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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 3(有答案)+关于拉票的作文:家长拉票虽是爱更是害

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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 3(有答案)+关于拉票的作文:家长拉票虽是爱更是害

人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 3(有答案)+关于拉票的作文:家长拉票虽是爱更是害必修二 Unit 3基础回顾.单句语法填空(导学号02516066)1If you are not totally (total) satisfied,return it at our expense.2A man stood up and crossed his arms over his head,signaling (signal) that he was strongly opposed.3With many problems arising (arise),he didnt know what to do next.4Personally (person) speaking,I am satisfied with all the work you have done.5Money does not always bring happiness (happy),but without it people often cant live well.6This question is too difficult for the children.I think wed better find a way to simplify (simple) it.7After graduating from the college,he made an application (apply) to the school for a job as a teacher.8I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and Im anxious to get help from you.9The students are looking forward to having an opportunity to explore(explore) society for reallife experience.10With global warming becoming more and more serious,it wont be long before some coastal cities disappear.单句改错(每句一错)(导学号02516067)1It wont be long before we will know the result of the experiment.去掉will 2. In the way,Im glad you made that mistake,for it will serve as a warning to you.thea3The environment of Hong Kong is very outstanding that it is chosen as one of the worlds most livable cities.veryso4Can you give me some advice on what to deal with this difficulty? whathow或dealdo5He has been ill for a long time;as a result of,his heart is slightly damaged.去掉of.佳句写作(导学号02516068)1他是一位如此聪明的男孩以至于我们都喜欢他。(so.that)答案:He is so clever a boy that we all like him./The boy is so clever that we all like him.2冬天来临了,天越来越冷。(with的复合结构)答案:With the winter coming,its getting colder and colder.3我们决不能允许这类事情继续下去。(in no way 放在句首)答案:In no way can we allow such a thing to continue.4他非常粗心,结果,他死了。(as a result)答案:He was very careless;as a result,he died.5到上学期期末为止,我们已经学会30首诗。(by the end of)答案:By the end of last term,we had learned 30 poems.技能提升.阅读理解(导学号02516069)(2018·赣州模拟)Siri is an artificial intelligence (AI) that you can carry around in the pocket,where it waits patiently to be told what to do.In the week we spent together,my AI assistant has performed admirably in finding me restaurants,or the location of the nearest coffee shop.A typical command might be:“Reserve a table for two  at  a  good  French  restaurant  in San Francisco.”Siri responds by presenting a list of toprated restaurants that can be booked on OpenTable.com.If you say which time you want,it can book you a table without lifting a finger.In some ways Siri is just a fancy frontend(前端程序) to the 35 sites it can connect to,from taxi booking sites to movie review databases.But whats new is the way it can analyze the intentions of its master or mistress and use those sites to put them into action.Siri attaches probabilities to the explanation of each word and crossreferences (对照检索) with your location and other data,some of which you must provide yourself.To send email reminders,Siri obviously needs to know your email address.To “find me the flower shop closest to work”,it needs to know where you work.To pay bills or buy airline tickets,it would need access to your credit card.That raises the question of how far we are willing to trust a piece of software that can go and do things for us based on what it “thinks” we mean,a topic that occupies some engineers working on artificial intelligence.The more data and power you give your virtual assistant,the more damage it could do.Siri may be simple,and always shows its explanation of a command before carrying it out.But it gives users a preview of a new balance between privacy,trust and convenience that the expansion of AI into everyday life is likely to develop.语篇解读本文主要介绍的是新的人工智能Siri的情况,及其工作原理和人们对它的看法。1What is Siri?AA digital ebook reader.BA musicsharing software.CA voicecontrolled website.DAn artificial intelligence software.解析:D考查细节理解。根据文章第一段第一句“Siri is an artificial intelligence(AI)that you can carry around in the pocket,where it waits patiently to be    told what to do.”可知,本题的答案为D。2When asked “do I need my umbrella today?”,what will Siri probably respond with?AThe list of umbrella makers.BThe list of umbrella shops.CThe local weather forecast.DThe local climate conditions.解析:C考查推理判断。根据文章第二段第四句“In some ways Siri   is just a fancy frontend(前端程序)to the 35 sites it can connect to,from taxi booking   sites to movie review databases.”可知,本题的答案是C。3Siri is new in that it has the ability_.Ato understand what you speakBto connect a lot of websitesCto give a variety of commandsDto create computerized database解析:A考查推理判断。根据文章可知,人工智能Siri很先进,是因为它能够理解你对它所说的话,然后再去检索信息与匹配。联系网站、发布命令和创造数据不算是新的功能。故本题的答案是A。4What question does Paragraph 4 answer?ADoes Siri think itself?BCan I trust you,Siri?CIs Siri simple for use?DWill Siri be popular?解析


本文(人教版高三英语一轮复习练习必修二 Unit 3(有答案)+关于拉票的作文:家长拉票虽是爱更是害)为本站会员(yikuai****ou999)主动上传,金锄头文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即阅读金锄头文库的“版权提示”【网址:https://www.jinchutou.com/h-59.html】,按提示上传提交保证函及证明材料,经审查核实后我们立即给予删除!


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