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一、教材分析,本模块以天气为话题,把焦点放在对天气的介绍上,话题贴近学生生活;学生也比较感兴趣,便于开展活动。语法现象是may/might表示可能性和动词不定式作主语。学生不但要具备并熟练地掌握may/might表示可能的意识和技巧,并且要会运用这一时态描述未来将可能是什么样的天气。并能用动词不定式作主语的句式来表达何时是去何地的好时候。,二、教学目标,语言知识目标 Vocabulary: cloud, shower, degree, temperature, joke, wet, might, windy, probably, sunny, cool, dry, cloudy, camera, umbrella, pleasant, fall, shine, depend Phrases: best of all,from time to time, compared to Grammar : To be able to use the infinitive and talk about possibilities.,2. 语言技能目标 听:能够对照天气示意图,听懂天气预报。 说:能够谈论并描述天气。 读:能够读懂描述天气的语言材料。 写:能够就某一问题给出建议,并使用because, so, but写出原因和说明。 3. 情感态度目标 通过课文教学引导学生关注天气情况,爱护环境,保护大气等自然资源的良好意识。,4. 学习策略 自学策略: 能借助词汇图掌握单词,形成话题联想的习惯。 合作学习策略: 关心人类的生活环境,能互相介绍不同地方的天气情况。 5. 文化意识 了解世界各地天气情况。,三、教学重点和难点 1重点 以天气为中心,介绍不同地方的各种天气情况, 以及去这些地方的最佳时候。 2. 难点 (1)表达天气的词及它们在句中的正确运用。 (2)能用恰当地道的英语介绍天气情况。 三、教学重点、 难点,四、教学策略 1.任务型教学策略: 新课程倡导“任务型”教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力,并以“能用英语做事”作为评价标准。要求教师在设计“任务型”活动时,应结合学生实际,力求设计出切实可行的活动。 2.开放性教学策略: 教师要开放性的处理教材,挖掘深层教学资源,拓展学用资源,实现教学资源的有机整合。,五、突破途径 1、以话题为核心,通过个人思考、小组及 班级活动等不同途径,在听、说、读、写中使单词及句型以不同的形式反复出现,在足够的输入中,达成有效的语言输出。 2、利用生动有趣的各种游戏,来代替枯燥 的语法演绎。,It may be cold tomorrow.,Unit 1 Drilling: Activity 4 (Acting out can be done.) Key points: at the moment, be off, notor, come on, better get going, buyfor, something warm Difficult sentences: 1. You must be joking! 2. It may not even be cold, just wet. 3. And it might be windy. 4. so itll probably be hot and sunny. 5. It may be quite cool, but itll probably be dry.,Lead-in,Weather,Brainstorming,cloud shower centigrade degree temperature freezing snowy joke,云 阵雨 摄氏温度 度数 温度 冰冻的,严寒的 下雪的 开玩笑,new words,I. Pre-listening,wet might windy probably sunny cool dry cloudy,湿的 可能 多风的 可能,或许 阳光充足的 凉爽的 干燥的 多云的,new words,Have a try,cloud shower centigrade degree temperature freezing snowy joke,云 阵雨 摄氏温度 度数 温度 冰冻的,严寒的 下雪的 开玩笑,cloud shower centigrade degree temperature freezing snowy joke,Have a try,wet might windy probably sunny cool dry cloudy,湿的 可能 多风的 可能,或许 阳光充足的 凉爽的 干燥的 多云的,wet might windy probably sunny cool dry cloudy,Activity 1,Can you say?,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,1,2,3,4,5,Can you read?,-7 1 5 8,between minus seven and plus one degrees,between five and eight degrees,stormy 58ºC,Hows the weather in? Whats the temperature?,windy -114ºC,cloudy -71ºC,. While-listening Activity 2&3 Listen and correct,-14 ,Activity4 Listen and answer,Is it warm today? What may the weather be like in Hong Kong?,No, it isnt.,It may be quite cool, but itll probably be dry.,Activity 5 Complete the table,cloudy cold dry freezing hot snow sun warm wet windy,freezing, cold,wet, windy,hot, sunny,cool, dry,What may/might the weather be like in?,Activity 6 Check () the true sentences.,Its always cold and wet in February in England. Its often freezing in February in England. Its always warm and dry in winter in England. Therell sometimes be snow in winter in England. Its usually hot in February in Australia. It sometimes isnt warm in winter in Hong Kong. Its always too hot in the USA. Its usually dry in winter in Hong Kong.,Read the dialogue in group of three. Then call some pairs to act it out.,. Post-listening,Say what the weather might or might not be like.,It will be /It will probably be ,tomorrow next week next month,Guessing game,Say what the weather might or might not be like.,It will be /It will probably be ,tomorrow next week next month,Say what the weather might or might not be like.,It will be /It will probably be ,tomorrow next week next month,Say what the weather might or might not be like.,It will be /It will probably be ,tomorrow next week next month,Say what the weather might or might not be like.,It will be /It will probably be ,tomorrow next week next month,1 4 ,Activity 8.Look at the correct information in the table in Activity 2.Give the correct weather forecast for China.,Everyday English,Hey, you lot! You must be joking! Sounds great! Not bad. Were off to Come on. better get going,嗨,你们这些人!,开玩笑!,Were going to 我们动身去,听起来好极了!,不坏。,赶快。,最好快走,Try to understand the sentences,It may not even be cold. We might go to Australia. Itll probably be hot and sunny. Whens the best time to visit the USA? What is the weather like? = How is the weather? What will the weather be like?,adv.,Language points (一):,1 You must be joking !,2 It may not even be cold .,3 It might be windy .,Language points :(二),4 天气将会怎么样: What will the weather be like ? - It will be ,5 出发: be off,eg: We are off to Beijing .,6 干某事的最好时候: the best time to do sth .,eg: Spring is the best time to plant trees .,7 既不也不 : not or,eg: I havent been to Shanghai or Beijing .,8 Hey, you lot! 嗨,你们这些人! lot 在这里表示“一群人”的意思。,Language points :(三),9 .so itll probably be hot and sunny. .因此可能会很炎热、晴朗。 probably “或许,大概”,10 Come on, better get going! 好了,走吧。 better get going 相当于had better go, 意思是“最好现在去/ 走”。,Summary:,What will the weather be like? It might be quite windy. It may be qu


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