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    • 1、日常口语必备英语句型(4)英语辅导:www.dd-31、Whats the use of.?.有什么用?Examples例句1. Whats the use of talking about it?说这个有什么用?2. Whats the use of crying over spilt milk?牛奶洒了,哭有什么用?(后悔有何用?)3. Whats the point of arguing with her?和她争吵有什么用?4. Whats the point of worrying about it?担心这个有什么用呢?Dialogue对话A: How long have you been studying English?你学英语多长时间了?B: Over ten years now, but my English is not very fluent at all.超过十年了,但我的英语还是磕磕巴巴的。A: Why not?怎么会这样?B: I dont like speaking English because Im afraid of making mistakes.我

      2、不喜欢开口说,因为我害怕犯错。A: Whats the use of studying English if you wont speak it?不说英语那学英语干嘛呢?B: Youre right. I should try to speak out more and not be so afraid of making mistakes.你说得对。我该试着多说,不能怕犯错。32、Speaking of.说到,谈及.Examples例句1. Speaking of the movies, have you seen The Patriot?说到电影,你看过“爱国者”吗?2. Speaking of honesty, I know a lot of people who dont pay bus fares.说到诚实,据我所知,很多人坐公交车都不投币。3. Speaking of Ben, have you seen him recently?说到Ben,你最近见过他吗?4. Speaking of bicycles, China is called the kingdom of bi

      3、cycles.说到自行车,中国被称为“自行车王国”。Dialogue对话A: I cant wait until Valentines Day.我等不到情人节了。B: Speaking of Valentines Day, how is your girlfriend?说到情人节,你女朋友怎么样了?A: Shes doing good. I took her out to dinner last night.她很好,我昨晚还带她出去吃晚餐。B: Did you have a good time?那你们过得开心吗?A: Yeah, the food was delicious.是的,食物很美味。B: Hey, speaking of food, are you hungry? Lets grab a bite to eat.嘿,说到食物,你饿吗?我们吃点东西吧。A: That sounds great. Lets get some Chinese food.好,我们去吃中餐吧。33、You are not to.禁止 /你不要.Examples例句1. You are not to do

      4、ze off in class.不要在课堂上打瞌睡。2. You are not to waste your time doing nothing.别做无用功。3. You are not to scribble on the wall.禁止在墙上涂鸦。4. You are not to take photos in the museum.博物馆里禁止拍照。Dialogue对话Boyfriend: May I see your daughter please?我能见您的女儿吗?Father: My daughter is very upset right now.我女儿现在很伤心。Boyfriend: Please just give me a chance. I want to talk to her.请给我一个机会,我想找她谈谈。Father: Im sorry but youre not to see her again.抱歉,你别再来找她了。Boyfriend: But why?为什么?Father: Youre a monster. She doesnt need someo

      5、ne like you to break her heart.你就是一个魔鬼。她不需要你这样的人来让她伤心。34、What Im trying to say is.我想说的是.Examples例句1. What Im trying to say is that he is a good husband.我想说的是他是个好丈夫。2. What Im trying to say is that its worth buying.我想说这值得购买。3. What Im trying to say is that human nature doesnt change.我想说的是本性难移。4. What Im trying to say is that you should think of others.我想说的是你应该为别人考虑一下。5. What Im trying to say is that smoking is harmful.我想说的是吸烟有害健康。Dialogue对话A: Where did you put my Walkman?你把我的随身听放哪了?B: I forget.我忘

      6、了。A: You should be more careful with other peoples things.你应该对别人的东西上点心。B: Are you saying Im careless?你的意思是我粗心大意?A: What Im trying to say is that when you borrow something from someone, you should take good care of it.我想说的是,你借了别人的东西就应该好好保管。B: Im sorry. Please forgive me. Ill try to find it right away.对不起,请原谅我。我马上去找。35、What if. ? 假若.怎么办?Examples例句1. What if it rains when we have no umbrella with us?我们没带伞,要是下雨怎么办?2. What if they are against us ?要是他们反对我们怎么办?3. What if we get lost in the jungle?要是我们在

      7、丛林里迷路了怎么办?4. What if they dont approve of our earning some money in our spare time?如果他们不同意我们闲时挣钱怎么办?Dialogue对话A: Did you hear the weather forecasters prediction for rain tomorrow ?你看天气预报了吗?据说明天有雨。B: Yeah, but I never believed the weather reports because they are usually wrong.看了,但我从来不信,因为天气预报经常是错的。A: But what if hes right?但万一预报是对的呢?B: I guess well have to change our plans for tomorrow.我觉得我们明天的计划要改一改了。A: That means we cant go to the beach.也就是说我们不能去沙滩了。B: Only if it rains.如果下雨的话就不去了。36、What. for.原

      8、因是什么.Examples例句1. What is it for?这是用来做什么的?2. What did you say that for?你为什么那么说?3. What do you need so much money for?你要这么多钱做什么?Dialogue对话A: Have you heard that my father is going to quit his job?你听说了吗?我爸爸要辞职了。B: What would he do that for?为什么啊?A: He said work is too hectic and that he needs a break.他说工作太忙了,他需要休息。B: What will he do to earn a living?那他靠什么挣钱养家?A: He said he would take a vacation for a while and then go into the carpentry business. He thinks it will be more relaxing.他说他要休假一段时间,然后做木器生意。他觉得那样会更轻松点。B: Well, I hope hes happy.好吧,希望他能开心。37、Wed better.我们最好Examples例句1. Wed better buy a computer.我们最好买台电脑。2. Youd better not ask him.你最好别问他。3. You had best accept his success.你最好接受他的成功。4. You had best set out early.你最好早点出发。Dialogue对话A: I heard the temperature is going to drop dramatically tonight.听说今晚会剧烈降温。B: Really?真的吗?A: Yes, so youd better dress warmly before you go out.真的,所以出门前你最好多穿点。B: I will. Thanks for telling me.我会的,多谢提醒。A: Youre welcome. I wouldnt w


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