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www.lxws.net Essay写作范文-弗朗西斯·培根的绘画艺术这篇Essay写作范文主要讨论了弗朗西斯·培根的绘画艺术。作为20世纪最重要的画家之一,弗朗西斯·培根反映了二战之后西方社会的普遍精神焦虑,同时也在其作品中用风格鲜明的图像在绘画史中创造一种全新的精神状态表达方式,对之后艺术产生了重大的影响。在弗朗西斯·培根的作品中,我们窥见了现代社会朝着文明前行中的原始、病态和痛苦。As one of the most important painters in the 20th century, Francis Bacon reflected the general spiritual anxiety in the western society after world war ii. At the same time, he also created a new way of expression of spiritual state in the history of painting with distinctive images in his works, which had a great influence on the later art.In the history of western painting, countless painters have tried to explain the duality of "soul" and "body" with the brush, among which Francis Bacon is particularly striking. Like a beast, he RIPS objects apart and reconstructs them on canvas, creating images that are extremely unsettling, distorted, even bloody and fragmented. But just as he bears the label of "postwar artist", his work offers a glimpse of the raw, sickly and painful march of modern society towards civilisation.Although bacon's works are so striking, even "obtrusive", there is no doubt that there is a historical inheritance in painting style and technique. From Cezanne to Picasso, the forms separate and merge again, and the images are rearranged through the hands of the artist in a way that can be clearly seen in bacon's work. Unlike many previous masters, bacon's works present a "real division" of the flesh in these decomposed images, each of which seems to have the touch of flesh. They were cut, deformed, and twisted, but then mashed together to form new monsters of life.In bacon's creative career, he met a great influence on his American photographer - Peter beard. Bacon became interested in beard's wildlife photography, and a polaroid camera that beard gave him provided fresh creative pleasure. When bacon was creating portraits in his studio, he would tear up the pictures of people he had taken and put them together in a collage. These reassembled "real" people, like his images, have limbs and faces completely out of place, but still show movement and facial expressions. Such a "draft" gives bacon a direct and clear reference before he writes. In the studio, bacon also used broken canvases to mix colors, sometimes painting small sketches directly on the wall next to the easel. In the process of his creation, we can see bacon's basic treatment of the decomposition of characters. However, he often requires the creation of works at one time. Sometimes, when he comes to the studio the next day, he will cover up the picture or cut it directly.Bacon's original and impulsive way of creation makes the reconstructed images in his works as pure as "frankenstein", deformed but full of new life. This kind of decomposition and reconstruction coincided with the self-reflection of the western world after world war ii. Modern people, eager to create a Brave New World, have created the most terrible and primitive killing in human history. Francis Bacon's painting depicts himself and these modern people with no place for their "soul" and broken spirit. Like himself, these lonely, painful and twisted "souls" are still forcibly mixed in his body in real life. Through bacon's works, people can often see their hearts broken and reconstructed by reality.Bacon's work is almost entirely about characters, pieces of meat, strange creatures that have been recast. His works are always full of "unhealthy" and "sick" life forms, which seem to spasm, twitch and scream in twisted limbs. Like the tragedy of bacon and his lover George dale, bacon's work grows darker and more chaotic as George dale goes to ruin in the midst of alcohol and meltdowns. In bacon's works, a living body is decomposed, as if to dig out the soul, but what is welcomed is a sick, ferocious, mutilated life. As milan kundera wrote in his famous "the artist's violent hand" : "perhaps I can put it another way: bacon's portrait is questioning the limits of 'me'. To what extent can an individual be askew and still be himself? To what extent can a being loved skew and still be a being loved? Is a dear face still recognizable in sickness, in madness, in hatred, in death, as it fades away? Where is the boundary where I am no longer me?"Today, bacon's paintings sell for hundreds of millions of dollars at auction, but when these disturbing images are bought for big money, it's not just the shocking figures that show people's fascination with broken, chaotic art images. Bacon constantly decomposes and reconstructs images, running like a wild animal in the constant tearing and remodeling of flesh and spirit, unable to stop. The pain and contortions in the works are like wild beasts galloping in the shadow of modern civilization.


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