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小学三年级英语全册优秀说课稿合集【小学英语教师招聘必备 很多人都用过 很棒】

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小学三年级英语全册优秀说课稿合集【小学英语教师招聘必备 很多人都用过 很棒】

英语第六册第25课说课及教学设计2I like hamburgers教案4I like hamburgers说课8Insects说课10Unit 3 Family members说课稿13牛津小学英语3BUnit4Time17牛津小学英语三A第四单元第一课时19Do you like meat?说课21Lesson 12: Hot Dogs and Donuts说课22Look at me英语说课稿25PEP1 Unit5 PartA Lets talk/ play/ make29Unit 6 Happy birthday Part A Lets talk33Unit 6 Happy birthday Part A Let's talk36Book1 Unit5 Nelson Mandalaa modern hero38PEP BOOK2 Unit 2 DO you like pears41PEP1 Unit5 PartB 说课稿45第4单元DO you like pears说课稿47PEP三年级下册 Unit 3 A Let's talk说课50PEP Unit3 How many? Part B Lets learn53Unit 3“How many”B56Book Five Unit 7 Weather (the 1st period)58I. Text analysis:58EEC教材3A第三课“This is my room.”63Unit3Let'spaint说课稿67Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend?77Unit3 Lessen 17 Skirt and Pants82Lesson 28: In the Bedroom87Lesson 28: In the Bedroom90Lesson10: China93牛津小学英语3A Unit 7 说课稿96牛津小学英语3A:unit 8 lets go to the park97牛津3B Unit 11 A good idea第一课时说课100牛津小学英语 3A Unit 8 Part D 说课稿102牛津小学英语教材3B Unit 8的第二课时。104Lets learn and Lets do 说课107Lets learn and Lets do113说课稿 unit 8 Lets go to the park116牛津3BModule2 Sports I Like(拓展)说课119小学英语三下册第三单元第十六课说课121pEP Let's learn,Let's do123小学三年级英语下册Recycle 1127新世纪小学英语2B unit 4 foods 说课稿131英语PEP三年级下册 Unit 3 A Lets talk133英语第六册第25课说课及教学设计本课设计动词过去时(普通动词)的使用,是强调交际和会话,以学生为中心的语言活动,频繁的让学生参与一对一和小组活动,并要求学生自编对话。学生处在真实的环境中,学英语的劲头也就与大,而且学到的是自然的句型句式,而不是矫揉造作的课堂对话。本课教学目标:1、知识:This lesson teaches students regular pasttense verbs、 walked、looked、talked、played .2、能力:They can say and understand the common phrases. “Did you miss me? Did you have a good trip?” Answer3、情感:They can express their feeling and try to speak more.教学重点:Regular past-tense verbs :walked 、looked 、talked 、played 、(and others ).解决策略:Act out as they say with “today” or “yesterday”.教学难点:The right use of the regular past-tense verbs .解决策略:Do the games or make a dialogue .作业超市: You can read the text to the others . You can make sentences with “today” and “yesterday”.Make up a dialogue about coming home from a trip .教学过程:教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Class opening.Review.Greeting .Lead them do the games:1、What s missing?2、What day is it ?Q:What day was yesterday?Greeting .Review the words about weeks、months and ordinals .A:It was -.通过复习及问候让学生对已学词汇进行回顾,创造良好的语言环境。New concepts.Make a chart on the blackboard as show below.Make up sentences as act out .Try to make them under stand .(Make models)Do the game :Travel.Play the audiotape .(Part 1)Review the story so far. Li Ming Danny and Jenny went on a trip to Beijing where are they now?Divide the class into small groups.Encourage every one.Do the listening exercise.Check for under standing.Today yesterday play playedwalk walked talk talkedlook lookedHave a try. Make a sentence with right verb tense。Do the game.Listen and read.(Ask questions.)Play attention to the new word“gift”.and sentences.Did you miss me?Did you have a good trip?Its for you.Practice by them selves.Make up a dialogue about coming home from a trip.Write what you hear.Use the activity book.通过肢体语言及详细的表格让学生体会动词过去时的变化情况.给学生创新的机会,充分展示个人才华,不拘泥于仅限词汇.对故事的掌握在于是否会运用语言,创造合适的空间情境让学生大胆的发挥,能让学生更自由.在练习时要注意良好习惯的养成,达到锻炼的目的.Class closing.Home workFinish the homework. 徐丽萍人民教育出版社新版小学英语三年级上册I like hamburgers教案一、教学目标和要求1、听懂会说新单词可乐Coke、水water、热狗hot dog,鸡蛋egg、汉堡包hamburger。2、将食物单词放入句型I like . 和 for you.中并在一定的情境中进行综合运用。3、培养学生学习英语的兴趣,养成使用礼貌用语的习惯。二、教学重难点重点:听懂会说新单词可乐Coke、水water、热狗hot dog,鸡蛋egg、汉堡包hamburger.难点: 将食物单词放入句型I like . 和 for you.中并在一定的情境中进行综合运用。三、教具准备 幻灯片,食物卡片,学具四、教学过程 Step 1.Warm up1 .T and ss greet each other.2. (TV) T reads the chant ,ss follow.I like apples. Me too!I like pears. Me too!I like bananas. Me too!I like oranges. Me too! I like sandwiches. Me too!I like eggs. Me too!Ss chant together. (设计意图:活跃气氛,以旧引新。)3. T shows cards and asks : Whats this ? Ss answer: Its aan bananapear T : Yes ,I like bananas .Me too ! Today we will learn “ I like hamburgers .”. (TV) Show the topic . Step 2. Presentation and practice1. New words : Coke , water , hot dog , egg , hamburger1) T shows cards and reads . Ss follow .2) Group 1-2-3-4 read the words .3) Ss chant together . Coke , Coke , I like Coke .Water , water , I like water .Hot dog , hot dog , I like hot dogs .Egg , egg , I like eggs .Hamburger , hamburger , I like hamburgers .(设计意图:将单词融入句型和歌谣中,既遵循了词不离句的原则,又为后面的“特价销售活动”做铺垫。)2. Hide and seek T hides Coke . S1 seeks the


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