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www.hotessay.cn 留学生Essay写作范文-价值澄清理论本篇Essay写作范文主要讨论了价值澄清理论。价值澄清理论是美国最有影响力的德育理论之一,该理论关注生活,认为价值是个人生活经验的产物,以价值相对主义为理论基石;主张尊重学生主体性;注重培养学生价值选择和判断能力,并提出了培养学生价值观的具体方法。价值澄清理论具有很强的实践性及操作性,因此一开始美国就有很多学校采用了这一方法。The theory of value clarification is one of the most influential theories of moral education in the United States. Advocate respecting students' subjectivity; Pay attention to cultivate students' ability of value selection and judgment, and put forward the concrete method of cultivating students' value. At present, there are some problems in the value education of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities in China, such as de-practicalization of teaching concept, de-life of teaching content and de-conflict of teaching method. The correct and comprehensive grasp of the main content of the value clarification theory is helpful for us to learn from its effective components reasonably and promote the improvement of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities.In the 1960s, the United States was undergoing a transformation from a traditional society to a modern pluralistic society. The changes in politics, economy and culture led to the reconstruction of values. Therefore, people were no longer satisfied with a single value standard, but pursued diversified value orientation. Faced with such an increasingly complex society, young college students are at a loss as to what justice is.The theory of value clarification is very practical and operational, so many American schools adopted this method at the very beginning. Its main content has the following aspects: first, to value relativism as the cornerstone of the theory. The theory of value clarification assumes that in a pluralistic society, there are different values and even conflicts between these values, and there is no unified moral principle and evaluation standard for people to follow. Secondly, focus on cultivating students' ability of value selection. The theory of value clarification holds that students' values are not formed by school moral education, but by their own life experience. Finally, value clarification is the main method of education, against traditional indoctrination. Therefore, the theory of value clarification divides the formation of value into three stages and seven steps. Lasse et al. also emphasized the elements of this approach, the focus on life.After the emergence of value clarification theory, it is favored by most American schools. First of all, in the 1980 s, American teenagers moral status than before, value clarification received widespread criticism and decline, because itself has certain theoretical defects, such as values clarification theory advocated value relativism and don't think the common values, thought in the diversification of social value is about personal things; Secondly, the theory of value clarification pays more attention to the process of value evaluation and ignores the content, which leads to formalism. Finally, the value clarification theory denies the indoctrination method, but the practice of American schools proves that the pure use of value clarification method will lead to the moral decline of young college students.Ideological and political theory course plays an important role in improving the ideological and political quality of young college students. General secretary xi stressed at the national conference on ideological and political work: "we should make good use of classroom teaching as the main channel, strengthen ideological and political theory courses through improvement, enhance the affinity and pertinence of ideological and political education, and meet the needs and expectations of students' growth and development." If we want to insist that ideological and political theory course should be strengthened in the improvement, we must face the current problems of ideological and political theory course in colleges and universities.Ideological and political theory course teaching philosophy to practice the performance of heavy knowledge imparting, light value shaping. The course of ideological and political theory has distinct political nature and scientific nature, as well as strong theoretical nature. Teachers pay more attention to the imparting of knowledge when designing classroom teaching, but pay less attention to students' value experience and value shaping. For students, the theory is boring, and does not fully follow the laws of physical and mental development of students, resulting in low class attendance rate, low head up rate, low participation. However, the practice teaching of ideological and political theory is also difficult to implement due to the low investment of practical teaching resources, the unitary practice teaching mode, and the imperfect evaluation and incentive mechanism of practice teaching. The mistake of the teaching idea of emphasizing knowledge imparting and neglecting value


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