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www.lunwentop.net Top论文网Essay写作范文-美国网络空间的一体化管理本篇essay代写- The integrated management mode of American cyberspace讨论了美国网络空间的一体化管理模式。美国的白宫设立了网络安全协调办公室,在其统一协调下,各部门各司其职,形成政府层面的网络安全管理体系。其中,国防部制定网络整体发展战略和政策,运行和保护国防信息系统和网络;国务院负责与网络安全相关的外交工作;国土安全部作为联邦政府确保网络安全的核心机构,协调全国网络安全告警和关键信息基础设施信息共享;联邦调查局负责美国国内恶意网络活动;中央情报局、国家安全局负责国外网络空间恶意活动;商务部制定与网络安全相关的标准和框架;财务部、司法部也承担了一些辅助性管理工作。The United States has established a leading position in the field of cyberspace by virtue of its huge information technology advantages. However, the huge scale of the development of cyberspace and the rapidly rising level of digitalization, software and networking also make the United States face more problems in the management and security of cyberspace. In recent years, the United States has taken various measures to solve the management problems encountered in the construction and operation of cyberspace from the aspects of management organization construction, top-level design, military-civilian cooperation, international cooperation, procurement management and supply chain security management, forming a unique integrated management mode of cyberspace.At present, the cyberspace management system of the United States is mainly composed of three levels, namely, the government, the military and inter-ministerial cooperation institutions. They have a clear division of labor, form a system and cooperate with each other to jointly ensure the rapid development and safe operation of the cyberspace of the United States.The White House has set up the cyber security coordination office. Under its unified coordination, each department will perform its own duties and form a cyber security management system at the government level. Among them, the ministry of defense formulates the overall network development strategy and policy, the operation and protection of national defense information systems and networks; the state council is responsible for diplomatic work related to cyber security. The department of homeland security, as the central agency of the federal government to ensure cyber security, coordinates national cyber security alerts and information sharing of critical information infrastructure. The fbi is responsible for malicious cyber activity in the United States; The cia and nsa are responsible for malicious activities in cyberspace abroad; The ministry of commerce formulates standards and frameworks related to cybersecurity; The finance department and the justice department also take on some supporting administrative work.The U.S. cyber command was established in 2009 to plan, coordinate, integrate, synchronize and direct operational activities, and the services have established a cyber operations command to support the cyber command. The cyber command presents operational and information assurance requirements to the dod cio, who sets specific policies, processes, and standards.In 2013, the us department of defense adjusted the cyber command, dividing the forces under its jurisdiction into cyber protection force, national mission force and combat mission force, so as to clarify its responsibilities. Among them, the network protection force is responsible for the army's network security; The national task force is responsible for securing the nation's electrical grid, financial institutions, and other critical infrastructure. The mission force is responsible for providing cyber attack capabilities to regional commanders.The United States has formed a cover of homeland security, intelligence, defense, law enforcement network space in four areas of emergency system, set up an inter-departmental, national telecom, the computer emergency response team coordination centre, the national center for network security, industrial control system network of emergency response team, the national response coordination center, national infrastructure coordination center, the national network survey joint task force and other institutions, effectively strengthen the collaboration between departments, improve the ability to deal with emergency network space.The United States has further enhanced the strategic position of cyber security in national security, guiding the administration of cyber security by formulating or revising policies and legal frameworks. In recent years, the United States has launched a series of strategies and policies, such as the international strategy for cyberspace and the national strategy for trusted identity authentication in cyberspace, basically establishing a strategic policy system at the top level of the country, and planning the overall construction of the us cyberspace force from the perspectives of diplomacy, economy, intelligence, military and technology.In addition to developing strategies and policies, the U.S. department of defense has issued a series of top-level documents on cyber operations, which guide the management of cyber operations and specify the authority and responsibilities of


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