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演讲人:陈子浩 刘俊贤,Oktoberfest 啤酒节,Oktoberfest 啤酒节,The origin of Oktoberfest: Munich Beer Festival original meaning is “October“, from 1810 Kingdom of Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria wedding. Start and end times : Third Saturday of September each year between October and first Sunday is set as beer festival.,路德维格王子的婚礼,On September 15, a worker prepared a festival tent for the upcoming beer festival in Munich, southern Germany。,Munich 慕尼黑,In September 17th 12 midday, with the mayor of Munich Unscrew the first tap of beer barrel, the 178th German Beer Festival kicked off in Munich,mayor 市长 unscrew 旋开 barrel 桶 kick off 开始,The mayor of Munich the same brewery mill owners together by being a new dress carriage, the guard epaulets, go forward with great strength and vigor into square,brewery 啤酒厂 carriage 车辆 epaulet 肩章 vigor 精力,People with a splendid carriage shipping of beer, drink to one's content in large beer tents,festival's traditional clothing,Burly men tend to choose real leather, with suspender pants, white shirt,burly 强壮的 suspender pants吊带裤,Beer Festival concerts and performances and delicious food,Every year millions from Germany and all over the world to participate in the Oktoberfest celebration Although for the beer festival is free, but beer or to their own pocket.,Beer served until ten thirty in the evening .,Beer festival night,thank you!,nowadays,how···,德国人将喝酒视为每天的“必修课”,各种酒馆、酒屋、小客栈便多似天上的星星。仅人口100万的慕尼黑就有3000多个每天都座无虚席的啤酒馆。几乎每个踏进酒馆的人至少都点半升啤酒佐餐(最受欢迎的是“比尔森”啤酒),但人们最常点的还是一升。所以“一升”在慕尼黑及整个巴伐利亚可说是个“计量单位”,当地还盛行一谚语“有节制地一天喝一升,健康赛神仙”。人们也不只是进餐时才喝酒,几乎是随时随地喝。德国各地几乎都有“啤酒公园”,只要太阳一露脸,人们就蜂拥至啤酒公园,尽情享受一下大自然。,The German will drink regards as “the required course” daily, each kind of tavern, the liquor room, the small inn will then resemble the space the star.Only population 1,000,000 Munich has more than 3000 every day full house alehouses.Each steps into the tavern a human at least all and half litre beer to be eaten with rice or bread (most receives welcome is nearly “Plzen” beer), but people most Chang Dian is a litre.Therefore “a litre” in Munich and the entire Bavaria may say is “the measuring unit”, the locality is also in vogue a proverb “to have controls one day to drink a litre, healthy match deity”.When the people also dine only then drinks, is nearly drinks anytime and anywhere.German each place nearly all has “the beer park”, as soon as so long as the sun beams with joy, the people swarm to the beer park, enjoys heartily the nature.,慕尼黑一向是公认的“啤酒之都”,每年秋季都会举行世界上规模最大的啤酒节十月庆典。来自世界各地的观光客纷至沓来,涌向慕尼黑,一品“巴伐利亚啤酒”,并亲身体验德国人民欢庆节日的热闹和喜悦。其实,早从公元1517年起,德国每隔7年就会在慕尼黑举行一场“桶匠之舞”。这种花式舞蹈是由18人共同演出,他们不断舞动桶箍,并把它们弄成王冠,在黑死病终止蔓延的年代,这些桶匠就是第一批通过欢乐的舞蹈。,Munich always is the recognition “the beer all”, the autumn can hold in every year the world the scale biggest beer festival - - in October celebration.Comes from the world each place tourist to stream in, rushes Munich, one “the Bavaria beer”, and experiences the German people to joyfully celebrate by oneself the holiday liveliness and the joy.Actually, each from 1517, Germany 7 years can hold “dance of early the cooper” in Munich.This plants flowers the type dance is performs together by 18 people, they wave the barrel hoop unceasingly, and makes into them the royal crown, terminated spread at black death the age, these coopers are the first batch through the happy dance.,


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