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English teaching summaryUnder the new curriculum standard in primary school English teaching, teachers should cultivate and maintain student thick interest in learning, seize the opportunity, render English classroom atmosphere, arouse students' interest and curiosity,study the textbook fully,and prepare for the class carefully, Of cours increasing interest in each aspect of teaching is also very important. Teachers should also pay attention to the “people oriented” to let students play the main role.We can establish new relationship and pay attention to the importance of affective communication between teachers and students,so that students can cultivate much interest in textbook.And we can also develop different kinds of after schoo activities with extensive content.As we know ,interest is the best teacher,so a successful English teacher should consciously train the student in the teaching of English lasting interest, encourage students to learn in a good state to make them be interested in English study.So classroom teaching methods must be constantly updated, Teachers can organize students to a wide range of language practice activities with flexible teaching methods. Strengthen the cultivation of students' interest in English learning, let students become interested as motivation to participate in practice, provide the dynamics of language practice activities.First、Seize the opportunity and render English classroom atmosphere to create a relaxed and happy learning environment and arouse students' interest and curiosity. Characteristics of primary school age are: love speaking and moving, but be weak in self restriction or self control ability . Maybe we will neglecte these characteristics while teaching, even just follow simple traditional teaching mode, use traditional teaching methods and mechanical explanation. We must not consider them as the container of knowledge to instill boring cold grammar and vocabulary.Or they wont be interested in, even dont have the learning enthusiasm and initiative. At present, the quality of English Teaching in primary school is poor, I am afraid that this is one of the main reasons. The learning needs interest. In a certain sense, learning English requires more interest. How to stimulate students interest in learning, and keep it, make it become their motivation to learn, is the starting point of interesting teaching considerationSecond、The full study on materials, careful preparation, increase interest in each aspect of teaching.Its always from easy to difficult for teachers to deal with learning materials and content. At the same time we should consider a certain degree of stimulation on the student's learning interests to make the students thought is always in a positive state, so that their interest gradually upgrade. Secondly, we should increase the teaching link's interest. The diversification of teaching methods but also helps to make the students interest can be maintained. Before presending language materials, the teacher must think of a way to create new and credible scenarios for students, which attract the attention of students, to show the scene by the transition to the textbook scenario. At the same time, rational use of material objects, pictures, charts, brief strokes, live recording, multimedia courseware and so on, so that the scenes to be rendered more intuitive and full of fun. For example, in the text teaching, the teachers may downloaded some reading and writing materials from the Internet, use self-made courseware for teaching, through the combination of sound, light, electricity, with vivid image, the real picture, beautiful language and music, to enrich the students' imagination, stimulate the students' interest and thirst for knowledge, enhance students' memory effect. Third、Pay attention to the “people oriented” to let students play the main role.The past teaching often emphasizes the teacher's leading, but only consider students as the object of education. And students mind is seen as the container that can be filled with knowledge.So education characteristics and students subjective initiative are ignored. Teachers should put the pupils as life with growth potential who contain the mechanism main body development.Teachers should realize the purpose of teaching is to develop the students' potential, drive the development mechanism of its subject, to grow, mature. The "people-oriented" concept in the field of education more and more win support among the people. In the process of education,the way that takes the student as the center, gives full play to students' initiative has become teachers enthusiastic teaching method. First language acquisition research and foreign language learning studies have identified. The inportance of teaching isnt “What should we teach?” any longer, but “How should we do to create such conditions in class?”. New curriculum standard emphasizes that students "do what", therefore, we should


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