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Topic11.Do you like sports?What is your favorite sport?A1:Of course I like sports. My favorite sport is jogging. It is a very good form of exercise that can make hearts stronger. It is also a text of ones will power. Moreover it can help people to relax while keeping fit. So I enjoy jogging best.A2:Yes,I do.My favorite sport is basketball.2.What sports do most young people go in for?A1:I think most young people go in for running and playing basketball.A2:I think young people go in for sports such as jogging. It is a very good form of exercise that can make hearts stronger. It is also a text of ones will power. Moreover it can help them to relax while keeping fit. So most young people enjoy jogging.3.Could you name some ball games?which one do you like best?A1:Ball games are the sports such as tennis, table tennis, badminton, football, basketball and so on. I like table tennis and consider it is a good form of exercise. It can help people live an active life and help them to keep fit. Moreover, it is also a kind of relax. So I like it best.A2:There are many ball games like basketball ,volleyball, baseball, table tennis and so on,basketball is my favorite sport.4.What do you know about the Olympic Games? A1:The Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the word ,Athletes from different countries compete in a variety of sports which are divided into winter and summer games,The Olympics began in Greece more than 2700years ago,The first recorded Olympic competition was held in776BC.A2:Over 2700 years ago the first Olympics were held in Athens. Now it has become the worlds most important athletic events and a symbol of the sporting friendship of all the people in the world. Usually, the Olympics are held every for years in a different city in the world.5.Why do people need to play sports?A1:As we all know,play sports is the favorite thing of most people.Apart from being a funny activity,sports offer some health benefits.First,those who play sports have a more positive attitude towards life.Second,playing sports can help us do enough exercise to keep health.A2: First, doing sports regularly can help lose weight and get figure back. Secondly it is a test of ones will power during the exercise and I believed we can make our heart stronger by doing more sports. Finally, today people may spend more time sitting in a chair all day, which has made them very lazy. So playing sports can help people live an active and healthy life.Topic21. Do you like the climate of the city where you live? Why or why not?I dont like the climate of the city I live. It is too hot in summer and too cold in winter. It rains too often in a long period of summer. I really cant stand this wet climate.2. How do you get weather information?I often tune in to the TV to check on the weather report. Sometimes, I just read the newspaper to get the information about weather. Knowing weather conditions can help me organize my work and make the plan for the day.3.Which season do you like best? Why?I like autumn best because the temperature is neither too high nor too low. It is always sunny in autumn and I dont need to pat attention to the sudden rain. I always feel comfortable in autumn.4.Is weather forecasting important in modern life? Why or why not? Weather forecasting is important because an unexpected tornado may destroy homes, cause flood, and claim death and injury. With knowledge of what the weather will be like, people can better prepare against possible rain or snow or intense heat when they go out for work or travel. What more, people can better organize their work and make plans for the day.5. what do you think of weather forecasting(on the radio or on TV or in the newspaper or in Internet)? Is it possible or impossible to give accurate weather forecasts?Weather scientists analyze data from satellites and then predict the weather for the coming days. The information about weather is announced on the radio or TV, but sometimes weather forecasts are not accurate. But I think it is possible to give accurate weather forecast with the development of science technology.Topic31. Do you sometimes eat out? What kind of place do you like to go to?I sometimes eat out in a restaurant where the food is good, though it costs more. I prefer to choose the restaurant which is clean, spacious and well-ventilated. Moreover, the service there must be good.2.Are there any differences or similarities between good Chinese table manners and western table manners?There are great differences between Chinese table manners and western table manners? In the West, everyone has their own plate of food while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality, so they may prepare a lot of food that can not be eaten up. But in the we


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