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新视界大学英语综合教程3 unit 4

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新视界大学英语综合教程3 unit 4

,Warming up, Listen and underline any words or expressions which are different from what you hear.,Nathan: So whatve you done over the last two years, since we left college and became unemployable science graduates? Brett: Ive been on the road. Ive been east, to China, Japan, Thailand I taught English for a few months in Tokyo and yourself?,Nathan: So whatve you done over the last two years, since we left college and became unemployable science graduates? Brett: Ive been on the road. Ive been east, to China, Japan, Thailand I taught English for a few months in Tokyo and yourself?,Warming up,Nathan: Nothing so exciting. Ive been here most of the time, doing odd jobs dealing with online orders for a supermarket, delivering pizzas, gardening, cat-sitting (not quite as difficult as babysitting!), replying to emails for a local politician, and what else? Oh yes, I spent two months in a call centre, which wasnt very well-paid, and I did some tourist information research, interviewing people arriving at the station. And Ive done some teaching too, giving maths lessons to students preparing for university entrance. Brett: For someone whos unemployable it looks as if youve been rather busy!,Nathan: Nothing so exciting. Ive been here most of the time, doing odd jobs dealing with online orders for a supermarket, delivering pizzas, gardening, cat-sitting (not quite as difficult as babysitting!), replying to emails for a local politician, and what else? Oh yes, I spent two months in a call centre, which wasnt very well-paid, and I did some tourist information research, interviewing people arriving at the station. And Ive done some teaching too, giving maths lessons to students preparing for university entrance. Brett: For someone whos unemployable it looks as if youve been rather busy!,Warming up,Now listen again and correct the information.,Answer: science art; Tokyo Bangkok; cat-sitting dog-walking; very well-paid much fun; station airport; maths history,Warming up, Work in pairs and discuss the questions.,1 What jobs has Nathan done since he left university? 2 Which of them would you describe as traditional? Which of them are new? 3 Why does Nathan describe them both as “unemployable”? 4 Has the world of work changed for young people? If so, why? 5 Why do you think Nathan and Brett have not started secure careers yet?,Warming up,1 What jobs has Nathan done since he left university?,Dealing with online orders for a supermarket, delivering pizzas, gardening, dog-walking, replying to emails for a local politician, working in a call centre, doing tourist information research and giving history lessons to students preparing for university entrance.,Warming up,2 Which of them would you describe as traditional? Which of them are new?,Traditional: gardening, market research, tutoring the rest are of more recent date, though delivery boys as a group are arguably traditional.,3 Why does Nathan describe them both as “unemployable”?,Presumably they have not been able to find jobs. Perhaps he is also referring to the high jobless rate for fresh graduates in many economies.,Warming up,4 Has the world of work changed for young people? If so, why?,It is less stable jobs change faster so people need to retrain. Companies continually look for savings and new technology allows them to automate tasks. Workers now spend most of their time in front of screens. Work is less social.,5 Why do you think Nathan and Brett have not started secure careers yet?,They have not had the sort of job offers they want. The competition among new graduates is intense. It seems Brett is not quite ready to settle down yet and enjoys being free to travel.,Warming up,Listen to the passage and fill the blanks.,There are many methods of woodworking and each culture has its own _. Artistic wood creations include architectural _ on buildings, furniture for the home or even carved animals. For example, in Thailand, _ detailed carvings from teak and other hard woods are an important part of _ palaces and religious buildings. Woodcarvers were a very important group of _. A person needed many years of training with experts to be a wood carver. Wood carvings often include plant forms such as the lotus flower as well as _ taken from Hindu and Buddhist religious stories.,traditions,decoration,richly,ancient,artists,figures,Warming up, Look at the first sentence of the passage and choose the best answer to the question.,It is not surprising that modern children tend to look blank and dispirited when informed that they will someday have to “go to work and make a living”.,Warming up,Why do you think it isnt surprising that children are unhappy that one day they will have to “go to work”?,(a) Most of them have never done any hard work in their lives. (b) They feel demotivated about the qualifications they will have to get. (c) They cant make up their minds what they


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