A. explained it the teacher B. explained the teacher C. explained it to the teacherD. explained the teacher to it( )15. We will go to the park if it _ tomorrow.A. wa

      4、snt raining B. doesnt rainC. didnt rain D. wont rain二.完形填空A long time ago, there was a king. He wanted to16 everything in the world, but he was very busy. It was 17 for him to go everywhere to do that. Then he asked some of his ministers (大臣) to 18 him collect all of the knowledge in the world. They traveled around the world and learned about many things. Then they put all of the knowledge into 19 . More than ten years later, they came back and 20 thousands of books to the king. However, the kin

      5、g was too busy to read so many books. It 21 the ministers another ten years to put all of the knowledge in these books into hundreds of books. 22 the king was still very busy, and he was much older than he was twenty years ago. He didnt have enough energy (精力) to 23 these books. This time, his ministers tried their best to put all of these books into one book. It took 4 years again. Unluckily, when they showed it to the king, he was ill. He was so 25 that he couldnt even hold the book. In the en

      6、d, the king didnt learn anything, and he died.( )16. A. play B. know C. make D. look( )17. A. important B. simple C. impossible D. lucky( )18. A. help B. get C. sent D. agree( )19. A. newspapers B. CDs C. tutors D. books( )20. A. sold B. showed C. lent D. compared( )21. A. stopped B. collected C. took D. saved( )22. A. Or B. So C. And D. But( )23. A. write B. buy C. read D. borrow( )24. A. ten B. hundreds of C. five D. thousands of( )25. A. active B. weak C. upset D. excited三.阅读理解Jane was not a

      7、good student. Her head was in the clouds(处于幻想之中的) most of the time. She wanted to listen in class, but other things seemed more important: her clothes, her hairstyle, films and television. Many times she tried to work hard at her lessons, but soon she became absent-minded (心不在焉的).One day, her math teacher gave the class an important lesson and told her students that there would be a test the next week. She helped them review all the week. Jane seemed to listen in class, but her mind went away ag

      8、ain. The day of the test arrived. Jane couldnt answer many of the questions on the exam. Mike, a very hard-working student, sat next to Jane. So Jane decided to cheat. Mike was very angry when he found Jane was copying his answers. He changed all his answers so that they were not right. Before the bell rang, Mike quickly changed his answers back into right ones. After the test, Mike turned to Jane and said, “All those answers you copied from my paper are wrong.”根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(10分)( )26. Jane thought a lot of things EXCEPT _.A. her clothes B. her study C. films and television D. her hairstyle( )27. The math teacher helped her students review for a week because _.A. there


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