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教材目录Unit 1 Having a Party Unit 2 Sports and GamesUnit 3 Having Fun Unit 4 RevisionUnit 5 Safety Unit 6 Asking for HelpUnit 7 Jobs Unit 8 Revision(一)单词 Unit 1invitation 邀请卡 crayon 蜡笔 scissors 剪刀 pen 钢笔glue 胶水 paper 纸 party 聚会 get ready 准备好 draw 画 cut 剪、切stick 粘贴 write 写 first 首先,第一 next 其次 then 然后 finally 最后with 用 practice 练习Unit 2 sport 运动 game 比赛,竞赛 jogging 慢跑 hiking 徒步旅行 tennis 网球cycling 自行车赛 hockey 曲棍球 baseball 棒球 also 也,同样sometimes 有时 often 常常Unit 3 concert 音乐会 go to the movies 去看电影 Lego 乐高拼装玩具 drive 开车,驾车bumper car 碰碰车 puzzle 拼图玩具 weekend 周末 exciting 激动人心的 cool 棒极了,酷的 just 只是,不过 so-so 平常的,不好不坏的Unit 5 play with fire 玩火 downstairs 在楼下 touch 触摸,碰 climb 爬,攀登careful 小心的,仔细的 dangerous 危险的 sidewalk 人行道 underpass 地下通道 footbridge 人行桥 crosswalk 人行横道 fence 护栏 traffic light 红绿灯 use 使用 safe 安全的 cross 穿越,横跨 stop 停止 climb over 翻越 rule 规则Unit 6pass 传递,递给 help 帮助 dictionary 字典 math problem 数学难题CD player 激光唱机 eraser 橡皮 ruler 尺子Unit 7cook 厨师 mailman 邮递员,邮差 salesclerk 店员,售货员 hairdresser 理发师,美容师 dentist 牙科医生 computer programmer 计算机程序编制员singer 歌手 post office 邮局 hospital 医院 store 商店 hotel 旅馆 beauty shop 美容院(二)词组Unit 1动词短语:make an invitation draw with crayons cut with scissors write with pensstick with glue get ready practice songs and dances clean the classroom see the flowerstake pictures, be going to, have a party顺序:first, next, then, finally节日:Teachers Day Childrens Day Mothers Day Fathers Day May DayNational Day New Years Day Thanksgiving Christmas名词短语:national flag, Christmas treeUnit 2动词短语:be good at, play + 球类运动 (hockey/ tennis/ baseball), go + V-ing (jogging/ hiking/ swimming/ cycling/ shopping)Unit 3动词短语:go to concerts go to the movies play Legos drive bumper cars do puzzlescollect seashells go to the ballet go to Disneyland go to the Science Museum play soccer形容词:boring exciting cool just so-so wonderful 介词短语:on weekends in Australia / Russia / the USA/ Canada from England疑问副词 why 连词 becauseUnit 5形容词:safe dangerous介词短语: over there on the third floor in the kitchen 动词短语:throw sth out of the window have a picnic want to smoke ride a bike knock at the doorUnit 6名词短语:math problem 动词短语:Excuse me Thank you Unit 7职业名词:teacher singer hairdresser dentist computer programmer salesclerk cook mailman policeman cleaner 地点名词: school hotel post office hospital store office beauty shop police station airport形容词:interesting boring fun exciting cool (a boring job an exciting job a cool job)动词短语:wear a uniform wear a mask direct traffic keep the city safe keep streets clean keep your mouth healthy sweep the streets put the waste into the dustbin use a drill use a broom be kind to brush your teeth fly the plane(三)句型Unit 11. Teachers Day is coming. 2. Im going to make an invitation.3. What about you? 4. Me too. 5. Do you have scissors? 6. Dont worry.7. It is time for dinner.Unit 2 1. Do you like baseball? 2. Do you often go jogging? 3. Do you play tennis?4. Is Lily good at tennis?Unit 31. Do you like to go to concerts? 2. I like to do puzzles. 3. What do you do for fun?What does he like to do for fun?4. I like to drive bumper cars because its exciting.5. Where is Andy? He is in Australia. Unit 51. Dont climb the window. Dont play with fire. Dont run downstairs. Dont touch it.Dont cross the street. Dont climb over the fence. Dont throw things out of the window.Dont smoke here. Dont go this way. Dont open the door for a stranger.2. Its dangerous. 3. Be careful. 4. Sorry, I wont. 5. Use the footbridge/ crosswalk/ underpass/ sidewalk. 16. The light is red. Please stop.Unit 6 1. Can you pass me the CD player? Here you are.Can I use your ruler? Sorry, Im using it. Sorry, I dont have one.Can you help me? Can you help me with math? Sure, what is it?Can you ask people to help you?2. What do they want? 3. Thats OK. 4. Please call 119/ 120. Lets call the police.5. Dont move him. 6. Help! Help! Fire! Fire! 7. Wheres the washroom?8. Whats the weather like in Shanghai?Unit 71. What does Andys father do? He is a mailman.2. What do you want to be? I want to be a singer.3. Where does Andys grandfather work? He works in a hospital.4. What does he do there? He is a dentist.5. Lets talk about jobs. 6. My uncle is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My aunt is a hairdresser. She works in a beauty shop. My sister is a singer. She works in a theater. 7. Which job do you


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