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2020版高考英语新精准大一轮江苏专用版练习:必修4 Unit 1 知能演练轻松闯关 含解析

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    • 1、2020版高考英语新精准大一轮江苏专用版练习A卷 单项填空1One important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future _ we can face all the challenges with confidence.Ain thatBeven ifCso that Das ifC解析:考查状语从句。 句意:我们学校的一个重要目的就是让我们为未来做好准备, 以便我们能够满怀信心地面对所有挑战。 根据句意可知, 这里用so that 引导目的状语从句, 表示 “以便”。 2A baby born with the virus that causes AIDS appears _, scientists announced on Sunday, describing it is only the worlds second reported cure.Acured Bbeing curedCto be cured Dto have been curedD解析:考查非谓语动词。 句意: 科学家们星期天宣布: 一个生来就携带艾

      2、滋病病毒的婴儿似乎被治愈了, 这是世界上已报道的第二例。 appear to do sth.是固定句式, 根据句意可知, 这个孩子似乎 “已经被治愈了”, A baby与cure之间是动宾关系并且动作已经完成, 所以选D项。 3Those workers told the reporters that though they were doing dirty and tiring work, they still wanted to work with _Aprivilege BbenefitCdignity DevidenceC解析:考查名词辨析。 句意:那些工人们告诉记者虽然他们干的是脏活累活, 但他们仍然希望能有尊严地工作。 选择dignity “尊严” 符合句意。 privilege “特权”; benefit “利益, 好处”; evidence “证据”。4They have decided to show the children around the small town because the brightly colored houses there _childr

      3、en.Aappeal to Bappeal forCcater to Dcater forA解析:appeal to (sb.) “吸引某人”; appeal for “呼吁”; cater to “迎合; 投合(口味、 爱好)”; cater for “满足的要求”。 根据句意以及空格后的children可判断答案应为A项。5The most important thing to do when _an emergency is _calm.Adealing with; stay Bdealt with; to stayCdeal with; to stay Ddealt with; stayA解析:根据后面的an emergency可判断第一空应用dealing with表主动; 当主语部分含有实意动词do, 后面的不定式作表语时可以省略to。6Due to cultural differences, most artists find it hard to_ Chinese crosstalk to westerners.Aget across Btake overCcome a

      4、cross Dcome overA解析:句意:由于文化差异, 大部分艺术家发现很难把中国的相声传达给西方人。 get across “将传达给某人; 讲清楚”; take over “接管”; come across “偶然发现”; come over “拜访; 突然感到”。 根据句意可知答案为A项。 7(2019盐城中学高三综合测试)Diplomatic communication is ongoing between Beijing and Tokyo_at avoiding a major conflict_the islands, said Shen Shishun, an expert on AsiaPacific studies at Haikou College of Economics.Aaimed; regarding Baiming; consideringCmeant; concerning Daiming; givenA解析:第一空aimed at. “旨在” 作状语; 第二空regardingconcerning介词 “关于”, 作定语修饰conflict。

      5、8More and more students are_reading in our school.Abenefiting from Bcomparing to Cgiving off Dsetting outA解析:句意:在我校, 越来越多的学生正从阅读中受益。 benefit from “从中受益”。 9Smith was overweight, so the doctor urged that not only_have less fat and meat, but also he_Ashould he; take exerciseBought he; take exerciseChe should; takes exerciseDhe ought; takes exerciseA解析:urge后跟宾语从句时, 从句的谓语动词用(should) do。 句意:史密斯太胖, 因此医生敦促他不仅要少食脂肪和肉, 而且要进行锻炼。 10I recommend that the planning_until all the materials have been supplied.Ais

      6、 not started Bwill not be startedCnot be started Dis not to be startedC解析:句意:我建议当所有的材料都准备好以后再开始实施那个计划。 recommend后面的从句谓语动词要用 “should动词原形”, should可以省略, 故选C。 11What about the person? Seldom in all my life_such a_ person.AI met; determiningBI have met; determiningCdid I meet; determinedDhave I met; determinedD解析:seldom是否定副词, 位于句首时句子用部分倒装, 因此排除A、 B两项; 根据句意可知第一个空表示到现在为止的动作, 因此用现在完成时; determined是形容词, 意为“意志坚定的”。12Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating

      7、their children compared with _ of their parents.Athose BoneCboth DthatD解析:考查代词的用法。 句意:十分之九的父母说, 他们教育孩子的方法与自己父母的方法大不相同。 approach此处是特指, 为单数, 故为that代替。 one为同类泛指。 13(2019江苏四市调研)Look, _beautiful flowers_the girl carrying that she becomes the focus in the room.Asuch; is Bso; areChow; is Dwhat; areA解析:句意:看, 那个女孩正拿着如此漂亮的花以至于她变成了房间里的焦点。 根据句型such形容词名词复数/不可数名词助动词主语that.,可知选A。 14(2019淮安中学期中)If you go to the souvenir shops in places of interest, sometimes you cant help _ into buying something fake.Ato persua

      8、de BpersuadingCbe persuaded Dbeing persuadedD解析:考查固定结构。 cant help doing sth. “忍不住做某事”, 且you和persuade是动宾关系, 所以选D。 句意:如果你去风景区的纪念品商店, 有时你忍不住被说服买一些假货。15_ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.ABeing encouraged BEncouragingCEncouraged DHaving encouragedC解析:考查非谓语动词。 句意:受科技进步的激励, 很多农民在他们的土地上建了风力发电场。 C项是过去分词表被动、 完成, 作原因状语, 符合题意; A项是现在分词的被动式, 表示被动和正在进行; B项是现在分词, 表主动和正在进行; D项是现在分词的完成时, 表主动且发生在谓语动词的动作之前。 阅读理解Joseph Goldberger was a doctor for the United States Pub

      9、lic Health Service and he was an advocate for scientific and social recognition of the links between poverty and disease. In 1914, Goldberger was asked by US. Surgeon General Rupert Blue to study a skin disease that was killing thousands of people in the South. The disease was pellagra(糙皮病)Goldberger traveled to the state of Mississippi where many people suffered from pellagra. He studied the victims and their families. Most of the people lived a hard life. The doctor came to believe that the disease didnt pass on from one to another, but was instead r

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