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湖北省宜昌市2018-2019学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 答案

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湖北省宜昌市2018-2019学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 答案

宜昌市 2019 年高一年级学年期末调考试题英语参考答案 审题人:黄海燕,朱学恒,龚明星,帅勇 听力部分听力部分 15 ABCAB 610 ABACC 1115 CBCCB 1620 BABCA 阅读阅读理解理解 21-23 BCD 24-27 BADB 28-31 CDDC 32-35 ABAC 3640 DGCAF 完形填空完形填空 4145 CADBC 4650 ABCAD 5155 BACBD 5660 ADCBD 语法语法填空填空 61. filmed 62. started 63. traditional 64. going 65. If 66. As 67. which 68. impression 69. has been considered 70. so 短文短文改错:改错: Good afternoon, fellow students! It's quite obvious failure is part of our life. And no one can live their life without from failure, for which some people cry, some get drunk, and the others even become depressed for a long time. But remember that failure is the mother of success. So it is not wise to look on failure the end of the world. Disappointment, sadness and complaining are useless. In my , we should develop a attitude towards it and face it bravely. If we failure as an opportunity to learn, we can improve get nearer to success day by day. 书面表达书面表达 Dear Terry, How is everything going? I have heard that you are interested in Chinese folk music and here comes a good chance for you to enjoy it. The folk orchestra of our school will give a performance in the school lecture hall at 7 pm this Friday. The performance will last 2 hours, during which time we will hear 10 famous folk symphonies. The folk orchestra is made up of 30 students and they each can play a traditional instrument very well. Under the guidance of a music teacher, they practice very hard and have won great awards for their excellent performances. I can assure you that you will have a great time with us. Looking forward to your coming! Yours sincerely Li Hua 听力录音稿 1. M: Hey, Jenny. How is the singing class going? W: Great. Just on my way to volleyball practice. And you? M: Im going to my guitar lesson. 2. M: Id like these plates. How much are they? W: 10 dollars each. Or you may have them two for 15. M: Okay. Id like two of them. 3. M: What did you get for your Christmas? M: My elder brother gave me a doll, and my aunt got me a beautiful baseball cap. But the coolest present was from my father: an iPad. 4. W: Jack, you look tired. M: Yes, Ive got a lot of work to do, but it gives me a great sense of achievement. 5. M: Have you heard of the “Ecological Little Citizen“? W: Not really. Could you say something about it? M: Well, every student in our school is asked to join in the “Ecological Little Citizen“ this year by the government, whose aim is to guide us students to respect and protect nature, and to develop a healthy lifestyle. W: Sounds amazing. Can I have a try? M: Absolutely! Of course. Here are some books, you can find out all the details in it. 6. W: You look terrible this morning, Jack. Whats up? M: Well. Nothing much. I am just a bit tired. W: Whats that? Did you stay up last night? M: Yes. My daughter was running a high fever all night. W: Oh, poor little thing! How is she now? M: Fortunately, much better, and the doctor said she would be back on her feet in two days. 7. W: (phone ringing) Daniel Wagners law office. How can I help you? M: Hi. This is Tom Langley. I am calling about my appointment. W: OK, Mr. Lane. When was your appointment? M: I am sorry. Its Tom Langley, not Lane. I believe I was supposed to come in today at 2 p.m., but I am afraid I cant make it. W: Oh, I see, Mr. Langley. Your appointment is actually scheduled at 4:00 p.m. Do you still need to reschedule? M: Well, I am out of town on business and I dont think I can get there in time. Do you have any openings in the morning next week? W: Let me see. Yes, you could come on the 16th at 10: 30. Would that work? M: Yes, I can make that. 8. M: So, what are you doing this weekend? W: It all depends. If the weather is fine, I think I will go hiking in the mountains. M: And if it isnt? W: Then I will just do some reading. What about you? M: If I finish the experiment report in the lab, I will play video games at home. But I dont think I will finish it. Do you ever wish you had more time, for everything ? W: Of course. There is never enough. So what would you do if you had more time? M: I guess I will practice playing drum and work out at the gym more. How about you? W: I will go to concerts and do shopping. But that costs a lot. And I really wish I were a millionaire. M: So what would you do if you were rich enough? W: Id live in a city like Dubai. M: Sounds great. Id buy a huge TV and open a video game studio. W: Well, I guess we should be practical. Without hard work, our dreams will never come true. 9. W: Hello. This is the Hamiltons'. M: Oh, hello. My names Paul Blake. Im ringing about the flat. W: Oh, yes. You saw it in the newspaper, didnt you? M: Thats right. Could you tell me something about the flat? W: Well, theres quite a big sitting room and a kitchen. M: Good. What abo


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