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    • 1、介词的种类,一.表示时间介词,三.表示方位介词,二.表示地点介词,四.表示方法、手段,五.常见介词的搭配,介词 1.是一种用来表示:词与词, :词与句之间的关系的词。 2.在句中不能单独作句子成分 介词 后面一般有:名词、代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语。,介词的含义,on,down,under,up,below,over,above,bewteen,什么是介词?它的作用是什么?,1.Look at me.( ) 2.He goes to school by bike.( ) 3.He is interested in drawing.( ) 4.The book is on the desk.( ),代词,名词,动名词,介词:通常用在_、_、_ 之前,表示某个人、事物/东西、事件与 另一个之间的_。,名词,代词,名词,动名词,关系,介词的主要分类:,1. at the cinema, in the hospital _ 2. Write with a pen, go by bus _ 3. in summer, on Septemper 1st _ 4. by the

      2、 way, at last, in the end _,地点介词,方式介词,时间介词,固定搭配,一.时间介词,1.,注意:at noon 在中午 at night 在夜间 in the morning 在早上 on the morning of July 1st 在七月一日的早上 on a rainy day 在雨天,.地点介词,At: 表示小地方用,In:表示大地方用,一.地点介词,1.at the village , at home, at the corner of the street _ 2.in Shanghai , in the country, in Asia, in the world, in space _ 3. in the box, on the chair, under the desk, next to Kate, on the right of Lucy, in front of the house, behind the door _,表示小地方用at,表示大地方用in,表示不同地方用具体不同的介词,填上正确的地点介词:,1.在广州 _ Guangzho

      3、u 2.在电影院 _ the cinema 3.在湖边 _ the lake 4.在海里 _ the sea 5.树上的苹果 apples _ the tree 6.书上的小鸟 birds _ the tree 7.在天空上 _ the sky 8.在农场上 _ the farm 19.在街道上 _ the street,in,at,at,in,on,in,in,on,in,表示大地方用in,方式介词,使用工具用介词 with,使用器官用介词 with,使用语言用介词 in,使用声音用介词 in,使用方法用介词 in 或 by,二.方式介词,1.write with a pen, cut with a knife, lock with a lock _ 2. see with our eyes, do with our hands, smell with our noses, eat with our mouths _ 3. in English , in French , in your own words, in three language _ 4. in a loud voic

      4、e, in a low voice _ 5. in this way, by this means _,使用工具用介词 with,使用器官用介词 with,使用语言用介词 in,使用声音用介词 in,使用方法用介词 in 或 by,6.by bike, by bus, by train, by plane, by ship, by car (on foot) by land 陆路, by sea 水路,by air 空运 _ 但:on the bike, on the bus, on the train, on the plane, on the ship, in the car 7. Shanghai lies _the east of China.( ) Japan lies _the east of China.( ) Hubei lies _the north of Hunan.( ) 8.in a read coat, the girl in yellow, the boy in white _ 9.lie in bed, after a while, in the sun(

      5、在阳光下) under the sun(天下,世界上;到底,究竟),使用交通工具用 by,in,to,on,在中国内部,在中国外部,两地接壤,表示穿衣服用 in,固定搭配,( ),三.时间介词,1.at six oclock, at noon, at that time, at half past three, at mid-night _ 2.on Sunday, on New Years Day, on March 21st, on my birthday _ 3. in three days, in a week, in a month, in May, in 1998 _ 4. in the morning, in the afternoon , in the evening _ 但: on the morning of May 1st 5. at night = _ _ night 6. in the day = in the _,表示点钟或具体一点时间用 at,表示在某一天用 on,表示大于一天的时间用 in,在早上/下午/傍晚 用 in,in,the,day-time,1

      6、. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive in Paris _ the morning of July 9. A. on B. in C. at 2. The twins were born _ a Friday evening. A. in B. on C. at 3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived _5 oclock _ the morning. A. on, in B. at, in C. at, in 4. We finish our lessons _ 11:30 and then have a rest _ noon. A. in , in B. at ,at C. in, at,2. in + 时间段 在之后(内),多用于将来时 after +时间段 在之后, 多用于过去时 1. Mr Brown has gone to Canada.He will be back _ two weeks. A. for B. after C. in 2. Our manag

      7、er came back _ an hour. A. in B. after C. at,3. for + 时段 since + 时段 + ago since + 时间点 since + 一般过去时句子,常用于现在完成时,1.He came here _ 1992, and he has lived here _ 1992. A. in, for B. in , since C. since, since 2.I have known Li Lei _ over five years. A. in B. since C. for,3. It has been three years since he _ here. A. come B. came C. comes 4. The old man has been away _ two years ago. A. in B. since C. for,4. before 在之前 by 到时为止,不迟于 1.He wont come back _ five . A.before B. after C.by 2.The work must b

      8、e finished _ Friday. A.at B.by C.after 3.We had three meetings _ last Friday. A.in B.before C. by,2. above 在上方 below 在下方,是above的反义词 1. The temperature will fall_zero at night. A.below B.above C.over 2.Suddenly there is a loud voice _ the tree. A.below B.above C.on 3.There is a clock on the wall. Its _ the blackboard. A.on B.in C.above,二.地点介词,1.on 在的上面,与表面接触 over 在的正上方,不接触表面 under 在下面(是on,over的反义词) 1.Look!There is a bridge_the river. A.on B. over C.above 2.Can you see the egg _ the plate? A.on B.in C.over 3.The light_us is very bright. A.over B.under C.on,4.A road is _our cit


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