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(宜宾专版)2019届中考英语总复习 第一篇 教材知识梳理篇 八上 阶段性检测卷(精讲)检测

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(宜宾专版)2019届中考英语总复习 第一篇 教材知识梳理篇 八上 阶段性检测卷(精讲)检测

八年级上册阶段性检测卷(考试时间:90分钟全卷满分:100分)第卷选择题(共两部分,满分65分)第一部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分25分)第一节单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(C)1.Is it _ English dictionary?Yes,and it is _ useful dictionary.Aa;a Ba;an Can;a Dan;an(D)2.I have_ to tell you.Aanything excitingBexciting somethingCexciting anythingDsomething exciting (B)3.Susan,get some eggs and butter and _.Amix up them Bmix them upCmix up it Dmix it up(B)4.My parents live far from me,but they _ me every month.Acare about Bhear fromClook after Dagree with (D)5.Here is the cat's food and don't forget _ it on time.Ato feeding BfeedCfeeding Dto feed (A)6.I can't finish the work today.What _ I do?You can ask Mr.Liu for help.Ashould BmayCmustn't Dneedn't(C)7.Here is the answer_ your question.Aat Bof Cto Dfor (C)8.They had to stay at home_ the bad weather.Abecause BwhyCbecause of Dso (D)9.Kate,I'm _ tired _ walk anymore.Let's have a rest.Aso;that Bsuch;thatCenough;to Dtoo;to(A)10.What _ if I _ to turn off the tap(水龙头)?Awill happen;forgetBwill happen;will forgetChappen;forgetDhappen;will forget第二节完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。There is a saying,“No sports,no life.” Sports are very important to us.Sports help us to stay_11_ and get good grades.Everyone in our class_12_ sports.Our favorite_13_ is PE.We only have PE lessons_14_ a week,but we play sports every day.The most popular sport in our class is basketball.The boys enjoy_15_ it,and many of the_16_ like it,too.Another popular sport is football and there_17_ a lot of football fans in our class.When the weather is_18_,we often play ping­pong outside.We hardly ever play volleyball.We think it's_19_We have a basketball team.Our team often has friendship matches(友谊比赛) with teams from other schools.When there is a match,many of us go to_20_ it.It's very interesting.(A)11.A.healthy BcoolCfat Dthin(B)12.A.love Bloves Cloving Dloved(C)13.A.food Bdrink Csubject Dfruit(D)14.A.two Btwo timeCsecond Dtwice(B)15.A.play Bplaying Cplayed Dto play(C)16.A.students BteachersCgirls Dpeople(B)17.A.were Bare Cis Dwas(C)18.A.rainy Bwindy Cfine Dwet(A)19.A.boring BrelaxingCexciting Dinteresting(A)20.A.watch BreadClook Dlook at第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节阅读选择(共16小题,每小题2分,满分32分)阅读下面四篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADunnottar CastleCastle Entry Times:Summer Season:(April 1stSeptember 30th)9:005:30 every dayWinter Season:(October 1stMarch 31st)Oct.1stOct.28th:10:004:30Oct.29thNov.11th:10:003:30Nov.12thNov.25th:10:003:00Nov.26thJan.20th:10:002:30Jan.21stFeb.3rd:10:003:00Feb.4thFeb.17th:10:003:30Feb.18thFeb.24th:10:004:00Feb.25thMar.31st:10:004:30Bad Weather Conditions:Before setting off to the castle,we advise you to visit our website to check that the castle is open.In the event of bad weather,the castle may be closed for safety reasons.Prices:Adult ticket:7Child ticket:3Family ticket:(2 adults & 2 children between 5 and 15 years old)17Guide Book:3.50Buy tickets at the door.We do not offer pre­booking for individual tickets.Castle Closure Dates:The castle will be closed on the following dates25th & 26th of December and the 1st & 2nd of January.Post Code:AB392TLDogs:Dogs are welcome at the castle as long as they are kept on a leash(皮带) at all times.(B)21.The castle closes at _ on Jan.25th.A2:30 B3:00 C3:30 D4:00(A)22.The castle might be closed the whole day if _.Athe weather is badBthere are no visitorsCthe road is brokenDit is Sunday(B)23.What's the lowest price for two adults with three children(all between 5 and 15) to visit the castle?A17. B20. C23. D25.(C)24.Dogs are allowed to visit the castle if_.Athey are smallBthey are quietCthey are on a leashDtheir owner can arrive earlyBYibin is my hometown.It is a great place to live in.It's the best place to enjoy your free time.There are some movie theaters in the town.They are all good,but the one nearest my house is the best.Shopping is also easy.There are many shops and most of them are trendy.They sell very fashionable clothes.The prices are also cheaper than in other cities,so students love to shop here.There are also a lot of video and music stores.These are very popular with students.I go to the music stores every week to buy a new CD.The most crowded place for students to hang out is the park.Everyone goes there,so it's really interesting.Sometimes there are even street performers.Some students think they're boring,but I think they're the most creative people.I want to be a street performer,too.(B)25.The writer's town is the best place of _.Afood Bhaving fun


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