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Module One Unit One Key words and structures(2),former recently/lately culture develop photograph donate gift display kindness,1. 从前的,以前的adj. 2. 最近,近来adv. 最近的,新进的adj._ 3. 文化n. adj._ 4. vt.培养,养成,开发, 冲洗,洗印 n._ adj._/_ 5. 照片,相片n. 6. 捐赠,捐献vt. n._ 7. 赠品,礼物n. 8. 陈列,展览vt./n. 9. 善举,好意,善意n.,一、重点词汇,recent,cultural,development,developing /developed,donation,gifted adj.有天赋的,10. 客人n. 11. 演说,演讲,话n. 12. 套房n. 13.书橱,书柜 14. 注意,关注n. adj._.ad._ 15. vt.使满意,取悦 n._ adj._ _ _,attentive,attentively,guest,speech,flat,bookcase,attention,please,pleasure,pleasing,pleased,pleasant,title dynasty cover professor regret inform,16. 名称,题目,篇名n. 17. 朝代,王朝 18. 封面 (书的)封底 _ 19. 教授 20. 遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜vt&vi. 过去式_ 分词_ adj._ 21. vt.通知,告知 n._ adj._ 通知某人某 _ 使某人得知 _,regretted,regretted regretting,information informer,informed,back cover,regretful,inform sb. of/about sth.,keep sb. informed,22. 主持人,主人,东道主 vt.主持 女主人;女主持人_ 23. 管理,经营 24. 批准,通过;赞成vt.&vi. 赞成一项决定_ n._ 经某人批准_ 25. 广播,播放vt&n. 过去式_ 过去分词_,hostess,approve,approval,broadcast/broadcasted broadcast/broadcasted,run/operate/manage,host,approve (of )a decision,with ones approval,close outing continue poet generation poem select nature,26. 亲密的,靠近的adv._ 27. 短途旅行,远足n. 28. 继续,持续vt.&vi. adj. _ adv._ 29.诗人 30. 一代,一代人 31.诗,诗歌 32.选择,挑选vt.&vi. n._ 33.自然,大自然n. adj._,selection,natural,close closely,continuous continuously,Practice:Fill in the blanks 1.How can we make the teacher agree to our plan? How can we _our plan _by the teacher? 2.We students should pay attention to the teachers lessons. We students should listen to the teachers _. 3.Keep your eyes _ and listen to the music _. (close) 4. I regretted I didnt start off earlier. I regretted _ started off earlier.,have,approved,closed,closely,not having/ not to have started,attentively,二、重点短语 1.在这种情况下,如果这样 2.遗漏, 删除 3.捐赠 4.做出决定 5.make comparisons 6.后悔(没)做某事 抱歉要做某事,in this case,leave out,donate to,make decisions,regret (not) doing sth./ regret to have done sth. regret to do,做比较,7.允许(某人)做某事 8.播放CD 9.大声读出来 10.一代代地 11.到/在底为止 12. 提到/指,allow doing sth. allow sb. to do sth.,put on CD,read sth out loud,from generation to generation,by/at the end of,refer to; referring; referred,三、重点句型,1.Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China. 一到工地,工人们就开始干活。 _the worksite, the workers began to work. On/Upon their arrival at the worksite, the workers began to work. 2.When comparing, you must 指着地图,他问那个小城镇在哪儿。 When _the map, he asked where the small town was.,Upon/On arriving at,pointing at,3. The more choices you have, the better you find decisions will be. The sooner, the better. 越快越好。 我这份报纸读得越多,越不喜欢。 _ _ I read the newspaper. _ _ I like it.,The more,the less,4. Our club is much more than just music. Modern science is more than a large amount of information. I assure you I am more than glad to help you. More than 50 students were in the classroom when the fire broke out. The beauty of the place is more than I can describe. -Do you need any help, Lucy? -Yes.The job is _ I could do myself. A. less than B.more than C. no more than D.not more than,不仅仅是,非常,不止,超过,超出,B,四、知识归纳 1. pay attention to “注意”,此时to为介词,其后接名词,代词或动名词或名词性从句作宾语。 引起某人注意 _/_/_ ones attention to 请注意听他说话。 Please _ _ _ his words. Please pay attention to what he is saying. 她尽量想引起我们注意她的新裙子。 She tried to _ our _ _ her new dress.,pay attention to,attract,attention to,draw/attract /catch/,拓展:下列短语中的to 为介词 lead to get down to pay a visit to make ones way to be used/accustomed to refer to look forward to stick to be devoted/dedicated/addicted to attend to submit to subscribe to contribute to belong to -She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _ her. A. have seen B. see C. seeing D. be seen,C,2.cover (1)行进,走 They covered twenty kilometers in an hour. _ (2)占地,覆盖 这座房子占地120平方米。 The house _ _ _ _ 120 square meters. (3)报导,采访 cover the event/conference _,他们一小时内走了20公里。,covers (an area of ),报道这起大事/会议,(4)包含,包括,涉及 这本书涉及到污染。 This book _ pollution. (5)足够支付 500 dollars will cover all the expenses. 3. require: vt.要求,需要 n.requirement (1)require sth./doing /to be done (2)require sb. to do sth. (3)require that(should) 他的病需要立刻手术。 *He requires _ _. *He requires _ _ _ .,covers,immediate operation,operating on,immediately,真正的友谊需要我们互相信任和帮助。 True friendship _ us _ trust and help each other. 经理要求这项工作在午饭前完成。 The manager required that _ 拓展:_/_/_ones requirements 满足的要求 *Will the


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