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电子商务文案学院:工商管理Market analysis1, analysis of existing products on the market2, consumption characteristics analysis3, the target consumer group analysisAnalysis of existing products on the marketChina is the world's seafood production and consumption country, has an extensive seafood market. With the continuous economic development, people's living standards continue to improve, seafood consumption will increase rapidly. At the same time, consumer demand is undergoing subtle changes: Hierarchy of Needs to personalized and diversified development, more and more attention to the quality of service provided by the enterprise. In order to meet the market demand, new business model is imperative.Consumer AnalysisChina profound food culture, consumers generally prefer seafood, especially the various popular seafood, and pork, edible oil prices rise so seafood became an important alternative merchandise. Rational consumers began to develop in the direction required for seafood seafood is not limited to the surface and require fast, health, convenience, safety and sophisticated, humane, high-quality services. As people's work and life pressure, consumers less and less spare time at their disposal, in her spare time and do not have time to buy seafood processing, therefore processed seafood is very popular, consumers want business through diversification, professional management form and provide fresh, nutritious, convenient, delicious seafood dishes.Analysis of the target consumer group15-30 year-old consumers: They are in the early stages of life, anything in life is full of expectations, likes to try new things, dare to challenge. They have high demands for food, both delicious, but also pay attention to the food environment, petty bourgeoisie, so they should be a major seafood consumer groups.30 - 45 years old consumers: They are mothers and fathers who are, for the life of the consideration will be more responsible for the pressure is enormous, but they already have a certain economic base, to achieve high-grade consumption.Consumers over 45 years old: They in the diet in a very strange position, they have the ability to enjoy a high level of consumption, but probably because of physical reasons, can not be excessive intake of high protein things, for seafood the demand is limited, and they pay more attention to the use of health food, seafood products will not be an important development goals.ProductsRestaurant Theme: Freedom CasualRelax self, enjoy self-Unfettered, not to be tiedReturn to innocence, return to the originalCore products: seafood, friends, gathering placePhysical products: services, environmentAdditional products:Technology Attachment - teach you DIY your specialty seafood sushiSubject Add - Relax YourselfSeafood features                         FishShellfishShrimpCrab categoryAlgaeTurtle classFishFish nutrients little difference. Fish and turtle slightly higher crude protein content of crustaceans, molluscs low. Fish is rich in growth and development of the most important nutrients - protein, fish protein contains a variety of essential amino acids, is a human quality protein food, but fish is better than livestock products, more digestible and absorbed. In addition, fish also contains linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, linoleic acid and other essential fatty acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, visible, fish is not only good food, health nutrition, also anti-thrombosis, reduce blood viscosity, decreased blood pressure, can be used for the prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, vasculitis, cerebral arteriosclerosis and other diseases. Meanwhile, the fish can activate brain cells and improve brain function.ShellfishShellfish higher nutritional value and delicious. Its muscle meat, the ratio between the various trace elements appropriate, high protein content, fat content, easily digested and absorbed by the body. Shellfish are rich in calcium, trace elements, such as iodine, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, cobalt, especially the oyster meat, all shellfish highest zinc content of food. Chinese medicine believes that there is Yin shellfish eyesight, Ruanjian, phlegm, and some shellfish and Yijing Run dirty role. Everyone can eat shellfish, high cholesterol, high blood cholesterol physical persons and those with goiter, bronchitis, stomach problems and other diseases particularly suitable.ShrimpModern medical studies have proven that shrimp high nutritional value, can enhance the body's immunity and sexual function, kidney yang, anti premature aging. Eat shrimp (frying, roasting, stewing can), warm wine delivery service, can cure kidney impotence, chills, body tired, waist and knee pain and other symptoms. If a woman with little or no sweat postpartu


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