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    • 1、1 Language Focus 一、Text 生词 in tow: following behind 跟随 e.g. Trying to shop with three children in tow is no joke. 购物时跟着三个孩子可不是闹着玩的。 ones heart/thoughts go(es) out to sb: one feels a lot of sympathy towards sb. 对某人表示同情 或慰问 e.g. “We have expressed our sympathies to the family in the traffic accident and our hearts go out to them at this very sad time,” he said. “我们对遭遇交通事故的家庭深表同情,在这个悲伤的时刻我们的心与他们同在, ”他说。 take charge (of sb. or sth.): take control 照管 e.g. She took charge of the project and made sure

      2、it was finished on time. 她负责这个项目,确保项目准时完成。 (stand) in line: 站队,排队 e.g. They stood in line for several hours for tonights tickets. 为了今晚的票子他们排了几个小时的队。 reflect on: think carefully about sth.; show 思考,深思; (对声誉等)带来影响 e.g. He sat in the garden and reflected on what he had just read. 他坐在花园里思考着所阅读的内容。 if not: perhaps; indicating possibility of being more remarkable (greater or better or sooner) than 要是不 e.g. Lets meet tonight if not sooner. 我们最迟今晚见面吧。 faculty: n. (AmE) all the teachers in a university (

      3、used with a sing. or pl. verb) 全体教员 2 e.g. Both faculty and students are required to attend the meeting. 师生都要参加会议。 nonetheless: ad. (fml) however 虽然如此,但是 e.g. The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to handle them soon. 问题不算严重。但我们得赶紧加以解决。 combine: vt. cause (things) to join or mix together to form a whole 使结合 e.g. None of us has much money so lets combine what weve got. 我们谁都没多少钱,那我们就把钱凑一块吧。 inevitable: a. impossible to avoid or prevent 不可避免的 e.g. It seems inevitable that they wi

      4、ll be late for school because of the bad weather. 天气恶劣,他们不可避免地要上学迟到了。 embarrassed: a. 局促不安的,不好意思的 e.g. I was embarrassed to be praised in front of so many people. 当众受表扬我不好意思。 He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention. 众目睽睽之下他局促不安。 accompany: vt. (fml) go with (sb.) to a place or event 陪同 e.g. Would you like me to accompany you to your room? 要不要我陪你去你的房间? no doubt: certainly, without question 无疑地 e.g. That basketball player is no doubt the tallest man Ive ever seen. 毫无疑问,那个打篮球的是我见过的个子最高

      5、的人。 misguide: vt. 错误地引导 3 e.g. I misguided the tourist by telling him to turn left when he should have gone right. 我给游客指错了路,明明该右转,我让他左转。 crush: vt. make (sb.) lose all hope, confidence etc.; break into pieces 使失去信心;摧毁 常见的搭配:crush sbs hopes/enthusiasm/confidence etc. e.g. I was crushed I have almost lost heart. 我意志消沉我几乎失去了信心。 His arm was badly crushed in the car accident. 他的手臂在车祸中受到严重碾压。 seminar: n. 研讨会(课) e.g. I attended every lecture and seminar on this subject when I was a student. 我读书时有关这一内容的

      6、讲座、研讨会一个也没拉下过。 complain: v. say that you are not satisfied with sth. 抱怨,发牢骚 e.g. Lots of people have complained about the constant noise. 不少人纷纷抱怨无休无止的噪音。 Why didnt you complain to the manager if the service was so bad? 要是服务那么差,你干嘛不向经理投诉呢? assignment: n. a piece of work that a student is asked to do 功课,作业 e.g. I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term. 期末之前我要完成许多阅读作业。 issue: n. problem 问题 e.g. Dont worry about who will do it thats not the main issue. 别担心谁来做这不是主要问题。 le

      7、t go: 放开 e.g. You need to let the past go/let go of the past and forgive those who have hurt you. 4 你得放开那些过去的事,原谅那些伤害过你的人。 in disbelief: not being able to believe sth. 不相信 e.g. She shook her head in disbelief. 她摇着头,难以相信。 aware: a. knowing about a situation or a fact 知道的,注意到的 e.g. I wasnt even aware that he was ill. 我都不知道他病了。 Were you aware of the risks at the time? 当时你知不知道有危险? muddle through: manage to do sth. although you are not organized and do not know how to do it 胡乱应付过去 e.g. There was no o

      8、ne to help me, so I just muddled through. 没人帮我,于是我就乱做一气。 loan: n. the money that is borrowed from a bank and has to be paid back 贷款 e.g. Shes trying to get a $50,000 loan to start her own business. 她正设法获得 50000 美元的创业贷款。 find ones way: discover the right way (to a place) 发现(到某处的)途径 e.g. I had a map with me but I still couldnt find my way back to the hotel. 我随身带着地图,可还是找不到回酒店的路。 set foot in: enter a place 进入;踏进 e.g. Can you believe shes never set foot in a McDonalds? 她从没去过麦当劳你信不信? incident: n. an e

      9、vent that is often either unpleasant or unusual 事件 5 e.g. A young man was seriously injured in a shooting incident on Saturday night. 周六晚上一次枪击事件中一名年轻人受重伤。 plead: v. ask sb. for sth. in a very strong and serious way 恳求 e.g. He was on his knees, pleading for forgiveness. 他跪了下来,恳求原谅。 stay put: remain in the same place or position 留在原处不动 e.g. Just stay put with the suitcases, while I go and find a taxi. 呆着别动,看好箱子,我去叫出租车。 negotiate: v. try to reach agreement by discussion 协商;谈判 e.g. Ive managed to negotiate a five percent pay increase with my boss. 我跟老板谈妥了,加薪 5%。 Im negotiating for a new contract. 我正在谈一个新的合同。 be concerned with: be interested in 关心,感兴趣 e.g. All the people are concerned with childrens education. 所有的人都关心孩子的教育。 undertake: vt. make oneself responsible for (sth.) 承担(某事物) e.g. Students are required to undertake simple experiments. 学生得学会做些简单的实验。 二、Text 难句 My heart went out to him. (Para. 1) The author does not identify “him” until the fifth paragraph,


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