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  • 文档编号:107180099
  • 上传时间:2019-10-18
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    • 1、Humming birds,Words,1.hemisphere hemisfi n. 半球, 地球的半面, 大脑半球 2.back and forth 来来往往地; 来回地 3.humming-bird n 蜂鸟(产於热带, 通常体小而色彩鲜艳, 双翼鼓动时发嗡嗡声) 4.nectar nekt n. 神酒, 甜美饮料, 甘露, 花蜜 5.pollinate plineit vt. 对.授粉 6. ecological tourism 生态旅游 7.recapture ,ri:kpt n. 取回, 夺回 vt. 再捕获, 夺回, 重温 8.destination ,destinein n. 目的地, 目标, 目的,Listening Tips,1.Identifying the topic and main idea 2.Listening for details,Questions,Question 1 What does the professor mainly discuss? A.Major changes in the migratory patterns of hummi

      2、ngbirds B.The adaptation of hummingbirds to urban environments C. Concern about the reduction of hummingbird habitat D. The impact of ecotourism on hummingbird populations Answer:C (021-048) Original text:Now, weve been talking about the loss of animal habitat from housing developments, uh , growing cities small habitat losses. But today I wanna begin talking about what happens when habitat is reduced across a large area. There are, of course, animal species that require large areas of habitat,

      3、and some migrate over very long distances. So whats the impact of habitat loss on those animals animals that need large areas of habitat?,Questions,Question 2 What does the professor imply might cause a decrease in the hummingbird population? A.An increase in the ecotourism industry B.An increase in the use of land to raise crops and cattle C.A decrease in banding studies . D.A decrease in the distance traveled during migration Answer:B(214-233) Original text:But the problem, well, as natural ha

      4、bitat along these migration routes is developed by humans for housing or agriculture or cleared for raising cattle, for instance, there is less food available for migrating humming birds.,Questions,Question 3 What does the professor say people have done to help hummingbirds survive? A.They have built a series of hummingbird feeding stations. B.They have supported new laws that punish polluters of wildlife habitats. C.They have replanted native flowers in once polluted areas. D.They have learned

      5、to identify various hummingbird species. Answer:C explanation:(原文中) So help them survive, we need to preserve their habitats. And one of the concrete ways people have been doing this is by cleaning up polluted habitat areas and then replanting flowers, um, replanting native flowers that humming birds feed on. 从红色字体部分显而易见是教授提到的要如何帮助蜂鸟生存下去的办法,也就是C选项中的内容。A,B没有提及,D不能帮助蜂鸟存活。,Questions,Question 4 What way of collecting information about migrating hummingbirds does the professor mention? A.Receiving ra

      6、dio signals from electronic tracking devices B.Being contacted by people who recapture banded birds C.Counting the birds that return to the same region every year D.Comparing old and young birds migration routes Answer:B explanation:(原文中)oh, and there is a phone number on the band for people to call for free, to report a banded bird to be found or recaptured. So when a banded bird is recaptured and reported, we learn 这句在理解之后可以得出的信息是在band上有免费电话让找到蜂鸟的人拨打,并告诉研究人员他们所观察到的信息。 那么在归纳后发现是答案B中的内容。A中的radio

      7、 signals不能用来tracking。C文中没有提及,D并不能让研究者得到有关具体蜂鸟的数据。,Questions,Question 5 What does the professor imply researchers have learned while studying hummingbird migration? A.Hummingbirds have totally disappeared from some countries due to recent habitat destruction. B.Programs to replant flowers native to hummingbird habitats are ot succeeding. C.Some groups of hummingbirds have changed their migration patterns. D.Some plant species pollinated by hummingbirds have become extinct. Answer:C explanation:(原

      8、文中)Another interesting thing we learned is that some humming birds no longer use a certain route. They travel by a different route to reach their destination. 虽然professor针对收集的信息罗列的一大段话,但是只有这句是和蜂鸟迁移路线直接相关的。从no longer use a certain route 看出蜂鸟改变了它们的迁移路线。A.B.D都未提及。,Questions,Question 6 What does the professor imply when she says this: A.There is disagreement about the idea she has presented B.She does not plan to discuss all the details. C.Her next point may seem to contradict what she has just said. D.The point she will make next should be obvious to the students Answer:D (156-203) Original text:So humming birds have to rely on plants in their natural habitat. And it goes without saying, but the opposite is true as well, plants depend on humming birds too.,Notes,Thank you!,


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