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www.lxws.net Assignment写作范文-美学与设计美学本篇Assignment主要讨论了美学与设计美学。美学与设计美学,这两者是相对独立的学科,但两者又相互交融,不可分割。设计美学,是需要以美学,来作为其扎实的理论基础和根基的,而美学,又需要借助设计美学,这一具有双重特性的特殊学科,来将自身升华和创新。Aesthetics and design aesthetics are relatively independent disciplines, but they are also integrated and inseparable. Design aesthetics needs to take aesthetics as its solid theoretical foundation and foundation, and aesthetics needs to sublimate and innovate itself with the help of design aesthetics, a special subject with dual characteristics."What is beauty? This is the basic problem of aesthetics. Every philosopher has his own opinion on this question. This is not a simple question, through which the discussion of the origin of the world can be radiated. From ancient times to today, from the west to the east, the interpretation of "beauty" is complex. As Plato of ancient Greece said: beauty is the idea; Medieval saint augustine said: beauty is the glory and glory of god. Chernyshevsky of Russia said: beauty is life; Taoism in ancient China believed that heaven and earth had great beauty but did not speak. The principles of aesthetics tells us that beauty can only exist in the aesthetic relationship, which is inseparable from the aesthetic subject and depends on the aesthetic object. Beauty is the representation of abstractness in spiritual field, and the world of aesthetic feeling is the world of image.The scope of aesthetics is with the universe, with human beings, as an aesthetic principle, what should be taught? This not only involves aesthetics, as a kind of academic content according to its own logic, but also involves the education system of the subject classification of the restriction of the embodiment of the aesthetic, in China, one is on the philosophical level the following secondary disciplines of aesthetics, the second is art in the following four first-level discipline: art theory, art and design, drama and film and television art, music and dance; The third is the first-level discipline of Chinese language and literature and the first-level discipline of foreign language and literature. The fourth is the first-level discipline of architecture, the discipline related to architectural art, and the garden plants and ornamental horticulture under forestry. The most important thing here is the relationship between the introduction to art and aesthetics arising from the separation of art and aesthetics. It can be said that the type of art of beauty and the content of the introduction to art very much overlap. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the content of the division of disciplines.After synthesizing these two aspects, an aesthetic principle should list the problems to be told and make people have a holistic understanding of the whole aesthetic problem after these problems are explained. Based on this, a book of aesthetic principles, the most need to talk about the following issues: aesthetic phenomenology, explain clearly when people face beauty, do aesthetic appreciation, the specific situation is what, how the aesthetic is how to start, how to carry out, the final result is what. Aesthetic typology, clearly states that beauty is divided into several basic categories and types, such as beauty, sorrow, joy and other categories, categories have small, such as beauty has excellent, magnificent, elegant, what are the characteristics of each of these types. Aesthetic culture explains clearly that different cultures have different aesthetic concepts and forms of expression, and further understands why there are such concepts and forms. The principle of formal beauty explains the basic principles of beauty beyond culture and time and space, such as form, color, symmetry and balance. The origin of beauty. From the perspective of anthropology, how beauty is produced and how people recognize it. The history of aesthetics tells us how aesthetics came into being and developed, and what is its law. Among these six problems, the most important ones are aesthetic phenomenology, aesthetic typology, aesthetic culturalism and the principles of formal beauty.The form problem in design art is aesthetic problem, and the form of design has essential meaning for design art. How to analyze the aesthetic phenomenon of design art from the height of aesthetics and even art philosophy? Textbook designed by famous experts Xu Heng alcohol by aesthetic study, a total of six chapters, including the theory of shape form, function transformation theory, theory of cultural integration, expression of aesthetic category theory, symbol theory, style change theory, illustrated that theory but the text is concise and easy to understand, is the representative of domestic design aesthetics research writings, and better the teaching material of design aesthetics.As design aesthetics is always closely connected with philosophical aesthetics, it is impossible for it to get rid of the influence of philosophical concepts on contemporary aesthetic de


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