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克里斯教育 初二英语上册(专用材料)Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Part One : Grammars involved in this unit.Tense (时态)一般现在时态:主谓宾: S+V+O I like English.(陈述句)-Do you like English?(一般疑问句) - What do you like?(特殊疑问句) Your mother likes apples. (陈述句)- Does your mother like apples? (一般疑问句) - What does your mother like? (特殊疑问句)主系表:S+Be( am is are)+PHe is your teacher. (陈述句)- Is he your teacher? (一般疑问句) - Who is he? (特殊疑问句)现在进行时态:主谓宾: S+Be(am is are)+V-ing+OHe is singing an English song. (陈述句)-Is he singing an English song? (一般疑问句) - What is he singing? (特殊疑问句)You are watching Animal World. (陈述句)- Are you watching Animal World? (一般疑问句) -What are you watching? (特殊疑问句)一般过去时态:主谓宾:S+V-ed+OI learned English two years ago. (陈述句)-Did you learn English two years ago? When did you learn English? Or What did you learn two years ago? (特殊疑问句)主系表:S+Be(was / were)+PHe was my classmate two weeks ago. (陈述句)- Was he your classmate two weeks ago? (一般疑问句) - When was he your classmate? (特殊疑问句)一般将来时态:主谓宾:S+Will / be going to +V+OHe will go to Beijing. (陈述句)- Will he go to Beijing? (一般疑问句) - Where will he go? (特殊疑问句)I will do my homework. (陈述句)- Will you do your homework? (一般疑问句) - What will you do (特殊疑问句)主系表:S+will / be going to +V+OHe will be your English teacher. (陈述句)- Will he be your English teacher? (一般疑问句) - What will he be? (特殊疑问句)Tips(温馨小提示):同学们一定要从Chris 给大家的例句中找到一般现在时态的规律 。他们是如何发生转变的。当主语是第三人称单数的时候,谓语动词如何变形等Part Two: words and expressions.1. how often 多久一次 ; eg: How often do you eat an Roujiamo? How often does your sisters mother lend you a book? How often do your dogs bite a man?2. exercise v. 锻炼;练习 eg: I usually exercise once a month. My father hardly ever exercises. How often does your mother exercise? Do you want to exercise in the afthernoons? Did you exercise last year?3. skateboard v. 踩滑板;滑滑板 eg: He never skakeboards with his father. Do they always skateboard with us? I dont like skateboarding.4. always 总是;often 常常; usually 通常 ;sometimes 有时;hardly ever 很少,几乎不;never 从来不; once 一次; twice 两次;three times 三次 ; five times 五次5. surf v. 上网;冲浪 I usually surf the internet twice a week. Do you like surfing the internet? My mother doesnt like surfing the internet. How often does your sister surf the internet?6. program n. 电视等节目;表演 Which program do you like best? News Express(新闻快递) is my favorite program.7. high school ; middle school; 中学 I am studying at No.1 middle school.8. result n. 结果 I like the final(最终的,最后的) result.9. active adj. 积极的;活跃的;Xiang Zhen is an active boy. Ding Jiaqi is not very active in class.10. for prep. 对于; 关于;对于.而言; For me, English is really easy to learn. What does your mother usually cook for dinner. As for: 至于;关于; As for you, I have nothing to say .11. about prep. 关于 I know nothing about him. Do you know anything about the book?12. junk food n 垃圾食品 I dont like eating junk food. 13. chocolate 巧克力 coffee 咖啡 milk 牛奶 chip 薯条 cola可乐14. drink v. drank drunk 喝 I drank two bottles of milk the day before yesterday. Did your father drink wine last night?15. health n. 健康. Good health helps you get good grades. Junk food is bad for your health. healthy adj. 健康的; You have to keep healthy. How do you keep healthy? 反义词: unhealthy adj. 不健康的 My cat has an unhealthy lifestyle, because it sleeps in the days and plays with the rats(老鼠) at nights.16. Have a good health. keep healthy; keep in good health.17. how many 多少(可数) How many books do you have? How many friends does your sister have? how much 多少(不可数) How much junk food did you eat last night? How much water do you drink everyday?18. interview v. 采访;面试;I interviewed Yao Ming last year. 通过interview 转成名词;interviewer n. 采访者,面试官;the interviewer is very kind. interviewee n. You are an interviewee; I am an interviewer.19. habit n. 习惯;My brother has many bad habits. It is very useful(有用的,有好处的) to have a good eating habit.20. try v. 尽力;试图;尝试 I tried many times to help him, but he didnt listen to me at all. (try to do sth. 尽力做某事) I am trying learning English.(try doing sth. 尝试做某事) I am trying not to play with him. ( try not to do sth. 尽量不去做某事)21. of course 当然,自然 “Will you help me with my homework? ” “Of course, we are friends, arent we?”22. look v. 看 因为look是不及物动词,所以后面如果想跟宾语的话必须接介词。因为搭配不同的介词会出现不同的意思 look at : 朝.看 The man is look at you. look for :寻找(强调寻找的动作。 I am looking for my pen. find (强词寻找的结果,比如:I found your pen, Chris.)请同学们认真揣摩这两个寻找的实际意义; look after 照看,照料 My brother looked after me when I was a little girl.23. lifestyle n. 生活方式。(lifestyle 是由两个单词 life 和style构成,以后我们还要学习很多类似这样的复合词,同学们也想想,我们以前有没有遇到过类似的复合词) My cat really enjoys its lifestyle.24. grade n. 分数 Ding jianan got very good grade in math.25. bet


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