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高考定语从句翻译与改错练习 (1)

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高考定语从句翻译与改错练习 (1)

将下列各句翻译成英文,1.我们昨天学的那课书不好懂。,主语,谓语,定语从句,The lesson was hard to understand.,The lesson (which, that) we studied yesterday was hard to understand.,2.这是本月上映的最好的一部影片。,This is the best film.,This is the best film that has been shown this month.,.你可以拿你感兴趣的任何一本书。,You can take any book that interests you best.,You can take any book that you are most interested in.,3.人们喜欢住在空气新鲜,噪声很少的地方,People like to live in a place .,People like to live in a place where theres fresh air and little noise.,1949年是新中国诞生的一年。,1949 was the year,when new China was born.,.你在会上看到的那个女孩是个出名的游泳运动员。,The girl is a well-known swimmer.,(who, whom, that) you saw at the meeting,他就是我们昨天在报纸上见到照片的那个工人。,He is the very worker,whose picture we saw in the news-paper yesterday.,.他进大学的那一天非常高兴,He was very happy on the day,when (on which) he entered the u-niversity.,我总不太明白他犯这样一个错误的原因。,I never really understand the reason,why he made such a serious mistake.,我哪儿没讲清楚,你们只管问我。,You just ask me anything,(that) I dont make clear.,.他就是我在展览会上遇到的那个人。,He was the one,(that) I met at the exhibition.,不要读那些你看不懂的书。,Dont read such books,as you cannot understand.,这就是你们谈论那么多的那本新小说吗?,Is this the new novel,about which you have talked so much?,. 昨天在动物园我和他说话的那个人是一位工程师,我父亲的一个朋友,The man is an engineer, a friend of my fathers.,(who, whom, that) I spoke to in the zoo yesterday,很快,他们来到一座小房子,房子前面坐着一个男孩。,Soon they arrived at a small house,in front of which sat a small boy.,改错,1.The book that I borrowed it from the library is well written. 2.The house stood at the place which the roads meet. 3.Did you see the young man whom was chosen the League secretary? 4.We shall visit the university where my father teaches there.,where,who/that,5.Can you think of anyone whos house is on a pile of rocks? 6.The day which I was to start arrived at last. 7.I have known the reason which she is so worried. 8.This is the girl who practice playing the piano everyday. 9.The watch which her mother gave it to her works very well. 10.This is the shop which keep open till eleven at night.,whose,when/on which,Why/for which,practices,keeps,11.Is she the girl who her grandfather was a Red Army man? 12.The worker who repaired our house live next door to Li Huas. 13.The girl studies music plays the violin very well. 14.The house in where we live is very large. 15.The street which lead us to the Beijing Station is wide and long.,whose,lives,who/that,which,leads,16.This is the one hundredth letter which she has received from that boy. 17.This is the woman to who my mother talked just now. 18. Who is the driver who caused the accident? 19. He is such a clever boy that I like. 20. Which is known to all, the earth is round.,22 Mary married Tom, as is true. 23 It is such a hot day as I want to go swimming very much. 24. He is the only one of the students who are good at dancing. 25. This is the word that you should pay attention. 26. I have a book, whose the cover is very beautiful.,27. He beat me, as I have never expected. 28. Which is known to all, Lu Xun is dead.,


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