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    • 1、题目利用兴趣提高中学生英语阅读水平项目设计者北京电大平谷分校Project Title IMPROVING THE MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS READING ABILITY THROUGH THEIR INTERESTSInvestigatorBeijing TV UniversitySubmitted on March 10,2005In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project Design Acknowledgment I am mostly grateful to my supervisor Zheng Yingxiu, whose help and patience made this project get off the ground and come to a close smoothly.I am also grateful to Professor Gu Yueguo, who wrote “Practical Project design” for us and gave us good before

      2、 the project got off the ground, and Professor Liu Yongquan, whose speech had promoted our self-confidence.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained in my mind.Last but not the least, thanks are given to my parents who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project.摘要本文从英语语言教学的角度出发, 研究了中学阅读方面的问题。 与同类研究相比,本文旨在突出研讨中学英语教学中总计教学的重要

      3、性。我们的主要研究目的包括如何利用兴趣有效提高中学英语阅读兴趣爱好水平, 本文共由四个部分组成。我们首先简单介绍了阅读教学中的一般情况, 然后提出了兴趣爱好理论用以验证兴趣爱好同阅读之间的关系。 此外, 我们还讨论了必要的背景知识和阅读技巧与阅读理解和速度之间的关系。最后我们得出了利用兴趣,掌握必要的背景知识和阅读技巧,可以提高学生的阅读水平的结论,以此结束了全篇的讨论,本项研究发现以上三个要素是影响中学生阅读能力的主要因素,本项研究可望对相关研究产生积极影响,这些影响主要体现在通过上述三个因素的控制,我们可以设计一种整合型的教学方案,促进和发展中学阅读教学,提高学生的阅读能力。关键词: 英语阅读, 学习动机, 背景知识, 阅读技巧 语言教学 AbstractI examine the reading issue from a language teaching perspective. Different from previous research, this paper wants to emphasize the importance of motivation in the

      4、study of reading at a middle school. In what follows, I want to know how to enhance the ability of students in reading (reading skills, speed and result). There are four parts in this paper. I start with a brief introduction to reading, then we propose a motivational theory to testify the correlation between interest and reading. An additional discussion of necessary background knowledge, reading skill and speed in reading is also provided. We end the study with the conclusion that students read

      5、ing comprehension can be greatly enhanced by their motivation development, mastering of the necessary background knowledge and skills. I found in our research that there are three major factors influencing learners reading ability. Based on these findings, it may be conduced that if we want to improve students reading ability, we have to first deal with the issue of motivation development, necessary background knowledge and reading skills. Some useful implications obtained from this study includ

      6、e that due attention should be paid to the interplay of the above-mentioned three factors.Key Words: language teaching; motivation; reading training;background knowledge; reading skills.Contents1. Introduction-1 2. Literature Review-13. Problem Analysis-1 4. Project Objective-25. Project Hypothesis-26. Project rational-3 7. Reading Lesson Design -48. Project implementation-59. Data Analysis -610. Evaluation-8 11. Conclusion -8Appendix A Questionnaire One for problem Analysis-9 Appendix B Workshe

      7、et-Note-10 Appendix C Worksheet-guessing the meaning-11Appendix D Worksheet-Filling in the blanks-12 Appendix E Questionnaire Two-the post-trial questionnaire-13Appendix F Teaching Material-14Bibliography-151. Introduction In learning a language, especially a foreign language, reading is a very important link. We can get information from passages through reading; I have taught English in middle schools for three years. In final exams, the marks of reading are about one third of all the marks. Bu

      8、t most of the students are afraid of reading. They are so nervous that they dont want to read the passages as soon as they see them. So they do worse and worse in reading. Some students cant do reading tasks well because of their limited vocabulary, some because of the absence of necessary knowledge background, still many of them dont have the inferring and judging ability according to the context while reading. They know every word of the sentence. Let alone the real meaning according to the whole passage


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