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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 上传时间:2019-10-01
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    • 1、/LTC2943 - 具温度、电压和电流测量功能的多节电池电量测量芯片特点 可测量累积的电池充电和放电电量 3.6V 至 20V 工作范围可适合多种电池应用 14 位 ADC 负责测量电池电压、电流和温度 1% 电压、电流和充电准确度 50mV 检测电压范围 高压侧检测 适合任何电池化学组成和容量的通用测量 I2C / SMBus 接口 可配置警报输出 / 充电完成输入 静态电流小于 120A 小外形 8 引脚 3mm x 3mm DFN 封装典型应用描述LTC2943可测量便携式产品应用中的电池充电状态、电池电压、电池电流及其自身温度。其具有宽输入电压范围,因而可与高达20V的多节电池配合使用。一个精准的库仑计量器负责对流经位于电池正端子和负载或充电器之间的一个检测电阻器电流进行积分运算。电池电压、电流和温度利用一个内部14位无延迟增量累加(No Latency TM) ADC来测量。测量结果被存储于可通过内置I2C / SMBus接口进行存取的内部寄存器中。LTC2943具有针对所有4种测量物理量的可编程高门限和低门限。如果超过了某个编程门限,则该器件将采用SMBus警报协议或通过

      2、在内部状态寄存器中设定一个标记来传送警报信号。LTC2943仅需采用单个低阻值检测电阻器以设定测量电流范围。应用 电动工具 电动自行车 便携式医疗设备 视频摄像机程序:#include #include #include Linduino.h#include LT_I2C.h#include UserInterface.h#include QuikEval_EEPROM.h#include LTC2943.h#include / Function Declarationvoid print_title(); / Print the title blockvoid print_prompt(); / Print the Promptvoid store_alert_settings(); / Store the alert settings to the EEPROMint8_t restore_alert_settings(); / Read the alert settings from EEPROM#define AUTOMATIC_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 1000

      3、/! The delay between readings in automatic mode#define SCAN_MODE_DISPLAY_DELAY 10000 /! The delay between readings in scan modeconst float resistor = .100; /! resistor value on demo board/ Error stringconst char ack_error = Error: No Acknowledge. Check I2C Address.; /! Error message/ Global variablesstatic int8_t demo_board_connected; /! Set to 1 if the board is connectedstatic uint8_t alert_code = 0; /! Value stored or read from ALERT register. Shared between loop() and restore_alert_settings()

      4、/! Initialize Linduinovoid setup() char demo_name = DC1812; /! Demo Board Name stored in QuikEval EEPROM quikeval_I2C_init(); /! Configure the EEPROM I2C port for 100kHz quikeval_I2C_connect(); /! Connects to main I2C port Serial.begin(115200); /! Initialize the serial port to the PC print_title(); demo_board_connected = discover_demo_board(demo_name); if (demo_board_connected) print_prompt(); else demo_board_connected = true;Serial.println(Did not read ID String, attempting to proceed anyway.nP

      5、lease ensure I2C lines of Linduino are connected to the LTC device); /! Repeats Linduino loopvoid loop() int8_t ack = 0; /! I2C acknowledge indicator static uint8_t user_command; /! The user input command static uint8_t mAh_or_Coulombs = 0; static uint8_t celcius_or_kelvin = 0; static uint16_t prescalar_mode = LTC2943_PRESCALAR_M_4096; static uint16_t prescalarValue = 4096; static uint16_t alcc_mode = LTC2943_ALERT_MODE; if (demo_board_connected) /! Do nothing if the demo board is not connected

      6、if (Serial.available() /! Do nothing if serial is not available user_command = read_int(); /! Read user input command if (user_command != m) Serial.println(user_command); Serial.println(); ack = 0; switch (user_command) /! Prints the appropriate submenu case 1: ack |= menu_1_automatic_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); /! Automatic Mode break; case 2: ack |= menu_2_scan_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc

      7、_mode); /! Scan Mode break; case 3: ack |= menu_3_manual_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, celcius_or_kelvin, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); /! Manual Mode break; case 4: ack |= menu_4_sleep_mode(mAh_or_Coulombs, prescalar_mode, prescalarValue, alcc_mode); /! Sleep Mode break; case 5: ack |= menu_5_shutdown_mode(); /! Shutdown Mode break; case 6: ack |= menu_6_settings(&mAh_or_Coulombs, &celcius_or_kelvin, &prescalar_mode, &prescalarValue, &alcc_mode); /! Settings Mode break; if (ack != 0) /! If ack is not recieved print an error. Serial.println(ack_error); Serial.print(F(*); print_prompt(); / Function Definitions/! Print the title blockvoid print_title() Serial.println(F(n*); Serial.print(F(* DC1812A Demonstration Program


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