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(3)Follow Positive Fashions, Resist Negative Fashions.韩蕊蕊临淄雪宫中学Fashions refer to the things that most people tend to do. Some fashions are positive and meaningful while some are negative and harmful. So we cant simply say we should follow fashions or we shouldnt follow fashions. Its the effect fashions have on society that counts.When it comes to clothes, fashions should not be followed. What others wear may not fit you. Also, you dont need to change your likes and dislikes in order to follow fashions. Its stupid to run after fashions without consideration. What clothes we should buy depends on our financial ability, our tastes, our identity and so on. If everyone follows fashions without thinking, people will lose their own personality and our society will lack the motivation to develop. In a nutshell, we shouldnt follow wearing fashions. Its important that we dress what we like and feel comfortable in it.Fashions also include donating money and items. Its the fashion that we should follow. Wenchuan and Yushu earthquake destroy many peoples homes. As Chinese, we have the res-ponsbility*1 to give a hand to them. To help them rebuild their houses and pick up their courage, we should do what we can. At one time, many people give out a large number of money and items without hesitation. We are glad to see that the fashion has been formed. On no condition should we give up helping others. That fashion represents Chinese spirits. Everyone following the fashion, 12 we will over come*3 any difficulties and head to the bright future.Should we follow fashions? At some time, we should; at some time, we shouldnt . If the fashion has a positive effect on our society, it should be encouraged. If the fashion does harm to our society, it must be resisted. Its the principle we should insist on. Only in this way can our country develop rapidly. Treat fashions correctly, and everyone will live a better life.专家点评:从文章的字里行间能明显感觉到该同学对于英语语言本身的休养较高:包括词的选择使用,难句的把握,整体的流畅性,都是值得赞扬和学习的,这是一篇很优秀的文章。-*1responsibility12句子缺东西,再者与后句缺乏逻辑关系。*3overcome(2)Follow Fashions without Losing Yourself赖绮玫广州市执信中学When it comes to fashion, what will you come up with? Gucci, Prada, Channel or Nike, Puma, Addidas? If these are all the things you can think of, I have to say your definition of fashion is too shallow11 . As far as I am concerned, following fashions is not just about chasing labels, it pertains with choosing a lifestyle, adjusting your values as well, which can be of great help to us as long as we dont lose our own style when pursuing it.The advantage *2 of following fashions can easily be seen from how the fashions come about. Lets take*3 the popularity of Japanese clothes adored by such enormous number of people is*4 that the dresses and shirts are beautifully decorated with bows ,laces, making young girls unable to resist the temptation to buy them. As we can conclude from the example, it is because something is charmfu*5 l enough to attract people that it turns into fashion, which makes it totally reasonable for people to follow fashions as they can benefit from it.Besides, it is an obvious truth that humans are social animals. Such *6 is human nature that we like to get together and communicate with each iother*7 , and invariably, fashions become a hot topic. Therefore, following fashions creates common points*8 among people, leading to more communication and harmonious relationship. If you keep up with fashions, I guess, you will never be isolated and left silent *9 in a party.Last but not least, fashions actually contain varieties of new ideas of life. They can be a new healthy lifestyle, the latest inventions to improve life quality or some nobel *10 thoughts of a better city, all of which may be creative indeed. 111 Only when you follow the fashions and absorb these new ideas, can you keep pace with times and enjoy your life better.Nevertheless, to follow fashions never amounts*12 to lose yourself in the tide of fashions. It will be absolutely stupid if you have no feature of your own and just follow the steps of others. In my opinion, keeping your own style is something foundamental 113 and essential in following fashions.To sum up from the facts mentioned above, we can safely reach the conclusion that as long as you stick to your own style, following fashions is bound to present you with a more enjoyable life. So lets catch up with fashions!专家点评:文章思路清晰,结构紧凑,开头和结尾紧扣主题,精干又有力,容易使读者对文章主旨的把握。中间部分的逻辑性强,思路也很清晰,唯一不足的是在一些长难句的表达上出现了一些错误,有些句子让人很难理解。在以后的写作中可以多关注长句子的练习。-11不符合英语习惯,改为 narrow 是否好一些?*2advantages*3删去*4lies*5charming*6改为It*7other*8是否用trend 刚好?*9alone*10删去111句子缺主语?*12means113拼写有误 foundmental(1)Volunteer Work


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