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  • 卖家[上传人]:油条
  • 文档编号:107207971
  • 上传时间:2019-10-18
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:319KB
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    • 1、Efficiency trends in electric machines and drivesEnergy PolicyAlmost all electricity in the UK is generated by rotating electrical generators, and approximately half of it is used to drive electrical motors. This means that efficiency improvements to electrical machines can have a very large impact on energy consumption. The key challenges to increased efficiency in systems driven by electrical machines lie in three areas: to extend the application of variable-speed electric drives into new area

      2、s through reduction of power electronic and control costs; to integrate the drive and the driven load to maximise system efficiency; and to increase the efficiency of the electrical drive itself. In the short to medium term, efficiency gains within electrical machines will result from the development of new materials and construction techniques. Approximately a quarter of new electrical machines are driven by variable-speed drives. These are a less mature product than electrical machines and sho

      3、uld see larger efficiency gains over the next 50 years. Advances will occur, with new types of power electronic devices that reduce switching and conduction loss. With variable-speed drives, there is complete freedom to vary the speed of the driven load. Replacing fixed-speed machines with variable-speed drives for a high proportion of industrial loads could mean a 1530% energy saving. This could save the UK 15billionkWh of electricity per year which, when combined with motor and drive efficienc

      4、y gains, would amount to a total annual saving of 24billionkWh.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Energy consumption3. Current state of the art 3.1. Generation3.2. Electric motors3.3. Power electronic converters3.4. Variable-speed drives3.5. Complete system 3.5.1. Industrial3.5.2. Household3.5.3. Transport3.6. Market barriers4. Future advances to 2050 and beyond 4.1. Key challenges 4.1.1. Extension of application areas4.1.2. Integrated system design4.1.3. Drive efficiency4.2. Key engineering and s

      5、cientific advances 4.2.1. Electrical machines4.2.2. Power electronics and control4.2.3. Integrated systems5. ConclusionsReferencesDesign and implementation of a novel hybrid-electric-motorcycle transmissionApplied EnergyThis hybrid power system incorporates a mechanical type rubber V-belt, continuously-variable transmission (CVT) and chain drives to combine power of the two power sources, a gasoline engine and an electric motor. The system uses four different modes in order to maximize the perfo

      6、rmance and reduce emissions: electric-motor mode; engine mode; engine/charging mode; and power mode. The main advantages of this new transmission include the use of only one electric motor/generator and the shift of the operating mode accomplished by the mechanical-type clutches for easy control and low cost. Kinematic analyses and design are achieved to obtain the size of each component of this system. A design example is fabricated and tested.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Parallel hybrid tr

      7、ansmission3. Kinematic analysis and design 3.1. Speed ratio of the chain drive and final drive3.2. Speed ratio of the CVT3.3. The speed ratio of the hybrid-power system4. Design examples 4.1. Prototype development4.2. Test and experimental results5. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferencesA novel power splitting drive train for variable speed wind power generatorsRenewable EnergyIn this paper a novel electrically controlled power splitting drive train for variable speed wind turbines is presented.

      8、A variable speed wind turbine has many advantages, mainly it can increase the power yield from the wind, alleviate the load peak in the electrical-mechanical drive train, and posses a long life time, also, it can offer the possibility to store the briefly timely wind-conditioned power fluctuations in the wind rotor, in which the rotary masses are used as storages of kinetic energy, consequently, the variable speed wind turbines are utilized in the wind power industry widely. In this work, on the

      9、 basis of a planetary transmission a new kind of drive train for the variable speed wind turbines is proposed. The new drive train consists of wind rotor, three-shafted planetary gear set, generator and servo motor. The wind rotor is coupled with the planet carrier of the planetary transmission, the generator is connected with the ring gear through an adjustment gear pair, and the servo motor is fixed to the sun gear. By controlling the electromagnetic torque or speed of the servo motor, the variable speed operation of the wind rotor and the constant speed operation of the generator are realized, therefore, the generator can be coupled with the grid directly. At the nominal operation point, about 80% of the rotor power flow through the generator directly and 20% through the servo motor and a small power electronics system into the grid. As a result, the disadvantages in the


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