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工艺管线施工技术方案Construction Technique Scheme for Process Pipelines1 工程概况 我公司承建的中海壳牌石油化工有限公司南海石化项目苯乙烯、环氧丙烷及丙烯乙二醇装置位于广东省惠州市大亚湾区海畔.该项目由德悉尼布天辰化学工程(天津)有限公司设计,所处地区环境干燥温度最高38.5,最低2.3,湿润温度28.1,空气湿度大,雨期较长。2 编制依据2.1 德悉尼布天辰化学工程(天津)有限公司提供的工艺管道施工图;2.2 工艺管道设计技术交底(会议纪要);2.4石油化工剧毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范(SH3501-1997);2.5工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范(GB50235-97);2.6现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范(GB50236-98);2.7埋地钢质管道环氧煤沥青防腐技术标准(SY/T0447-96);2.8石油化工钢制通用阀门选用、检验及验收规范(SH3064-94);2.9石油化工设备和管道隔热技术规范(SH3010-2000);2.10工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范(HGJ229-91);2.11工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范(GBJ126-89);2.12石油化工工程铬钼耐热钢管道焊接技术规程(SHJ520-91);2.13电力建设施工及验收技术规范(管道篇)DL5031-942.14电力建设施工及验收技术规范(火力发电厂焊接篇)DL5007-922.15石油化工企业设备管道表面色和标志SH3043-19912.16石油化工异种钢焊接规程SH3526-19922.17石油化工铬镍奥氏体钢、铁镍合金和镍合金管道焊接规程SH3523-19992.18压力容器无损检测(JB4730-94);2.19石油化工施工安全技术规程(SH3505-99);2.20工程建设交工技术文件规定(SH3503-93);2.2150万吨/年延迟装置施工组织设计;2.22压力管道安装质量保证手册(QG/M4441.50.00-1999);2.23压力管道安装质量程序文件(QG/P4443.50.00-1999);2.24压力管道安装工艺标准(QG/4441.52.00-1999);2.25压力管道安装竣工技术文件规定(QG/M4441.53.00-1999)。3 工艺配管的特点: The character of pipe erection3.1 PTA装置中易燃,易爆及腐蚀性介质的管道较多,且物料大多为浆料和粉料,有强烈腐蚀性,故配管材料选用要求严格。本装置中大量使用超低碳不锈钢,包括304L、316L、317L等,并有少量钛管、海氏合金管及塑料管。IN PTA installation, there are many pipes with inflammable, explosive and corrosive medium, most of which are slurry and powder with strong corrosion. Therefore the required material of pipe erection is very strict. In this installation, we not only use a lot of low carbon stainless steel with specification of 304L,316L and 317L.but also some titanium pipe, alloy pipe and plastic pipe.3.2本装置动设备较多,必须保证无应力配管,不得对设备施加外力。配管应从设备开始向设备外配管,配管过程中应及时设置管道支吊架,不得让设备承受管道系统的重力。 There are many movable equipments in the installation, we need ensure pipe erection without stressing, and cannot impose external force on the equipments, In the pipe erection, we need start from the equipment inside, and then the outside of the equipments. We need set up the pipe rack in time to avoid the gravity from the pipe system.3.3本工程管道焊接量大,需要投入大批量的优秀焊工。我公司目前有压力管道持证焊工685名,能够保证焊接要求。如我公司中标本项目,将派出具有行业及国家级先进水平的优秀焊工来承担本工程的焊接任务,能够确保装置的长期有效地运行。 The pipe welding quantities is very heavy in the project. It needs provide a large number of qualified welders. Now our company has 685 welders with certificates, which can comply with the welding requirements. Once tendered, we will send qualified welders to bear the welding task of the project, All the welders have much experience and advance technique, which can ensure the erection in good quality in a long time.3.4 本装置工艺配管工程量大,共有各类管道132km。为提高劳动效率,加快施工进度,我们将大力推进管道自动焊,实行管道预制工厂化、产品化。我公司有各种型号的自动化焊机多台,在管道预制过程中,配以高纯度氩气(99.99%)的气体保护管道自动焊,可以极大地提高劳动效率,有效地抑制焊接接头部位的氧化,保证接头内部平整、外型美观。. The quantities of Process pipe erection is heavy, It includes all kinds of pipeof 132km.In order to enhance the work efficiency and speed the construction progress, we will try our best to push pipe automatic welding and perform pipe prefabrication in market. There are many automatic welding machines with models in our company. In the process of pipe erection, the application of arc protection automatic welding machine with high purity of argon can improve the work efficiency, hold back the oxidization of the location of welding joint, and ensure the inside of joint flat and on good look outside.4 管道安装工程量The quantities of pipe erection类别Type材质Material 规格(mm)Specification 质量(t)Quality 数量(m)Quantity管材Piping +material CS 1/254 878.04 62813 SS 1/280 315.1 38850 钛材Titanium 3/480 38.53 650 合金钢Alloy steel 3/436 13.53 630 铜管Copper pipe 1/23/4 17.27 28403 塑料管Plastic Pipe 3/456 1.49 706 法兰Flange 114.92 配件Fittings 255.3 阀门Valve 273.21 弹簧支撑Spring Supporting 11.88 其它支撑Other supporting 157.45、 管道材料检验Pipe material inspection管道施工材料的质量保证是施工质量的基础。我公司具有一套成熟可行的原材料检验管理制度,我们将按照具体工程特点建立健全切实可行的材料检验管理体系以提供质量保证。The quality assurance of pipe construction material is the basis of the construction quality. Our company owns a available and mature management system of material inspection and we will adjust it according to the actual project character for quality ensure.5.1 成立专门的检验小组实施统一的管材管件检验,并按照相应标准组织检验。 Setting up a inspection group for pipe material and fittings check, and inspecting with relative standard.5.2 材料检验设有独立的检验场地,并划分出待检区、检验区、合格品区和不合格品区。 Setting up a independent inspection area for material examination, and divide it into waiting inspection area ,inspection area, qualified production area and unqualified production area.5.3训练有素的检验人员将严格按照以下检验工艺进行检验: The trained person will strictly inspect material complying with the following procedure: 管材、管件接收Pipe material, fittings acceptance 品种、规格、数量检查Brand ,specification and quantities inspection 外观质量检查Configuration qualit


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