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CWL/JL/JWC/ZY012-02毕业论文(设计)开题报告论文(设计)题目:系(院): 外国语学院 专 业: 英语( 方向) 年级(班): 2007级 1 班 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 2010年7月 日重庆文理学院本科毕业论文(设计)开题报告1.选题的目的和意义:Purpose:Using English songs in English teaching can make Junior English learners learn English in a happy and relaxing environment and arouse the students interest and enhance the passion of learning, assisting in the study of culture and language. In this kind of class, the students can learn English more effectively and it can make them learn English by themselves. Take the New English Curriculum Standard as a guide, English activity classes have following purposes: communicate with each other by using a lot of English, consolidate and raise the content, enlarge knowledge, and encourage the students to use the intrinsic motivation and interest of English communication in improving the quality of English teaching. The application of English songs has this function.Significance: It corresponds with the New English Curriculum Standard .And by using the English songs in class, it can increase the whole level of the English teaching, strengthen the positive study and increase their oral expression ability and listening ability ect. And this kind of English activity can arouse students English learning enthusiasm and make them interested in learning and thinking in English. It has the long-term meaning of English teaching history. 2.国内外研究现状(文献综述):In recent years, at abroad, foreign language educational circles emphasize to put the excitation of the students interests in an important position, as well as to let the students study foreign language in an easy and pleasant atmosphere all specially.“Interest is the best teacher.” The class which uses English songs can train a student the habit of using the brain, mouth and ears ect., the inherent motivation, the personality and the curiosity. Here, the activity class is supposed to achieve this purpose. At the same time, we can see that the English songs play an important role in English teaching.At aboard, musical activities had made a great development in advance many years ago. In their foreign language teaching, the teacher pays more attention to arouse students interest by using some activity skills and to urge the students to be able to express their ideas courageously and to take part in the class activities actively by the guide of the teachers. The teachers are gradually aware of the value of foreign language songs. As(Lo and Li 1998) Songs provide a break from classroom routine, and that learning English through songs develops a non-threatening classroom atmosphere in which the four language skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking)can be enhanced. The belief that songs provide enjoyment and develop language skills is also noted by several other authors. The enjoyment of learning language through song is directly related to affective factors. For example, language teachers in Turkey, have been using English language songs to help children improve their English thorough enjoyable activities. But in China, especially in inner areas, teaching and learning are often separated in the teaching process. Teachers can not arouse students learning interest. Therefore, some students always sit in the class but absence of mind. They dont join in teachers activities with their empty heads. In that case, the class which uses the English songs means that students have fun in the classroom without pressure, not mention learn something from it. It should be improved the ability of arousing students interest. In fact, the students are not really join in the teachers activity. English songs, which combine their pleasing rhythms with colorful meanings, are characterized by their strong artistic quality and wide audiences. However, English songs, regarded as their amateur entertainment by teachers and students for years, have been neglected in class. As a result, they have failed to be utilized and developed. As a curriculum resource, English songs should be actively developed by teachers to stimulate their class, to improve their teaching mode and efficiency, and to better the students qualities in all-round way(Wei 2007).With the development of society, the abroad foreign language teaching theory of English teaching has produced active effect to our country; a lot of scholar has carried out investigation and discussion on English songs application.In the field of theory, It has been said that children have a natural musical taste and that play is the only activity that they take seriously. Carl Marx said “music is human being's second language.” A large amount of literature which discusses the value of using songs in ESL/EFL classrooms is not empirically based. However, based upon teacher experience, the first hand knowledge of what actually occurs in a language


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