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小学英语 名词语法点

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小学英语 名词语法点

六年级精讲精练(复习),Unit1 Nouns 花桥 刘旎 Elly,本单元教学重难点分析,语法:1.名词的分类:专有名词和普通名词 2. 可数名词,不可数名词 3.名词的单复数 (重点:谓语和修饰词的选择。次重点:单复数变形) 4.名词的所有格:s所有格 of所有格 双重所有格 时间距离所有格,教学目标,学生将学习名词的类,名词的数,名词的格。 学生能在生活中认识发现专有名词,能用复数名词表达名词的数量。能用名词所有格表示所属关系。能在听,说,读,写四方便熟练运用名词的各种语法现象。,本单元课时分配说明,L1 名词的分类, 名词的单复数变化规则, 阅读. L2 名词的格,听力训练,拓展写作。,Lesson one,Personal Information,Name: Kobe Bean Bryant Born: August 23, 1978 Philadelphia,Pennsylvania Country: the United State Nationality: American Language: English Listed height: (1.98 m) Listed weight: (96 kg) High school: Lower Merion,Career: basketball player Team: Los Angeles Lakers Position: Shooting guard Number: 8, 24 Award: NBA Most Valuable Player Family member: father, mother, two sisters Favorite food: apple pie cheese,Nouns,Proper Nouns专有名词 Countable Nouns 可数名词 Collective Nouns 集体名词 Mass Nouns 物质名词 Abstract Nouns 抽象名词 Common Nouns普通名词 Individual Nouns 个体名词 Uncountable Nouns 不可数名词,名词 Noun Name 名字,普通名词 Common Nouns,专有名词 Proper Nouns,个体名词: student,pen,bird 集体名词:people,police,family 物质名词:water,air,wood 抽象名词:work,peace,love,人名 :Kobe Bryant 地名: Wuhan 国名: China 机构 :Bank of China 党派名:the Communist Party of China 报刊:China Daily 月份:May 节日:Childrens Day 书名,电影名:Harry Porter,可数名词 Countable Nouns 不可数名词 Uncountable Nouns,How can you classify nouns?,D,8. Id like to buy some_ to drink. A. apples B. bananas C. pizza D. juice,Ex P3,液体类 :lemonade,juice,tea,milk,coffee ,honey,jam,ink,glue 肉类:beef,pork,mutton,meat,steak, 食物类:cheese,rice,bread,sugar,salt,flour, 抽象名词类:work,homework,housework,price 其他类:rain,snow,paper,furniture,money,返回,不可数名词:(前面不能用a,an等来修饰),既可作可数也可作不可数,apple banana fish chicken meat,soap cake milk chalk watermelon,glue soup people sandwich hot dog,river ice-cream bread flour toothpaste,CN,UN,Put these nouns into the right house!,A. 名词复数规则变化 1. 单数名词词尾加s mapmaps ,deskdesks 2. s , x , sh , ch结尾的词加es. eg:classclasses, boxboxes, matchmatches, 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i,再加es。 eg:familyfamilies , citycities partyparties 以元音字母加y结尾的直接加s boyboys, toytoys 4.以f或fe结尾的名词, A:变f或fe为v,再加es。 eg:shelfshelves , wolfwolves 5 .以o结尾的词加有生命的加es,无生命的加s Eg:tomato,tomatoes potatopotatoes pinaopinaos photophotos,1. books 2. maps 1. cars 2. babies 1. watches 2. boxes 1. knives 2. potatoes,清清 /s/,元浊/z/,/iz/,/z/,Read,18,B.不规则变化,1.元音变化 manmen womanwomen footfeet toothteeth mousemice 2.词尾变化 childchildren ox - oxen 3.单复同形 deerdeer,sheepsheep, fishfish,peoplepeople ChineseChinese,JapaneseJapanese,举一反三2,名称 一个人(单) 两个人(复) 中国人 a Chinese two Chinese 瑞士人 a Swiss two Swiss 日本人 a Japanese two Japanese 英国人 an Englishman two Englishmen 法国人 a Frenchman two Frenchmen 美国人 an American two Americans 德国人 a Germans two Germans 意大利人 an Italian two Italians 澳大利亚人 an Australian two Australians 印度人 an Indian two Indians 加拿大人 a Canadian two Canadians 希腊人 a Greek two Greeks,国籍复数形式,口诀:中日瑞士不变,英法a变e,其他加-s,合成名词的复数 1)man, woman 构成的合成词,前后都要变成复数 a man doctor men doctors a woman teacher women teachers 2) 将中心词,主体,变为复数 son-in-law-sons-in-law sister-in-law-sisters-in-law 3) 没有主体中心词的, 在词尾加S go-between-go-betweens forget-me-not-forget-me-nots,口诀:男人女人前后变,其他找主体,无主体加后边,这些名词作主语时,注意它们的谓语,下列几组复数名词中,每组都有一个错词,请指出:,1 A.Chinese B. Frenchmen C. Englishmen D. Germen,2. A. tomatoes B. photos C. radioes D. potatoes,3. A. desks B. Americans C. friends D. breads,4. A. stories B. families C. plays D. keies,5. A. leaves B. knives C. rooves D. shelves,6. A. clothes B.monthes C. mouths D. fifths,Fill in the blanks by the Chinese meaning.,1. I want an apple. 我想要一个苹果。 2. There is some milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些牛奶。 3. They are policemen. 他们是警察 4. His family are all music lovers. 他的家人都是音乐爱好者。 5. Here is a slice of cake. 这是一块蛋糕。 6. There are a few eggs in the basket. 篮子里有少许鸡蛋。 7. There is a little juice in the glass. 杯子里有少许果汁。,5. Few is for countable nouns. 6. Little is for uncountable nouns.,1. We use a/an/one in front of a singular.,2. We use is in front of a singular or an uncountable noun.,3. When the number of a noun is more than two, we use are in front of the plural.,4. We can use measure word, like, piece, slice to modify the quantity Of uncountable nouns,Tips:,Lesson two,Kobes basketball,Whose basket ball is this?,Kobes hand,Whose hand is this?,名词的格,定义:的 形式:s or 1. 表示有生命的名词所有格 A. Kobes basketball B. students books/ Williamss book C. Lilys and Lucys rooms (分别有) D. Lily and Lucys mother(共同有) E. Chinas village (有时也可用于无生命的名词),2. 表示无生命的名词所有格,或比较正式的场合。 A. the name of the book (B of A) 3. 双重所有格:当中的一个或一些 a friend of my sisters (of+ones) a pen of mine (of + 名词性物主代词),4. 时间距离所有格:一段时间的。 ten minutes walk Ten days holiday,Ex P5,P10 Lets listen,Personal Information,Name: Born: Country: Nationality: Language:,Career: Hobby: Family member: Favorite food:,Writing:Self-introduction,_ _ _


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