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【5A文】Why do you like koalas课件Section B

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【5A文】Why do you like koalas课件Section B

Why do you like koalas?,Unit 3,Section B,Chant:,What animals do you like? I like pandas. I like pandas. Why? They are quiet. They are quiet. What animals do you like? I like koalas. I like koalas. Why? They are cute. They are cute. What animals do you like? I like dolphins. I like dolphins. Why? They are clever. They are clever,Fill in the blanks with right words. A: _you like animals? B: Yes, I _. A: What _ your favorite _? B: My favorite _ are pandas. A: _do you like them? B: _ _ very cute. How about you? What kind of animals _you like best? A: I like dolphins best. Because _ _ _ interesting.,Do,do,are,animals,animals,Why,Because,theyre,do,they,are,very,形容词知多少?,scary big ,friendly strong ,cute small interesting ,clever smart ,beautiful shy ,ugly scary ,fun friendly ,friendly cute ,beautiful tall ,lazy lovely ,How mang description words do you know?,ugly friendly small shy clever beautiful cute scary,b,h,e,g,f,d,a,c,1a Match . 2a listen and circle,ugly friendly small shy clever beautiful cute scary,b,h,e,g,f,d,a,c,2bListen again. What words do they use to describe the animals? Fill in the chart.,interesting; clever,beautiful; shy,ugly,cute,3Pairwork,Talk about the animals you know.,A:What animals do you like? B: I like elephants. They are cute. A: What other animals do you like? B: I like dogs,too. A: Why? B: Because theyre friendly and clever.,PAIRWORK,What animals do you like? I like . Theyre . What other animals do you like? I like , too. Why? Because theyre .,3aRead the descriptions and match them with the animals .,3bFill in the blanks with the words in the box.,is Larry. Hes from . He is eight old. He meat. Larry is . He usually and relaxes 20 hours every day.,This,Africa,years,eats,lazy,sleeps,Africa years this eats sleeps lazy,Discuss,1.What animals can swim?,2. What animals eat grass?,3. What animals eat meat?,4. What animals eat leaves?,leaf leaves,What food do they like eating?,They like eating ,bamboos,What food do they like?,Pandas like bamboos. Koalas like leaves (树叶) Tigers like meat. Elephants like grass. Lions like meat. Giraffes like leaves. Penguins like seafood. Dolphins like fish.,A bird can fly. A fish can swim. Many animals can walk and run. Some animals can climb trees. Only man can walk. They can walk with their feet. They can think. They dont have wings (翅膀). They cant fly by themselves. But they can “fly” by planes.,What can animals do?,Guess who it is.,She is Koko. She can play with a ball. She can stand up and “walk” on water! She is very friendly to people. She is the most interesting animal in the zoo. I like to see her playing in a pool. I think she likes water very much. It is a _.,2. Hes Peter. Hes smart. Hes from Africa. He can run fast. He catches and eats small animals. Now hes in a zoo. He eats a lot of meat. My good friends Lily and Lucy like to see him. It is a _.,It has very strong legs. It is grey. It can jump high. It is very good at looking after her baby. A mother has a pouch in front. There, the babies are warm and safe . It lives in Australia. It is a _.,It is from Africa. It can run fifty kilometers an hour. It has a very long neck and long legs. It can reach(够着) the leaves on a very tall tree. It is a _.,It lives on the Antarctica. It is always very cold there. It is black and white. It can walk on the ice and swim in the sea. It's a big bird, but it can't fly . It eats fish. It has very short legs. It looks very lovely. Children like it a lot. It is a _.,It is very lovely. It is not from Africa. It is from China, it is white and black. It likes bamboos. There are not many of them in China now. Everyone loves it very much. It is a _.,There is a zoo near my house. In the zoo we can see many a_1_.Look! Theres a k_2_ in the tree. Hes eating leaves. Isnt he cute? Under the tree, theres a g_3_. Her neck is so long. Shes a c_4_ girl. Wheres the p_5_? Shes there eating the bamboo. Shes k_6_ of shy. But the e_7_ is interesting. Hes playing with kids with his long nose. Theyre v_8_ fun. Look! In the pool, there are two d_9_. Theyre f_10_ to people. They are playing with their balls. How happy they are!,animals,koala,giraffe,cute,panda,kind,elephant,very,dolphins,friendly,DIY HOUSE Design(设计)an animal mascot(吉祥物) for our school and tell the reason.,We think a(an) is the best.Because it is . . . .,What animal? Its name/age Where is it from? Why ?,DIY HOUSE Design(设计)an animal mascot(吉祥物) for our school and tell the reason.,We think a dog is the best. Because it is very clever and friendly. Its very beautiful,too. Its name is Wangwang. Its three years old. Its from Beijing.I like it very much.,A description of an animal,name,nationality,hobby,Age,what to eat,w


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