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Essay写作范文- Accommodate Divergent Views

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Essay写作范文- Accommodate Divergent Views

www.hotessay.cn Essay写作范文- Accommodate Divergent Views这篇Essay写作范文主要讲述了美国作为一个强大的国家,长久以来一直是人们的梦想之地,人们怀着满腔热情去实现他们的梦想。自由的精神不仅建立了一个民族融合的国家,而且作为一代又一代成功人士美国梦的典范。美国人追求自我的实现,来实现社会。America, as strong as it can be, has long been the dream land for the people who carries a great quantity of enthusiasm in his heart to realize their fantasies. The spirit of freedom not only built up the country of national integration, but also generations of successful man as a paradigm of the American dream. However, across the ocean in the land of ancient Orient also stands the dream of China, where everyone dedicate themselves to build up the prosperity of a harmonious utopia. Considering the cultural clashes involved in the difference between the pursuits of people, I may say that Americans search for the self-realization to fulfill the society, while the people in China seek for their own individuality within the progress of the dedication for the society.To illustrate that I may manifest my point from the perspectives of the history reasons and cultural differences. Firstly, from the aspect of history reasons. Compared with ancient countries like China, America is more like a country at its youth which consisted of immigrants from all over the old world. People who formed up the country were all among the kind of creative and anti-authority. They despised traditional regulations and conventions and hanker to build their country with all the features that they considered as ventures. They have their codes. And as they came from different places, they hold different precepts and different dreams. It decided their options that distinguished a lot. In this way they pursue individuality, they do not want to be the same. But the situation in China is quite different. China was developed from the very primitive structure of the patriarchal clan system, in which people work in the fields in the union of family. They worked together and harvest as a group, it is the only way they would survive. What's more, China has being really sealed in a certain period of time, which kept the simplicity of the human kind. People lived together tended to be more similar in many aspects. People who did not work like others could hardly survive as it might be the only way to live. So that people treat difference as a sign of danger. This is comprehensive for people who struggled to live. So that Chinese are likely to live in integration. Secondly, the Chinese culture calls for harmony between people in the way of assimilation while American call for complement between characteristics. Harmony might be the most important thing in Chinese culture, which is very peaceful in the modern mind. The Chinese uses a soft and tender way to convey the concept as assimilation is the most effective way. American calls for efficiency, when two people with different talents meet, they can do better than any other patch. From my personal experience, I can also see the difference from the progress of teamwork. While I was trying to regulate all the details in our work, my American classmates always reveal their individual creativity and renovation. This is definitely an exciting experience as I can learn the new ideas and the way they think in teamwork. Though I hoped that they should not add too much shining points in their own parts as we are working in a team, but the second I realized how special and different our work can be with their individual efforts, I changed my minds. I was seeking to be the same in order to be safe, but my American friends are trying to be active and different in the way they score.As a conclusion, Americans search for the self-realization to fulfill the society, while the people in China seek for their own individuality within the progress of the dedication for the society. it doesn't really matter as the old Chinese saying goes, we should accommodate divergent views. I will play the part to convey harmony, and American friends will allow me to the access to the divergence.


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