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2014-2015学年度第二学期五年级精通英语第一单元检测一、听力I. Look, listen and number 看图,听录音,用数字标出朗读的顺序 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )II. Listen and choose. 选出你所听到的单词,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。( )1. A. school B. room C. look( )2. A. show B. borrow C. know( )3. A. lab B. club C. classroom( )4. A. How manyB. How much C. How long( )5. A. around B. round C. brownIII. Listen to the questions and choose the best answers. 从A、B、C选项中找出你所听到的英语句子的最佳应答语。( )1. A. Thank you. B. Youre welcome. C. Certainly.( )2. A. From the bookshop.B. From the library. C. From the gym.( )3. A. We have two. B. There are two. C. Twice a week.( )4. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.( )5. A. We do experiments. B. We read and write. C. We draw and paint.IV. Listen and write. 听一段短文,将听到的词语写在横线上,一空一词This is our meeting room. We often meetings in it. Childrens Day and New Years day, we have here. And sometimes we have a music in it. Mrs. White the piano for us. This is our lab .We often do and here. We like our school very .二、根据图意找出正确的单词或词组,将其字母编号写在括号内。A. dance B. make things C. borrow books D. do listening E. have a meeting F. music club G. art club H. have a science lesson二、根据图意找出正确的单词或词组,将其字母编号写在圆圈内。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三用所给词的适当形式填空。1. How many Chinese _ (lesson) do you have in a week?2. We do _ (listen) and _ (speak) in English classes.3. Im good at _ (play) the piano.4. Mary _ (want) to paint in the art club.5. Li Yan will show you around _ (we) school.6. Would you like _(dance) with me ?7. Let me _(show) you around our school. 8. There is _( art club) in our school. 四、根据所给情景填空,一空一词。1) 如果你想知道王彤一周上多少节艺术课,你可以这样问王彤: _ _ art classes _ you have a week? 如果上两节,他这样回答你: We _ two.2) Sam想知道你们英语课上都干些什么,他这样问你: _ _ you _ in English classes? 如果你们经常做听、说、读、写的活动,你这样告诉他:We often do _ , _, _ and _.3) 请这边走,你这样表达:_ way, please .4) 我们每周上三节英语课,你这样表达: We _ _ English classes _ _ .五、从A、B 、C和D中找出能填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1._ you often go to school at seven?A. DoB. AreC. DoesD. is( ) 2. Please show _ around _ library.A. me, youB. I, yourC. me, yourD. I, you( ) 3. _ interesting book it is!A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. What an( ) 4. This is _ language lab.A. theyB. theirC. themD. it( ) 5.Lets play _ violin.A. /B. aC. anD. the( ) 6. I want to _ . They are interesting.A. read story B. read storiesC. read storys D. look at story( ) 7. We often borrow books _ the library.A. fromB. toC. for D. at( ) 8. Can you draw pictures _ me ? A. for B. to C. at D. in( ) 9.The students welcome the visitors _ their school. A.to B. for C. in D. at( ) 10. Im interested _ maths and Im good _ it.A.in, atB.at, on C.in, onD. in, to( ) 11. The girl can _ .A. play pianoB. play pianosC. play a pianoD. play the piano( ) 12. - _ art classes do you have a week?A.How oldB.How manyC.How oftenD. How does六用完整句根据实际情况回答问题。1. Do you often borrow books from the library? _2. How many music lessons do you have in a week?_3. What do you do in music classes? _4. Do you like music? _5. Can your music teacher play the piano? _七、根据短文内容判断,与短文内容相符画,不符画×。Hello, Im Lisa. Today is my first day in this school, and I want to tell you something about my new school.My school is not big but very beautiful. It is near the Peoples Library. There are three buildings in our school, the students building, the teachers building and a library.There are many teachers in my school. They are kind and strict. There are a lot of students, too. We work hard in class. After class, we often do some sports or go to music or art clubs. We can swim in the swimming-pool and play volleyball or basketball in the gym. We can sing, dance or play the piano in the music club. We c


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