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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习选修六 Unit 3(附答案)+中学生作文:青灯不灭

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人教版高三英语一轮复习练习选修六 Unit 3(附答案)+中学生作文:青灯不灭

人教版高三英语一轮复习练习选修六 Unit 3(附答案)+中学生作文:青灯不灭选修六 Unit 3基础回顾.单句语法填空(导学号02516291)1He was ashamed of having asked such a silly question.2They hurried to catch the train due to leave (leave) at 4:15 in the afternoon.3Judging from what he said and did, we can conclude that he was desperate for fame.4Alices not accustomed to making (make) speeches publicly;its so embarrassing.5Cigarette advertising should be banned (ban)because smoking is bad for our health.6It is said that those who are stressed (stress) or working overtime are likely to put on weight.7Though disappointed (disappoint) to know he wouldnt get the job after the interview, Frank thanked us politely.8These exercises are designed to strengthen(strength) muscles.9The number of people infected with HIV may reach 50 million by 2020 unless effective(effect) measures are taken to prevent the spread of the disease.10The new survey shows that the number of students addicted (addict) to computer games has been on the increase in recent years.单句改错(每句一错)(导学号02516292)1Im not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had as more tiring a day as today.去掉more2Next time you will pay a visit to Shanghai, Ill show you around.去掉第一个will3The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism to the wildlife in the area.第二个toon/upon4Accustoming to living in Tianjin for quite a few years, Mr. Park had little difficulty understanding Chinese.AccustomingAccustomed或Accustoming后加himself5After seeing your ad,I think your sixweek English course is very fit to me.tofor.佳句写作(导学号02516293)1当穿越街道时务必要小心。(do起强调作用)答案:Do be careful when crossing the street.2尽管大雨,我们仍旧在操场上踢足球。(in spite of)答案:In spite of the heavy rain,we still kept on playing football on the playground.3说实话,我不喜欢处理这样棘手的问题。(feel like)答案:To be honest,I dont feel like dealing with such urgent problems.4三年前他染上抽烟的坏习惯。(get into the habit of)答案:He got into the habit of smoking three years ago.5真遗憾她不能在这儿看电视。(Its a shame that)答案:Its a shame that she cant be here to watch TV.技能提升.阅读理解(导学号02516294)(2018x北高中毕业班第一次模拟)When I was about ten years old,I was walking down the street with my mother.She stopped to speak to Mr Lee,and I knew I could see Mr Lee any time around the neighborhood,so I didnt pay any attention to him.After we passed Mr Lee,my mother stopped me and said something that has stuck with me from that day until now.She said,“You let that be the last time youve ever walked by somebody and not opened up your mouth to speak,because even a dog will wag its tail when it passes you on the street.” Mothers words sound simple,but its been a guidepost for me and the foundation of who I am.Its not just something I believe in;its become a way of life.I believe that every person deserves to feel someone acknowledge their presence,no matter how humble(卑微的)they may be.At work,I always said hello to the founder of the company and asked him how our business was doing.But I also spoke to the people who cleaned the buildings and asked how their children were doing.After a few years of greeting the founder,I had the courage to ask him for a meeting.We had a great talk.At a certain point I asked him how far he thought I could go in his company.He said,“If you want to,you can get all the way to this seat.”Ive become vice president,but that hasnt changed the way I approach people.I still follow my mothers advice.I speak to everyone I see,no matter where I am.Ive learned that speaking to people creates a pathway into their world,and it allows them to come into mine,too.语篇解读作者小时候因为在路上没有给邻居打招呼而受到了母亲的批评。母亲的话使作者悟出了主动与别人交流的重要性。1What did the author do when he met Mr Lee?AHe talked with somebody else.BHe was attracted by a dog.CHe greeted him politely.DHe ignored him.解析:D考查细节理解。根据第一段的“so I didnt pay any attention to him”可知,作者的母亲与邻居说话时,作者没有在意邻居,故选D。2What kind of person is the authors mother?AOptimistic. BKindhearted.CStrict.  DOpenminded.解析:C考查推理判断。根据第一段的“You let that be the last time youve ever walked by somebody.because even a dog will wag its tail when it passes you on the street”可推知,母亲对作者很严格。3How did the company founder reply to the author?AHe played a joke.BHe inspired him.CHe invited him to coffee.DHe gave him the seat.解析:B考查推理判断。根据第三段的“If you want to,you can get all the way to this seat”可知,公司的创办人说如果作者想要在公司获得很大发展,他完全可以坐到创办人的位置,由此可推知,这位领导在鼓励作者。4What does the author think of saying hello to people?AIt can build connections with others.BIts a way to show sympathy to humble people.CIts a must to become a president.DIt can bring him what he wants.解析:A考查推理判断。根据最后一段的“speaking to people creates a pathway into their world,and it allows them to come into mine,too”可知,向别人问候有助于建立人际关系。.完形填空(2018x北x山一模)I first got to know Rose while working in a hospital kitchen.When I arrived at 6 am.,


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