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www.lxws.net meeloun论文网 专业留学生essay代写机构Essay写作范文-美国单边金融制裁本篇essay写作范文- Unilateral us financial sanctions讨论了美国单边金融制裁。单边主义的金融制裁,指单独的一国依据其国内法规定,由其国内的立法、执法、司法机关决议、发起及实施的金融制裁。当今世界上有能力发动单边金融制裁的国家只有美国,基于美国在国际金融市场上的关键供应者角色和美元在国际结算中的核心地位,当今的金融制裁在很大程度上属于美国的特权。Is a special form of economic sanctions, financial sanctions by freezing or confiscated assets, refuse to financial services, investment and financing activities directly or indirectly measures, such as to hinder financing mechanism of the object being sanctions or other adverse effects, damage caused by sanctions by the normal financial order, the mechanism of the domestic economy can't function efficiently. Compared with other economic sanctions, such as trade sanctions, oil sanctions and food sanctions, financial sanctions are more targeted, aiming to completely exclude the target from the global financial system, paralyzing its financial circulation and payment and settlement system. Financial sanctions are often not just for economic purposes, but to serve political interests in line with the global strategy of the sanctioning countries. As a special form of economic sanctions, financial sanctions also promote change through pressure and achieve political or security purposes through economic means.Unilateral financial sanctions refer to financial sanctions that are decided, initiated and implemented by legislation, law enforcement and judicial organs of a single country in accordance with its domestic laws. The only country in the world capable of imposing unilateral financial sanctions today is the United States. Based on its role as a key supplier in international financial markets and the central role of the dollar in international settlement, today's financial sanctions are largely the prerogative of the United States. After the war, the United States established the global financial system and global trading system represented by the international monetary fund and the world trade organization, and established its dominant position in the economic field, especially the international settlement monetary system. Other countries do not have this kind of absolute voice and control in the global system, so they are not in a position to impose financial sanctions. The United States once launched unilateral financial sanctions against Russia, Iran, north Korea and other countries. In terms of the final effect, it basically realized the interests of the United States. Therefore, the United States is increasingly safeguarding its interests and consolidating its traditional advantages through unilateral financial sanctions.U.S. unilateral domestic legal system of financial sanctions by congressional legislation, administrative regulations, the President commands and sanctions bill form a special layer on the interaction mechanism of the legislation, law enforcement, judicial, in one of the core is the international emergency economic powers act and the act of a state of emergency, and correspondingly supplementary regulations of the patriot act and the national defense authorization act. There are also special sanctions laws, such as the trade with the enemy act against north Korea and Cuba, the Iraq sanctions act, the Iran sanctions act, the Cuban democracy act and the international security and development cooperation act. In addition, the US President and the Treasury Department may initiate financial sanctions by issuing executive orders or special administrative regulations according to national interests and policy requirements.Unilateral financial sanctions are, by their very nature, non-violent ACTS of economic coercion, or economic pressure. Economic coercion prevailed after world war ii. Before the second world war, economic coercion was occasionally used as a diplomatic means of enforcing the will of imperialist countries, but it was no doubt more effective then by direct use of force through war, so economic coercion has not been widely concerned. With the establishment of a collective security system centered on the UN security council to ensure the peace and security of the international community, war, the oldest means of human settlement, has been put on the shelf to some extent. Because of the global economic ties closely to each other, the world integration trend of increasingly deepening, in global governance system has a relatively strong voice can exploit superpower monopoly rules standards, the right of control of economic and financial system in the field of force, to other stakeholders, positive or negative influence than naked military means, to cultural output, economic intervention and trade such a relatively modest measures to achieve the effect of pressure. As the only superpower since the war, the United States has been more willing and adept at imposing financial sanctions than any other country in the world.The ultimate purpose of international law is to achieve an international order, trying to build a long


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