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Unit2 School life,Welcome to the Unit,1. Its getting and (warm) when spring comes. 2. The (much) you practise, the (health) you will be. 3. Which is (large) sporting event in the world. The Olympic Games, of course. 4. The Monkey Island is (far) of the three. 5. The food tastes very (bad). 6. Its the worlds second (large) river. 7. Who is (beautiful), Betty, Amy or Linda?,8. My handwriting(书法) is as (good) as Millies. 9. David is a little (thin) than Millie. 10. Li Lei is than Li Xin and Wang Fei. He is in his class. 11. If you want to keep (health), youd better take (much) exercise and have (little) food. 12. Sam is about the same (高) as his sister.,1. 我认为远足不如骑车有趣。 I dont think hiking is as interesting as cycling. 2. Tom 对英语越来越感兴趣了。 Tom is more and more interested in English. 3. Lucy比她的同班同学都要仔细,她是最仔细的。 Lucy is more careful than any other student in her class. Lucy is more careful than (all) the other students She is the most careful of all. 4. 莫言是中国最著名的作家之一。zxxk Mo Yan is one of the most famous writers in China.,5. 你吃得越多,你就会越胖。 The more you eat, the fatter you will be. 6. 我花在数学上的时间最少,所以数学是我最差的科目。 I spend the least time on Maths, so Maths is my worst subject. 7. 左边的花比右边的美。 The flowers on the left are more beautiful than the ones on the right. 8. 游泳没有冲浪危险。 Swimming is not as dangerous as surfing.,1. What do you do from Monday to Friday? 2. Do you like to go to school? 3. How many lessons do you have every day? 4. What subjects do you learn? 5. What do you think of your school life?,Make a survey,Do you think dogs need to go to school?,Listen and answer,2. What does Eddie think school is like ?,Eddie thinks that its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements,1. Why dont dogs go to school ?,Eddie thinks they are cleverer than people.,3. What do you think school is like?,Hobo: Why _ dogs go to school, Eddie? Eddie: Because were _ than people. Hobo: What is school _? Eddie: Its like _, but there are _advertisements.,dont,cleverer,like,fewer,watching TV,Complete the dialogue.,1. What countries do you know?,2. What languages do they speak?,Do you know which countries the flags stand for?,China,the UK,the USA,ground floor,first floor,Maths,Math,present,Gift zx,xk,Attention:,People speak English in both Britain and the USA. However, sometimes they use different words which mean the same thing.,soccer,football,football,American football,fall,autumn,truck,lorry,rubber,eraser,biscuit,cookie,shop,store,film,movie,garden,yard,holiday,vacation,British English,1 biscuit 2 autumn 3 lorry 4 film 5 football 6 holiday 7 garden 8 rubber 9 shop,a. eraser b. soccer c. vacation d. cookie e. fall f. store g. truck h. yard i. movie,American English,1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _,d,e,g,i,b,c,h,a,f,I am a boy from England. I am a Grade8 student. I like playing football. and I am good at Maths . Autumn is coming and my best friend ,Maxs birthday is coming too. He lives on the ground floor. I will give him my present. Thats a nice rubber. And I plan to watch a film with him on that day.,soccer,math,Fall,first,eraser,movie,Please change the British English into American English,Read and answer,1. What is Simon going to buy for his cousin? He is going to buy a lorry for his cousin. 2. What is Daniel going to buy? He is going to buy some biscuits. 3. Whats Daniels plan for the weekend? He wants to see a film. 4. How about Simons? He will practise playing football this Saturday.,truck,cookies,soccer,movie,1. 学校生活 2. 更努力地工作 3. 像看电视一样 4. 更少的广告 5. 更少的钱 6. 周末计划 7. 看场电影 8. 校足球队 9. 一场重要的比赛 10. 这个秋季 11. 练习踢足球,school life work harder be like watching TV fewer advertisements less money plan for the weekend watch a movie/film school football / soccer team an important match this autumn practise playing football,1. 科学家们认为猴子比狗聪明地多。 Scientists think monkeys are much cleverer than dogs. 2. 贫困地区的孩子不得不更努力地学习。 The children in poor areas have to work harder. 3. 学校生活就像看电视一样。 School life is like watching TV. 4. 我们教室的课桌比他们班的少。 There are fewer desks in our class than in theirs. 5. 我们一起去看场电影怎么样?(两种) Shall we go to see a film? Shall we go to the cinema? What / How about going to see a film?,Goodbye,一 走过幽静逼仄的沙石路,掠过绿草如毡的黄土丘,碾过绿色葳蕤的陵山涧,穿过潺潺奔流的金水河,即到上安村。 脚踏上安地,一瞥即惊魂。地势由南向北,渐次升高,四面黄土丘,将牛姓家族的上安村紧紧围拢,如舒适的摇篮,妥贴、安稳。麦黄色土壤中,掩藏着曾经的兴盛,黄泥巴里紧裹着过往的繁华,古旧的建筑刻满明清风骨,沧桑的坡道印记志士仁人足迹。置身它面前,就像蹚过倒流的时光之河,跌落在静谧和恬淡里,跌落在远古和陈旧里,跌落在繁华和书香里。 此时,一棵老槐树,烂漫着六月的上安。杆如梁,枝如椽,叶如蘑菇云,看树龄,应该是先有上安村,后有老槐树。时间削走时间的腻,留给几个老人,满头的霜,起皱的皮,干瘪的嘴,身体弯成高墙上的拱形门窗,一溜儿坐在老槐掩映,墙体厚重的凉荫下。看收购旧手机的小贩,看留恋在古村里的我们,眼神里全是岁月静好,好得让人觉得安稳。他们不时用拐指指高处的天,戳戳脚下的地,闲谈着家常里短,唠叨着农田事务。在少人问津的角落默默修行,减弱了红尘俗世里的纷纷扰扰,有了清水煮岁月,不悲不喜的豁达,有了远离尘世间,安静于一呼一吸之间的澄明。历经夏蝉冬雪,安详已生骨质。像面前这棵槐,根向下扎,汲取大地无穷的给予,枝向上伸,奉献于蓝天苍绿的慰藉。上安村,闪烁着安稳,静谧的光泽。 二 上安村,曲折的路,不规则的石,如天空游荡的云,自由任性,虽历尽雨水的冲刷荡涤,洗去了棱棱角角的粗砺暴躁,走在上面,依然铬的难受,象


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