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www.lxws.net Assignment写作范文-励志类电影本篇Assignment写作范文主要讨论了励志类电影。电影类型多种多样,励志类电影是其中主要一种。励志即激发一个人的正能量,唤醒一个人的内在创造力。用切身体验积累出的精华,从心灵深处迸发的能量,才是我们真正获得尊严和自信的源泉。因此,励志类电影,顾名思义就是能激励人奋发向上、积极乐观的电影类型。Genre is a term introduced into film theory by literary studies. One of its main meanings is classification. A class is a combination of many similar or identical things, and a type refers to the kind of things that have common characteristics. The classification of films provides an effective means to appreciate Hollywood films. There are many kinds of movies, and inspirational movies are the main one. It is very necessary to explore the characteristics of such films with the method of typology and conclude its unique patterns and elements for the creation of scripts or shooting such films.Genre films originated in the United States and developed the most mature in the United States. Genre films are highly stereotyped, with strong similarity and fixity in narrative mode, story plot, visual map and other aspects. Genre films gain a large number of audiences because of their outstanding features. It is this feature that has inspired other filmmakers to emulate it in order to re-energize the viewer's once memorable experience. Under the development of this causal relationship, genre films gradually mature. American Hollywood genre films have high box office, such as the fast and furious series and resident evil series, attracting numerous audiences.Genre film is a unique method of film creation in the heyday of Hollywood. In essence, it provides a set of standardized norms for a kind of art products, that is, films produced according to the established requirements of the type can be divided into comedy, disaster film, horror film, musical film and family ethics film. Genre film has three basic elements, namely: formulaic plot, stereotyped characters, graphic modeling. Genre films have five basic characteristics:To consider inspirational films as a type, we should first consider what are the characteristics of inspirational films and what can be classified into this category. Inspirational is to inspire a person's positive energy, wake up a person's inner creativity. The essence accumulated by personal experience and the energy bursting from the depths of our hearts are the source of our true dignity and confidence. Therefore, inspirational film, as its name implies, can inspire people to work up, positive and optimistic film type.Duality, the protagonist VS difficult, unfortunate; Similarity refers to similar traits, similar experiences and similar endings of the protagonist; Patternality, that is, the basic arc pattern of characters; "Dream ritual" is the grand finale of "dream" in inspirational movies; Mass entertainment, that is to meet the public's need to find power from the protagonist.Visual map: the peripheral world related to the protagonist, the life course of the protagonist.Photography modeling: multi-use close-up, dig more psychological characters, subtle expressions and movements. Inspirational films are different from war films, disaster films that kind of grand narrative, more show the life trajectory of the characters, especially the little people. Therefore, the character's expression, action and even psychological description is particularly important.Narrative mode: most of the same type of biography, with the development of time sequence, some also mixed with flashback, recall the past.Create one or a group of simple good, beautiful soul, willpower, perseverance character image. Characters in the pursuit of their dreams and goals in the process of constantly overcome difficulties, overcome difficulties, finally win respect, achievement.Biographical narrative structures based on the lives of specific characters, in which the protagonist encounters difficulties - solves them - and wins respect, are often presented from an omniscient perspective. Some people also use the first person to recall and tell stories, with the basic values of encouraging people to be positive, persistent and maintain a good mind and attitude in real life.The protagonist, difficulties, characteristics of the protagonist and friends are the four elements that constitute inspirational films.Forrest gump was released in the United States in 1994. Tells the story of a small town boy forrest gump although suffering from congenital mental retardation, but he efforts to move forward, self-improvement and courage, finally "silly people have silly fortune" to create a number of miracles of inspirational story.Hero: gump. Difficulty: the imbecile with an IQ of only 75 is often teased and mocked by others. The characteristics of the protagonist: kind, simple, brave, loyal, trustworthy, persistent, friendly. Friends: forrest gump's beloved Jenny has influenced his life, as well as his best friend babu.The protagonist, forrest gump, narrate himself. The whole movie is the memoir of the prota


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