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2019-2020学年高考英语复习 专题话题 话题12 饮食健康课件 新人教版选修6

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    • 1、话题12 饮食健康,基础知识自测,一、单词识记,1. _ n. 羊肉 2. _ n. 醋 3. _ n. 顾客;消费者 4. _ n. 折扣 5. _ n. 纤维;纤维制品,fibre,mutton,vinegar,customer,discount,6. _ n. 日常饮食 vi. 节食 7. _ n. 谎话;谎言 vi. 说谎 8. _ v. 油煎;油炸 9. _ vt.& n. 烧烤 10. _ vi. 怒目而视 n. 怒视,glare,diet,lie,fry,barbecue,11. _ vi. 叹息 n. 叹息; 叹息声 12. _ adj. 苗条的 13. _ v. 窥探 n. 间谍 14. _ adj. 生的;未加工的 15. _ adj. 烤制的 v. 烤,roast,sigh,slim,spy,raw,二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生,1. _ vt. 平衡; 权衡n. 天平; 平衡 _ adj. 平衡的 2. _ adj. 好奇的 _ n. 好奇心 _ adv. 好奇地,curiously,balance,balanced,curious,curiosity,3. _

      2、 n. 男主人;男主持人 _ n. 女主人;女主持人 4. _ adj. 虚弱的 _ adv. 虚弱地;无力地 _ n. 缺点;虚弱;弱点,weakness,host,hostess,weak,weakly,5. _ adj. 强壮的; 坚强的 _ adv. 强烈地; 强有力地 _ n. 强项; 长处; 力量 _ vt. 加强; 增强,strengthen,strong,strongly,strength,6. _n. 利益 v. 有益于; 有助于 _ adj. 有益的; 有利的,benefit,beneficial,1. Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the importance of a_ (balance) diet to their health.,(B)灵活运用,1. 作定语用形容词。,balanced,2. Those who enjoy eating wild animals say that they not only enjoy the taste but also want to satisfy

      3、 their _(curious).,2. 形容词性物主代词修饰名词。,curiosity,3. Students in China should _ (strong) the sense of safety and learn common knowledge of safety.,3. 作谓语用动词, 情态动词后用原形。,strengthen,4. At that time, he became ill and he came to meet the foreign guests _ (weak).,4. 副词作状语。,weakly,5. Having friends who have the same hobby as us can be_ (benefit), which makes it possible for us to enjoy things together, such as going to clubs or to the movies.,5. 表语用形容词形式。,beneficial,1. _ 体重减轻; 减肥 2. _ 被放过; 不受惩罚 3. _ 说谎 4.

      4、 _ 赢回; 重新获得 5. _谋生,三、短语翻译,earn ones living,lose weight,get away with,tell a lie/tell lies,win .back,6. _ 欠债 7. _ 暗中监视; 侦查 8. _ 削减; 删节 9. _ 不久以后 10. _ 体重增加 11. _ 供能食物,energy-giving food,in debt,spy on,cut down,before long,put on weight,四、课文回顾 It had been a very strange morning. Wang Peng felt very 1_ (frustrate)when he saw none of his customers would eat in his restaurant as usual. 2_ his opinion, nothing could be 3_ (good)than his fried rice, mutton kebabs, fatty pork or his sugary cola. 4_ foll

      5、owing one of his best friends into Yong Huis newly opened restaurant, 5 _ was amazed 6 _ the menu there:,frustrated,In,better,When,he,at,raw vegetables, fruit and water. In order to win his customers back, before long he went to the library to do some research, 7_ showed Yong Huis menu didnt give the customers energy-giving food. In fact, there was 8_ (weak)in Wang Pengs menu as well. So the only solution is 9_ (combine) the two menus together to get 10 _ balanced menu.,which,weakness,to combine

      6、,a,五、语段改错,At the library Wang Peng was surprised to found that his restaurant served far too many fat and Yong Huis far too little. Even though her customers might get thin after eat Yong Huis food, but they were not eating enough energy-giving food to keep them fit.,They would become tiring very quick. Wang Peng feel more hopeless as he drove back home. Perhaps with discount and a new sign he could win her customers back.,a,1. found find 因不定式符号to后用原形。 2. many much 修饰不可数名词fat。 3. eat eating 在介词a

      7、fter后应用动名词作宾语。 4. 删除but 因为前面已有连词even though了。 5. tiring tired 指人疲倦要用tired。 6. quick quickly 修饰动词become用副词。,7. feel felt 由本句中的drove或上文动词时态可知,用一般过去时。 8. hopeless hopeful 上文表明Wang Peng发现了对方饮食存在不足,回来后应更加“充满希望”。 9. 在discount前加a 因表示打折前面一般加不定冠词,又如at a discount, offer/give a discount。 10. her his 与主语he指代一致。,重点词汇讲练,1. diet n. 日常饮食;特种饮食 v. 节食 例句 They began to talk about menus and balanced diets.他们开始谈论菜谱和平衡膳食的问题。 搭配 be /go on a diet (因病或减肥)节食,辨析 diet 可数名词,指日常食物或因病或减肥而规定的食谱,维持健康的定量或定质的食物,如病人的疗养饮食。 food不可数名词

      8、,一般用语,凡是能吃能喝的东西都可称作food。指(某种)食品时,也作可数名词用。,运用 用food或diet(有作动词的情况)填空。 Our_ is running out. People who are on a _ mustnt have chocolate.,food,diet,(3) In order to keep fit, everybody should eat a healthy_ . (4) You ought to_ and take more exercise.,diet,diet,2. balance vt.平衡;权衡; n. 平衡;天平 派生 balanced adj.平衡的;均衡的 搭配 keep/lose ones balance保持/失 去平衡 a balanced/healthy diet均衡/健 康饮食,(1) The key to learning skating is _ (保持平衡). (2) Try to _ (均衡你的饮食) by eating more fruit.,balance your diet,to keep the balance,运用 用所给词的适当形式填空或完成句子。,3. strength n. 强项;长处;(人的)力气,力量 例句 The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it provided plenty of energy-giving food. 王鹏餐馆的饮食优点在于它能提供含有足够热量的食物。,联想 long length长度 比较 energy 能;能量;能源;(人的)精力 force 物理学意义上的力;武力;暴力 power 权力;电力;动力;威力;能力,运用 根据汉语意思完成句子。 要考虑到你自己的优势和不足。 Take into account your own _ _. 我没有力气抬这张桌子。 I havent _.,the strength to l

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