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人教版九年级Unit13Were trying to save the earth!写作课教学设计抚宁区骊城学区坟坨初级中学 白俊颖【教材分析】本单元中心话题“绿色环保”保护我们的地球。讨论了如何从点滴小事做起,节约能源,保护环境。本模块内容贴近学生生活实际,学生既有学习英语的乐趣,又有保护环境,保护地球的意识,为发起全球环保的总动员而准备。【学情分析】 本节课面向九年级学生,学生学习热情高,自信心强。经过几年的学习,学生已经具备较好的语言基础,有一定的词汇量和语法知识,能够进行基础的写作。面临的主要问题是部分学生一见到英语写作就产生恐慌心理,特别是当看到有些情境难以用英语表达出来时。再次,学生认为书面表达构思简单,只要没有语言、语法错误再加上几个“漂亮”的句子就能拿高分。其次,一些学生不知道写作的主旨意图,以为写作就是要完成教师布置的任务。 很多学生基本功很差,学习比较懒散,不愿积累。【教学目标】(1)学生能通过听、说、读的训练,最终达到提升写的能力。(2)学会litter, reduce, reusable, save electricity, take action等词并能把这些词运用到写作之中。(3)培养学生对英文的兴趣、与同学之间互助合作的习惯。(4)改变传统的写作教学,通过引导学生积极主动地投入到语言的实践中去,包括听、说、读、的实践来最终提高写作的能力。(5)培养学生环保意识,用实际行动来拯救地球。【教学重难点】(1)指导训练学生写作的能力。(2)引导学生将听和读到的信息,结合自己的想法最终以文章的形式记录下来。【教学准备】多媒体课件 投影仪【教学过程】Step 1. Warming-upT: Good morning, class!S: Good morning, Miss .T: How are you?S: Im fine! Thanks, and you?T: Im very well.Step 2. Free talkT: Whos on duty today?S: We are!Talk about something.Step 3. New contents1. Show some environmental picturesLet students feel about the importance of protecting environment(设计意图:让学生直观感受环境的变化,激发心底保护环境的欲望,起到引起下文的作文。)2. Listening Listen to something about environmental problems. Ask students to answer the questions.(1) The air is badly polluted because there are _ on the road these days.(2) Factories that burn coal also _ the air with a lot of black smoke.(3) There is also too much rubbish and waste. People _ things every day.(4) People are also littering in _ like parks. This is turning beautiful places into ugly ones.(设计意图:通过听力获取部分信息,为后面的说和写做铺垫。)3. Reading(1)T: I have a short passage. Here are some methods of reading. Ill give you two minutes. Please read quickly and tell me what we should do ?The passage:People may that big things should be done to save the earth. Many forget that saving the earth begins with small things. For example, you can save electricity by turning off the lights when you leave the room. You should also use reusable bags instead of plastic bags. I think its a great idea that you now have to pay for plastic bags in some stores. And instead of driving to school or work, you should ride your bike or walk. If its far, you can take the bus. All these small things can add up and become big things that can improve the environment. Lets take action now!(2)S: We can save electricity by turning off the lights when you leave the room. We should also use reusable bags instead of plastic bags.Instead of driving to school or work, you should ride your bike or walk.(设计意图:通过听和读两个环节,积累保护环境的素材,为写作奠定基础。)4. TalkingT: According to the listening and writing ,please talk about protecting the environment. What should we do to protect the environment?S: We can go to school on foot or by bike.We can plant more trees.Dont throw the rubbish in public placesWe dont use plastic bags.The teacher write down the important things on the blackboard.(设计意图:把听力和阅读材料转化为自己的内在知识,表达出来,把口头的东西落实到写作上,锻炼口语表述能力的同时,也为写作做了基础铺垫。)5. WritingT: Lets write a composition. How to write the composition? Here are some methods of writing. Step 1. Examine the title. Somebody ,the tense and the contents.Step 2. make an outline. Beginning, main body and the ending. Step3. Writing the composition. Step4. Have a check.You can use these important things on the blackboard. Now lets write in your group.(设计意图:讲解写作的方法,让学生的写作写有可依。)6. CommentingAsk one student to comment the other groups composition.(设计意图:让学生点评学生的作文,考查学生的语言综合运用能力,提高学生写作水平。)7. Who is the best writer?Step4. Class closing1. SummaryLets try our best to protect environment!2. HomeworkPlease find out something about protecting environment after class.We'll have a competition to discuss the ways of protecting environment.(设计意图:拓展思维,激发学生环境保护意识,从小事做起,从点滴做起。)【板书设计】 Unit13 Were trying to save the earth! WritingGo to school/work by bike or on foot.Use reusable bags instead of plastic bagsSave electricityPlant more trees.Throw the rubbish in the rubbish bin.【教学反思】 英语写作在英语学习中一直是重中之重,也是难点之一。如何让学生写好作文,是我一直研究与思考的问题。本节课是九年级Unit13关于如何保护环境的一节写作课。我觉得最后的输出部分写作,离不开前面听说读的铺垫,所以我从听、说、读、写四个部分完成了本节课,完成了本课的教学目标,通过听和读的训练,突破了本课难点。不足之处就是写作水平还有待提高,在以后的教学中,我会更加重视学生写作能力的培养。


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