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unit 4 what27s the best movie theater全英文优秀说课稿

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unit 4 what27s the best movie theater全英文优秀说课稿

Lesson plan presentation for Unit4 Whats the best movie theater? Good morning everyone, Im X X. Its my great pleasure to get your attention. The lesson plan I am going to present is from Go for it Great 8 Section A of Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?period 1, and I will present my teaching plan from the following 5 parts.( 1. Analysis the teaching material 2.Teaching methods 3.Studying ways 4.Teaching procedures 5. Blackboard design)Part 1 Analysis the teaching material I will also present this part from 5 parts.1. Status and function The topic of this unit is to discuss perferences and make comparisons using superlatives. This is a useful expression. This topic is related to Ss daily life. All the activities of this class are helpful to raise Ss learning interest. At the same time, the target language of this class is the basis for Ss to learn other contents of this unit, so its very important for Ss to learn this class well.2. Analysis the Ss As we know, the Ss of Great 8 have learned many adjectives and comparative before, so they can use some words and simple sentences to express their ideas. And this topic of this class is close to Ss daily life, they will be very interested in this class. Moreover, the junior school Ss abstract thinking is relatively low and their attention cant last for a long time. But they enjoy showing themselves in class.3. Teaching aims and demands The teaching aims basis is established according to the junior school English syllabus provision, and I set the following objects:1. Knowledge objects: To enable the Ss master the key vocabularies and phrases:theater, screen, close, tickets comfortable, worst, cheaply To make the Ss understand and use the sentence pattern: Whats the best movie theater? Theater has the most comfortable seats. To let Ss master the superlatives2. Ability objects: To develop the Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, To train the Ss abilities of shorthand, communicating, thinking and summarizing.3. Moral objects: To make the Ss learn how to work with others and express ideas during the communicating Students will learn to share their preferences with others.and Lead the students to be the best.4.Teaching key and difficult points: Students can use the comparative and superlative to discuss their preferences.5. Teaching aids:In this class, I mainly use: multi-media computer, tape recorder, music, flashing cards,school things and so on. They will be needed in this class.Part2 Teaching methods: In this class, I mainly use: Communicative teaching method; task-based teaching method; game teaching method; cooperative teaching method ”As we know, the main instructional aims of Ss in junior school is to cultivate their abilities of listening ,speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of English language. So I will use these methods, Thats to say, I will let the Ss have a better understanding of target language. I will give the Ss some tasks and arrange some activities to have my class.Part3 Studying ways In this class, to make the Ss master the key vocabularies and phrases by guessing, acting, listening and using. To make the Ss learn the English language by communicating, using, and listening To enable the Ss master the target language by summarizing, using and doing some exercises. Some Ss are lack of courage and independent thinking ability, So I will be a guider, Many activities require all the Ss to take part in , they will have many chances to practice their English. They will do some pair work or group work to learn how ro communicate and exchange information with others.Part4.Teaching procedures Lets focus on the teaching procedures which include 7 steps.Step 1. Warming up slogans ( 2 minutes )Good , better , best, Never let it rest ,Till good is better , And better is best . Bad , worse ,worst , Never fight against ,Get better and better, And youll be the best.The purpose of my designing: to attract the Ss attention and form the relaxing learning interest. Stimulate their learning interest and let them be ready for class.Step2 Presentation 1 1.Show pictures of things and let Ss to compare them. For example:This computer is cheap. This computer is cheaper than that one. This one is the cheapest of all. 2.Then, ask Ss to discuss What the superlative is in groups. Ss summarize it 3. ask the Ss try to change some adj into superlative degree. 4.At last, the teacher presents the superlative degree on sc


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